Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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  • Poll closed .
it's the blue milk homage for this film. There's one last movie I believe.
I mean, if you don't like blue milk, you don't like star wars fam.

Well you can't tell me it's poorly written when people smarter than us (yes us) thinks it's a good film.

Did it make the choices WE EXPECTED THEM TO MAKE? No, but think about it this way. If they did what we wanted them to do, people will then yell "PREDICTABLE!". No blinders here fam, I genuinely enjoyed the film. Yoda, Poe, Leia, Luke and Kylo my new favorite character.

Oh I'm good with the blue milk; that scene just caught me off guard.

Luke's face after he takes a swig too :lol:
Honestly, what was the last real shocking thing that happened in SW? I'd say Han's death. The prequels weren't shocking and I wasn't even born when the OG trilogy was in theaters. Before I started seeing the films, I already knew the major plot points (Luke and Leia were siblings, Vader is their father, etc). All this talk about predictability, unless you're in your 40s or older and saw the OG trilogy at the movies, it was always predictable or common knowledge. I didn't like SW because it was predictable. I liked it because it was entertaining and didn't just do things differently simply for the sake of being different. That's cheap. Now, come up with a well written story and kill off these iconic characters either the right way or in an understandable way and I can get on board. A lot of people didn't like Han's death in TFA, I did. I thought it made sense and Ford was given one last great scene before the cold send off. I thought Leia should have died in TLJ, she shouldn't have survived that blast. And it was all in vain once Carrie passed away. And that's the greater point- everyone thinks Leia dies, nope, Rian's Force 2.0 saves her.
Luke abandoned his sister to struggle for her life for a decade so he could mope on an island lol
He felt responsible for her son/his nephew turning to the dark side. He even almost killed him (i know some people feel some type of way about that), he was mad disappointed in himself and went into a deep depression and went into isolation to die.... is what Yoda did that much different?
it's the blue milk homage for this film. There's one last movie I believe.
I mean, if you don't like blue milk, you don't like star wars fam.

Well you can't tell me it's poorly written when people smarter than us (yes us) thinks it's a good film.

Did it make the choices WE EXPECTED THEM TO MAKE? No, but think about it this way. If they did what we wanted them to do, people will then yell "PREDICTABLE!". No blinders here fam, I genuinely enjoyed the film. Yoda, Poe, Leia, Luke and Kylo my new favorite character.

He felt responsible for her son/his nephew turning to the dark side. He even almost killed him (i know some people feel some type of way about that), he was mad disappointed in himself and went into a deep depression and went into isolation to die.... is what Yoda did that much different?
Yoda did not go in to deep depression. IN the fight with Sidious yoda saw a glimmer of hope that would defeat the sith. So him and obi-wan went into hiding until it was time.
Yoda did not go in to deep depression. IN the fight with Sidious yoda saw a glimmer of hope that would defeat the sith. So him and obi-wan went into hiding until it was time.
But Yoda didn't want anything to do with training Luke. Obi-wan had to convince him no?

Edit: I do understand the main difference. Luke gave up on the Jedi and Yoda had hope for the future. In context of the point I was addressing though. They both left the rebellion to struggle after feeling shame.
But Yoda didn't want anything to do with training Luke. Obi-wan had to convince him no?
yoda was testing him to see if Luke had the same behavior as his father. Which he did when Luke snapped at him to which finally obi-wan intervene and Luke said he won’t fail him. See some similarities but not like Luke pretty much throwing a lightsaber over his shoulder saying p-off
I dunno why you’re making movie critics out to be the final authority on if a movie or the writing was good or not. Not like non-movie critics can’t make judgements as well. You can still like a movie and admit there were weak spots. It’s not all or nothing.

Overall I think I liked this movie; I feel like just from an "artsy" perspective Rian Johnson really allowed his craftsmanship to shine through. The movie is well-made, nuanced, visually breathtaking, excellently scored, and has powerful themes.

There are just things about the story that bug me too much to ignore them.
Oh yea and the codebreaker.....the guy they saw with the flower lapel I'm guessing was the codebreaker maz was referencing right???

So they get thrown into jail and just happen to be in a cell with another codebreaker????????????

Also in the cave.....she sees a bunch of reflections of herself and focuses only to see ....her own reflection??????? What lol
C CP1708 , I usually do really well avoiding spoilers and even the opinions of like minded folks before I get a chance to see something, and this was no exception. Avoiding this thread is easy, but even in real life or on FB, as soon as someone is like "Star Wars was...," I mentally move right on past and tune out. :lol:

And when I have successfully done that, one of the things that's interesting to me is when I end up with opinions that mirror or closely resemble exactly what everyone had been saying.

And that's what has happened here.

I thought it felt too comical, and the first words my son said as we exited the theater were "Ohmigosh, that was so hilarious." I'm not making this up to make a point. That's straight up, word for word what a 10-year-old boy said immediately after. And yes, he was cracking up the whole movie. And no, he didn't say that after exiting Rogue or Force, nor was he cracking up throughout. He did/does find the blind guy in Rogue hilarious, as well as the droid, but not the entire movie.

Also, I thought the storyline went alllll over the place. I feel like it was trying to accomplish too much, for no reason. Poorly developed characters (like @Master Zik mentioned) was a huge issue with me throughout this one.

At times, this felt more like a parody than an episode.

The good:
I LOVED Luke's astral projection. Loved it, loved it, LOVED it. Obviously that's what Snoke was doing in TFA, and now we see a Jedi has learned that ability, and master TF out of it.

Fin v. Phasma was spectacular.

Snoke v. Kylo v. Rey was spectacular. Like you said, Snoke's LAIR was... *whew* That room just FELT evil.

Crap, thought I had more time. More in a bit...
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So they get thrown into jail and just happen to be in a cell with another codebreaker????????????

Wildin' to the extreme with the sheer luck of another code-breaker being in that exact prison cell.

Starting to look like Disney insisted on a 'love interest' for Finn and had the writer(s) cook up that hot mess of a subplot.
Not sure if some of you realized this but the reason why this movie was touted as dark before it came out with some headlining as the darkest Star Wars ever was because of the interactions within the Skywalker family, particularly Kylo and Luke.

Luke and Kylo’s “misunderstanding” comes off as the GFFA’s version of some weird child molestation. With Kylo conflicted, his uncle outcasted from the family and no one else in the family wanting to talk about it, Rian Johnson took the idea of the family soap opera too seriously :smh: Luke sneeks into a young person’s room while he sleeps and pulls out his “lightsaber”. Kylo catches him terrified, Luke regrets his impulsive feeling :wow:

Rian Johnson is a ****ing hack
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Yeah, I ain't mad. Starting to feel bad for those upset it wasn't what they wanted, but if I don't enjoy something, I just leave it alone. Ain't got no time for dwelling on some bull****.
Luke sneeks into a young person’s room while he sleeps and pulls out his “lightsaber”. Kylo catches him terrified, Luke regrets his impulsive feeling :wow:

Rian Johnson is a ****ing hack

Idk about all that lol

Reminds me of ol boy in the stranger things thread who said there was a love triangle with hopper Mike and 11 lol
Why doesn't everyone just boycott everything star wars, movies, toys, star wars land, and hopefully it'll show them! Especially star wars land, someone should spread the message to NOT GO in 2019! IT STARTS NOW! DON'T GO TO STAR WARS LAND WHEN IT OPENS! That'll show em!
Low audience ratings you say?

Via Marketwatch,

So, how many people legitimately thought the movie sucked again?

Maybe from MarketWatch, but I'd take anything originally from Huff Post with a grain of salt. Just trying to be Provocative with political axe to grind.

(Only an opinion on HP. I'm still indifferent to the Movie. Take for what it is.)
People who love it. Buy tickets.
People who hate it. Buy tickets.
It being star wars, the people who hate it don't want to hate... They buy another ticket or DVD to not want to hate it.
The people who love it buy another ticket or DVD.
Star wars will always make its money... But to be fair. It's off the backs of the OT.
Which is why people are upset rightfully so
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