Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Finally saw it today. It was ok. IMO, they really didn't move much of the story line in this one. It definitely could have been a better movie.
Alright y'all can someone walk me thru on scene by scene Of the ending? Because I swear me and my friend didn't see the force grab by the kid.
Another thing.. in TFA you get the impression there is a large Rebel alliance. They’re all over the universe. In TLJ they’re down to 3 ships and finally just the millennium falcon at the end. That doesn’t make sense.
Alright y'all can someone walk me thru on scene by scene Of the ending? Because I swear me and my friend didn't see the force grab by the kid.

It's very slight, when he first reaches for it, it moves over to his hand.....then he sweeps, looks at the stars, shows his ring, then he moves broom in his and, looks like he's carrying a lightsaber in the silohouette
Yeah, it was very subtle but it happens. Homie grabbed the broom like...

Time will reveal truly how this movie stands.

As I initially thought, on the second viewing, I’m sure my opinion will change.

Tonight will let me know.
Seriously, all these people coming out the movies ABSOLUTELY loving the movie...are we watching the same flick??

Fanboys are what made Star Wars reason to completely abandon everything we all came to love.

Why didnt JJ direct all 3 again? I feel like this is so apparently.

I remember reading somewhere that JJ didn't want to comeback and was really 1 and done with Star Wars after TFA but because of the problems Kathleen Kennedy had with Episode IX's original director they basically begged and no doubt paid a ton of money for JJ to come back to direct Episode IX.
I get angrier everytime I think about this movie. It’s going to turn me.

Magic tracking through lightspeed
Gas is now a problem
Slowest chase in history

Pretty much any and every flaw I can easily overlook and live with. Doesn’t take away much enjoyment.

One thing I cannot overlook is relativity when it comes to the power of the force.

The way I see Rey is that if Orlando Magic Shaq type athlete had never picked up or heard of basketball and then got dropped in the NBA. They’d easily have the potential to be the best player in the NBA but he wouldn’t be out there washing David Robinson on the regular in his 4th regular season game. He might be a good rebounder or something to start and the layers off great would get built up.

1 old man Luke Skywalker should be able to easily wash all those silly AT walkers and ships in person.

1/100th of a prodigy level genes Kylo Ren should be able to wash Rey easily.

Smoke I can’t even

Kylo Ren should wash thousands of red guards solo no problem.

We went from Kenobi going 1 on 10,000 battle droids and Greivous to this.

This is how Trump got elected. Turned Star Wars into liberal electric spaceships are needed it’s okay to run as long as you emotionally explain why let’s all let alien female characters have their moment.
Oh don't get me started on hiw they wasted him.

Some just nonchalant **** good or evil hacker that snakes them. Such a sub par subplot. That character was frustrating.

Do you not understand what if means it what a hypothetical scenario is? :lol:

You going to the movies with ****ing weird auduences all the time then even if its coicidence :lol:

Dark Knight got applause and so did Avengers if we just using anecdotal evidence.

Plus you side stepped what I said about going to see the movie withbdie hard SW fans..... Don't bring your daughter if you do.

As for why theyre mad; Its more about Snoke dying, Kylo continuing to be an emo lame, and the excessive jokes. A few other things but that's the main feedback :lol:
No. It wasnt a ‘what if’ it was an ‘if’.
TLJ wasn’t perfect but what "fanboys” don’t understand is that we can’t cater to the same fans from the last 40 yrs. Expanding the fandom to me is great and we can pass on what we have learned to the next generation.

the Star Wars franchise will make $$$ regardless of what you guys think, im glad my kids and their kids will be introduced to a new generation of characters and stories and not drag the Skywalker Legacy for the next 100 years.

its time for the "fanboys" to end.
Eh, I got fanboys who've only been that for half that time lambasting this movie.

A friend told me today "You don't understand Zik, The Last Jedi is our Iron Man 3"

Palpatine, in the OG trilogy, never had a back story until 16 years later ...
Yeah but he had epic troll scenes to make up for that in RotJ. Perfectly portrayed he was pure evil and made up for a lack of any back story.
I enjoyed the movie. Im not the biggest star wars fan but I've seen each movie a few times but im not into the lore and books and animated series like that.

That being said I understand some of the gripes. Then on TV this weekend the were playing the prequels and I remembered how I loved them when they came I see how horrible the prequels were. The new movies are fantastic in comparison
Edit post above previous...

Agree to disagree. He's not supposed to be frightening... AT ALL... He can't be like his grandfather. He tries but fails miserably. That's the point..
Then this is a poor conflict. If you can't create compelling characters to drive the story you should only write for trash franchises but hell even Transformers and F&F managed to do that.
Star Wars is just beginning. The Skywalkers are ending. :pimp:

SO much this! RIP Skywalkers. You all were the Kardashians of the universe but now, it's the time for the Knights of Rey to arise :tongue:

I feel so happy that my favorite character, Kylo Ren has a shot to be redeemed. Even if the Solos/Skywalkers have no future, please let Ben and Rey have one!
Saw it earlier today
Thought it was PHENOMENAL! Is it on paper my fave SW film all time, like I've been saying??? will need a 2nd viewing, but it's close. I rode A LOT of emotions going into this one, with Carrie and what would happen with Luke and now that I've gotten my initial reaction out of the way I can check it out and actually dissect it.
"If you only believe in the sun when you can see'll never make it through the night."

my tiny writeup
People on here being super critical and for me since these are events the first viewing is just that, a first viewing.
I'm distracted by so much in a SW screening, John Williams score(mainly) as well as the small details(like whats that little CGI out of focus character doing in the BG) that I don't have time to be critical or harsher with something that let me truly escape for 2hrs 30mins

Def need a second viewing(mandatory for all SW movies I see in theaters) but I wasn't too fond of the creature design in this one and the casino scene, I didn't like, maybe they'll grow on me

Everything else was great. I wanted something different and expound on by another set of eyes and got it.

Rian took JJ stopping a blaster which was my :wow: moment in episode 7 and gave me many more.

Poe in opening showing just as Bad*** he is as a pilot. People complaining about the comedy between him and Hux, but it was an obvious callback to how Poe was joking with Kylo in TFA. Plus he was stalling, how else was he supposed to buy time. His arc was great.

So was Finns, I really hope he and Rey end up together and even though Poe my guy, when he introduced himself to Rey I was like, step off bro, she's spoken for.

Rey is something else. It's so funny how I went from not even thinking much of her to being in love by the end of this film.
At the end of TFA I was like she aight :ohwell:
seeing her wield that lightsaber in the trailers had me like :blush:
seeing her do her thing in TLJ:evil::blush::pimp::wow: final touch was when she kept her hair down

I liked that even though the missions were long shots and you think they'll pull them off, they don't, nice to see losses on the good side
Leia had so many great moments,
Great to see her use the force in such an epic way, to save herself.
When Laura Dern was like "May The Force ALWAYS be with you." :frown:
The reunion with Luke :frown:
My wife said when Rey was talking about Peace and Purpose to Leia, She totally thought Leia was gonna disappear like Luke did and say something epic.

Had no issues with Luke. If he was closed off to the force, he doesn't care about some lightsaber. Nobody here has never been into something hardcore YEARS ago and just decided it wasn't for them and when someone gets you that thing currently you're like "eh".
I think a lot of the complaints from people are because they didn't get what THEY were expecting.
People created their own ideas of what Snoke and Phasma were supposed to be
Who Rey's parents were supposed to be. People just ran with it. None of the cast really hyped up anything either. When Daisy is being interviewed
about who Rey's parents are she's probably like "Thats what they tryna figure out :stoneface: ."
I can't imagine watching this film and just being turned off to the rest of the film because
Luke threw out the lightsaber
or Leia used the force to save her life(she's a skywalker right?)
or Rey's parents being Junkers, who straight up sold her for nothing
or because Luke in one his greatest moments projected his essence to another planet to reunite with his sister one final time and teach Kylo a lesson

That throne room scene was just insane and Snoke pretty much predicting his death in real time :lol:
When Rey threw the lightsaber to Kylo and he just ignited it and put a hole through that guards head :wow:
Those guards were something serious too, thought it was gonna be a walk in the park for them.

Movie was SHOT incredibly, the sound, holy crap the SOUND, how they make it so when it's complete silence, it takes your breath away. I don't know how some people could even sit there and nitpick after some of these moments.

Now seeing the film it's a given JJ isn't giving us a rehash for episode 9, no way he can do that.

I have literally no idea what to expect going forward and that's the beauty of all of this, thats part of the fun.
Luke skywalker the man who threw down his lightsaber and did whatever it took to save his father stood over his nephew with his lightsaber out while he was sleeping. Yeah but people say Kylo was darkness. Um ok and his father wasn’t? Luke would of done anything and everything possible first. That’s sloppy writing
The explanation

"It would have stopped any of these scenes dead cold if he had stopped and given a 30-second speech about how he’s Darth Plagueis…It doesn’t matter to Rey. If he had done that, Rey would have blinked and said, ‘Who?’ And the scene would have gone on…and I’m not saying he’s Darth Plagueis!”

It would be cool if he was Darth Plagueis, but then what would Kylo Ren do? That’s exactly why Snoke had to go — for the sake of Rey and Ren:

“When I was working on the character of Kylo, I came to a place where I thought the most interesting thing would be to knock the shaky foundation out from under him at the beginning of this movie…By the end of this film, he’s gone from being a wannabe Vader to someone who is standing on his own feet as a complex villain taking the reins.

But then the question is: What place would Snoke have at the end of that?…That made me realize the most interesting thing would be to eliminate that dynamic between the ‘emperor’ and pupil, so that all bets are off going into the next one. That also led to the possibility of this dramatic turn in the middle, which could also be a really powerful connection point between Kylo and Rey.”
:lol: A lot of yall who hated or didn't like this are shocking me that you think JJ can right this.

The way I see it TLJ was way better than the rehash even with its flaws.

The only problem that remains constant and consistent is Kylo is a lame emo character.

is it me or did they introduce the Asian girl character that falls for Finn to take his interest away from Rey? Because at the end when Poe and Rey met it looked like that sparked some interest there. You know there was backlash from TFA because of the perceived relationship that Finn and Rey had. Not that I think Rey should have an ace of spades tat but it would've been interesting to see if they got hooked up and then gave birth to a black child that would become the Drake of the new Jedis... Just a thought, that's clearly the direction they not tryna go in
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Son said the Drake of the new Jedis :lol:


Because it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. TLJ takes everything you THOUGHT was important and flips it upside down.
Yeah but it doesn't replace it with anything that is important.
I agree. Vader should have force choked Obi Wan on the Death Star and thrown him around in mid air rather than fighting it out.

You right.......
Would've been way better than that lame *** fight :lol:

She was using the force in ESB when she could hear Luke.
I've already said a billion times George screwed up his own story by saying Leia "remembering" her mother died when she was very young. :lol:

There's been THIRTY YEARS, if you doubt that Luke/Leia worked on her Force abilities, I don't know what to tell ya.
I'm not talking about Leia using her force abilities in this movie. That was just hilarious.

I'm talking about it being abadoned by the time RotJ.

And yeah George messed up his own story. I'll wait for the 3rd installment but its looking the same for this trilogy.
:lol: A lot of yall who hated or didn't like this are shocking me that you think JJ can right this.

The way I see it TLJ was way better than the rehash even with its flaws.

The only problem that remains constant and consistent is Kylo is a lame emo character.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Son said the Drake of the new Jedis :lol:



Yeah but it doesn't replace it with anything that is important.

Would've been way better than that lame *** fight :lol:

I'm not talking about Leia using her force abilities in this movie. That was just hilarious.

I'm talking about it being abadoned by the time RotJ.

And yeah George messed up his own story. I'll wait for the 3rd installment but its looking the same for this trilogy.

She used it in RotJ, when she could sense Luke was alive.
Leia gets blasted out into the vacuum of space. Peter Pan high steps right back to the ship. That scene was one of the worst scenes in the history of movies. She can somehow have that much force power but it takes both Ren and Kylo to wash a few non Force wielding guards? Movie is a mess.
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