Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
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    Votes: 27 28.4%

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Palpatine didn’t need a backstory.

This takes place post Empire.

All the Jedi supposedly dead.

Vader and Palpatine dead.

It’s obvious everyone would want the back story on where this Snoke came from.
Right now my main beef with the movie is not that it was a bad movie, or a bad Star Wars movie.

It is that it was a ****** sequel to the Force Awakens. So many things were handled poorly, and the seeds planted in the last movie were not paid off.
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Right now my main beef with the movie is not that it was a bad movie, or a bad Star Wars movie.

It is that it was a ****ty sequel to the Force Awakens. So many things were handled poorly, and the seeds planted in the last movie we're not paid off.
That really sums it up.
I just got back.

Wow. That was absolutely awful. As a true fan of that galaxy and having read every Star Wars book out there this is not the direction I wanted this franchise to go.

I don’t think it was a horrible movie but it’s taken the idea of the Star Wars galaxy and warped it into something easily digested by the masses. No dambs given about development or even a semblance of the power of the force.

I’m going to watch this before I get to sleep to get this firmly out of my mind. Until my next showing.

That old republic vid’s sik.

Still cracks me up it’s set hundreds of years before ep 4 yet ships, droids, weapons, republic soldier/stormtrooper armour same as ep 4 almost.

Still totes awesome though.
is it me or did they introduce the Asian girl character that falls for Finn to take his interest away from Rey? Because at the end when Poe and Rey met it looked like that sparked some interest there. You know there was backlash from TFA because of the perceived relationship that Finn and Rey had. Not that I think Rey should have an ace of spades tat but it would've been interesting to see if they got hooked up and then gave birth to a black child that would become the Drake of the new Jedis... Just a thought, that's clearly the direction they not tryna go in
i deadass thought luke (at the end when he was facing kylo) was gonna go ham with his jedi skills and **** like an old yoda bouncing around killing everyone.

but then it turns out it was just a hologram.....

movie sucks brah

I feel like y’all didn’t truly appreciate what Luke did at the end of the movie. Luke is beyond the lightsaber at this point. He’s reached Yoda levels; beating you while not even lifting a single finger or being in same planet as you.

Bruh. Luke broke Kylo down; and he wasn’t even on the same planet :smh:

Peace and purpose.
Did anyone pick up on Holdo and Leia’s extended gaze and farewell? Suggesting perhaps that Holdo and Leia might have had a relationship.
The one thing that got my daughter was when Laura Dern said "God Speed" That was the only "complaint" she had, she didn't think God was a part of Star Wars lore. She found that small piece of dialogue confusing.

Interesting what they catch that we don't, and vice versa.

Yeah, I noticed that too and a similar thought went thru my mind.
Interestingly enough, Pablo Hidalgo Tweeted this yesterday...

is it me or did they introduce the Asian girl character that falls for Finn to take his interest away from Rey? Because at the end when Poe and Rey met it looked like that sparked some interest there. You know there was backlash from TFA because of the perceived relationship that Finn and Rey had. Not that I think Rey should have an ace of spades tat but it would've been interesting to see if they got hooked up and then gave birth to a black child that would become the Drake of the new Jedis... Just a thought, that's clearly the direction they not tryna go in

Not sure what Rose's role is in all of this or if she's just a love-interest/companion... but I didn't get that vibe between Rey and Poe. If anything, I found it funny how it took them almost 2 movies meet. Seemed like they were trying to 'ship' Reylo.

Did anyone pick up on Holdo and Leia’s extended gaze and farewell? Suggesting perhaps that Holdo and Leia might have had a relationship.

Apparently, according to the books, they've known each other for long time and were good friends.
Funny thing about all this "negative" stuff is I've been to two different theaters, in two different cities, both packed, and everyone came out happy as could be.
Everyone here at work, thrilled about it.
People I've talked to from outside of work, thrilled.

Then I come in here........ :lol:



I’ve yet to meet someone (who’s a Star Wars fan, not a casual viewer) that thought it was an overall good movie. Everyone I’ve discussed it with, echo a lot of the same disappointment expressed in here.

You putting up box office numbers, media sites takes on peoples opinions doesn’t change the fact of how polarizing this movie has been. Just because you think it’s a great movie doesn’t mean that it is.

I’m just as big of a Star Wars fan as you and a few other members on here and I just don’t share your opinions on this particular episode. Hopefully JJ can brush off things Rian did in the same swift manner that Rian brushed off what JJ created in TFA.
Looking back I’m just not emotionally connected to the characters. Thinking back at the end of Empire you really felt connected. They were the main characters whose stories were enterwined.

I’m not connected to Poe. He seemed like a hot head in TLJ and his story feels separated from the rest of the group.

I’m not connected to Finn. His story in TLJ felt like a waste of time. He barely had screen time with any other leading characters.

I’m barely connected to Rey only because she’s the next Jedi up. She didn’t really learn any thing from Luke. The force didn’t talk to her like the saber that called to her in TFA.

Luke just wasn’t the Luke I wanted or even thought we would see. He felt like a crabby old man. When Rey confronted him he felt like a strong character “This is not going to go the way you think!” The next moment he’s a softie speaking softly with Rey.

Leia just feels stiff to me. She just isn’t as fluid as she was in the OT. She was in a coma for a good part of the show. She would’ve had a fitting death with Kylo not pulling the trigger but alas she used the force to pull herself in. I thought space was super cold and a vacuum. I don’t see how anyone survived outside the ship or in the bomber hangar trying to drop bombs on the dreadnaught.

Ackbar screen time was nothing. He didn’t drive the cruiser into the Imperial ships some character I have no investment in did.

Kylo is just meh to me. I don’t think his casting is right. He just doesn’t feel the part. I don’t feel a connection at all to his torment, plight, or back story.

General Hux seems too young. He should’ve been an older guy like a Captain Piett from ESB.

Chewie is just there for the ride to connect to the old fans.

3PO and R2 just feel blah. They literally have no role in this movie.

BB8 seemed OP. None of the fun BB8 from TFA showed up in TLJ.

I left the theater liking TLJ but now that I’ve had time to digest more of it I’m feeling disappointed.
Right now my main beef with the movie is not that it was a bad movie, or a bad Star Wars movie.

It is that it was a ****ty sequel to the Force Awakens. So many things were handled poorly, and the seeds planted in the last movie we're not paid off.
I really like this. I came out of the movie with a level of disappointment.

There were two main scenes I had issues with but other than that I couldn't place it.

Ultimately I liked the movie but felt cheated to some extent that I feel that TFA storylines weren't progressed as much as I'd like leaving there to be so much heavy lifting to do in the final piece of the trilogy. If they're able to wrap things up in a satisfying way then maybe my appreciation for this movie will go up retroactively and i can appreciate it just as a simple bridge movie. Unfortunately in the moment i have a sour taste in my mouth.
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I still have to think and write out everything, but overall I loved it.

It did so many things I didn't think it would, but a lot of that was great. I loved how they toyed with the Jedi mythos, loved how they used Luke at the end. Did I wish I saw a more elaborate training montage, to see Luke 1 v 1 Kylo or Snoke or something AMAZINGLY COOL? Yeah, that would have been dope. But what we got instead was a broken, tormented, and complex Jedi Master legend, who gave hope and inspiration to the rebellion one last time.

No lightsaber battle but we got an awesome fight scene with Rey and Kylo vs the guards, that was unlike anything I've seen before in SW. The silence when the ship smashed through the enemy ships.. Yoda returning.. the way they handled Poe.. so many great things were done. There will be some complaints.. wasn't crazy about the Finn side plot, but in a way I liked it too because they failed. The whole time I truly was waiting for that last minute deux ex machina, something to come out of nowhere and save the day for Finn, but they just survived. Then when they escaped from the ship on the transports... they just survived. Hope and survival, that's where the victories were.

Yeah, we didn't get to find out about Snoke's backstory, but whatever. I wanted to know and still do, but at the end of the day, he was just a bad guy who tempted Kylo. Maybe we get more backstory later but oh well. I don't think this movie could have been everything I ever wanted after the TFA, but also push the franchise in a new direction. I think if we all group wrote a movie, the consensus would have been pretty safe and predictable. Or even in the "twists" it would have been expected, you know? This movie did a lot of great things, some choices that I might disagree with, but ultimately I liked the vision. Basically, I loved the movie and really liked what they did... but I would have also liked it if they handled Luke in another manner.. or gave us more Snoke backstory, etc. I think they could have done a lot of different things, but I respect them not wanting to just redo ESB.

I need to think about it more, read about it some, and see it like 2 more times.

Loved it.
I had a chance to sleep and think about it. And now I’m angry. They took what was a spark of hope and snuffed it out.

1. There is absolutely zero depth to Snoke.
2. Rey never truly trains in her ability to use the Force. The fact that she can wash Kylo at will diminishes the dedication it takes to achieve mastery of the force. This is a carry over from the prior movie.
3. That connection bit Snoke was using had potential, ala Voldemort, but his very weak sauce death took that all away. He was powerful enough to connect their minds but couldnt see Kylos thoughts in the same room?
4. Too comedic.
5. Kylo Ren should of been able to wash all the guards by himself with no efforts given.
6. Phasma also supposed to be a next level warrior and she can’t wash Finn with ease?
7. Hux is...I don’t even have words for the uselessness.

My only final thought is that they had to present the sort of movie that makes money and doesn’t require adult levels of effort to get into. Couldn’t be too serious or need too much plot building - this
Is aimed at the twelve year old not the adult. Probably only saving grace to me is Rey got a little thicker. She’s somehow way more attractive now.
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