Starbucks kicks out 2 black men for nothing

My area Whataburger is near a homeless shelter So they've been dealing with a crazy bathroom situation for awhile. They went from having a key to now having a code. Still doesn't stop dudes from taking a sink bath in there.

It's tough for alot of places out there. But really. I have no idea how this Holly lady is basically viewing these well dressed men as homeless smelly vagrants. It's in the same context yet they didn't even ask to use the restroom. Like nothing else matters. She saw skin tone and acted.

Racial training seems excessive. Just don't hire racists. Treat everyone as equals. They all can't go to the bathroom or they all can go. It's not rocket science Starbucks.
ill put ya on da employee's shoes for a second...


imagine being on da clock cleaning after savages that left your bathroom like this...i took a photo of this decrepit restoom in McDonald's in Fordham road on da BX.. i ain't even use it cuz it was this poor, so imagine cleaning this after folks who weren't even paying patrons... constantly :lol:

wouldn't exactly give you incentive to let everyone rock.
Would you feel better cleaning that up knowing the **** came from someone who paid?
Would you feel better cleaning that up knowing the **** came from someone who paid?

its more of a numbers game, da higher da bathroom traffic da worst it thats why i can see why they restrict access to restrooms soley for customers...thank god imma guy, push comes to shoves i ain't waiting for a bathroom..find a quiet alley :lol:
ill put ya on da employee's shoes for a second...


imagine being on da clock cleaning after savages that left your bathroom like this...i took a photo of this decrepit restoom in McDonald's in Fordham road on da BX.. i ain't even use it cuz it was this poor, so imagine cleaning this after folks who weren't even paying patrons... constantly :lol:

wouldn't exactly give you incentive to let everyone rock.
I get the point ur tryna make
But People who pay
treat restrooms the same way though....
Right. Sure exceptions can be made for pregnant women/ppl with kids/elderly. But if you're giving a young white guy who hasnt paid for anything access to the bathroom then denying a young black guy, then you got a problem.
No I know that
And agree
I was just making a point
I get the point ur tryna make
But People who pay
treat restrooms the same way though....

i used to work at a restaurant, you can track and manage people who pay because if they're eating to stay you can control da bathroom flow with da key/codes.

crowd control is a science.... having a free for all usually gets bathrooms rancid in a hurry.
i used to work at a restaurant, you can track and manage people who pay because if they're eating to stay you can control da bathroom flow with da key/codes.

crowd control is a science.... having a free for all usually gets bathrooms rancid in a hurry.
Nah I get that
But paying customers dirty up a bathroom
Just like non paying customers
I remember working with the DA
And other county attorneys
They stayed messing up the bathroom
Pissing on the seats
Toilet paper everywhere
What were those guys even "charged" with? So ridiculous.

ill put ya on da employee's shoes for a second...


imagine being on da clock cleaning after savages that left your bathroom like this...i took a photo of this decrepit restoom in McDonald's in Fordham road on da BX.. i ain't even use it cuz it was this poor, so imagine cleaning this after folks who weren't even paying patrons... constantly :lol:

wouldn't exactly give you incentive to let everyone rock.

There's a McDonald's downtown that's a **** hole at night. All types of clubs and bars nearby, it's madness. They lock the bathrooms.

Old Post but you get the idea...

What were those guys even "charged" with? So ridiculous.

There's a McDonald's downtown that's a **** hole at night. All types of clubs and bars nearby, it's madness. They lock the bathrooms.

Old Post but you get the idea...

Damn y’all McDonald’s has the ketchup spout????
Haven’t been to one in a while but mine didn’t have one
U still had to open packets
Damn y’all McDonald’s has the ketchup spout????
Haven’t been to one in a while but mine didn’t have one
U still had to open packets

I haven't been to McDonald's in 3-4yrs but from what I remember they all have em like that.

I've been to that one late nights and it's awful. Drunk people, homeless, drug addicts all in one place. Always a mess and fights happening. **** hole for real. Feel bad for the workers.
ill put ya on da employee's shoes for a second...


imagine being on da clock cleaning after savages that left your bathroom like this...i took a photo of this decrepit restoom in McDonald's in Fordham road on da BX.. i ain't even use it cuz it was this poor, so imagine cleaning this after folks who weren't even paying patrons... constantly :lol:

wouldn't exactly give you incentive to let everyone rock.

This makes...entirely too much sense lol. also people are nasty...def not str8 shooters who leave a bathroom looking like that.

i mostly stick to a policy of no pooping in a public bathroom for this reason. i've broken that rule before, but luckily I've never had to subject myself to sitting on that level of bad. sometimes i wonder how people were raised. even at work, i would see mad liquid before the urinal, like dudes pull the trigger barely getting it out the holster :smh:
starbucks imo is no more at fault for hiring a racist white manager, than they are for hiring a non-ignorant, progressive (w.e) manager.

here's the way i see general i think companies can train all they want on rooting out inherent biases but they may be trying to clean coal with some people. racial bias isn't so easy to detect at the surface and can really be deeply rooted, maybe to the point where said person who has the bias doesn't even see it as bias. either way, the cause of it is what starbucks can't change.

you can't change the fact that someone who is racist may have grown up in a racist family, been taught these hateful views their whole life. you can't change that someone may have grown up in an all white environment and was never exposed to the rest of the world (racially and ethnically speaking). So examples like that are why think company training is too little too late for these people unless said people want to acknowledge their biases and actively try to fix that.

This is the same thing with police. the only difference is that cops can dictate life or death situations. A barista can't.

sure, train and educate on bias. but that person receiving the training could be the grand dragon KKK or something. really they should just focus on effective store policy that restricts managers from acting on any potential bias. but they won't eliminate the racism entirely. that's bigger than starbucks. or any company for that matter.

the ONLY thing im conflicted with in this situation is if the place is packed and some seats are taken by non paying customers...i can see that being an annoyance to those who did buy something and want to sit. doesn't warrant an arrest and idk if that is considered trespassing (cuz technically anyone who walks in is trespassing) but i can see that being annoying. honestly it bother's me to say this since i feel like i'm coming across like im agreeing with those dude's being arrested.

regardless, white/black. keep it consistent. either be cool with anyone chilling without paying or no one.
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i remember at our old spot we'd just say our toilets are broken and not let anyone use it
nasty *** mf
we'd point them to the starbucks acorss the streets
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