Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by quik1987
It's my short-term goal to be able to do that first�exercise that he does.� I've been trying and I'm almost there, but Ican't�transfer the�load from�my�lats to my�triceps/chest.� I pull myself high enough on the pullup; the bar is at�my nipples, but�I still have no idea howto do it

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Vancity74

What weight is everyone repping on their squats? Parallel squats too none of that %+$!@ 2 inches down 2 inches up crap...
205 x 12
. I never really try to go very heavy on my squats, though. Highest I ever did was 265 years ago when I first started lifting, but that was when I did squats incorrectly, so who the heck knows. I started doing squats/deadlifts again recently after taking a month or two off from them, and I'm already up 3-4 lbs.
Originally Posted by JCASH DA KID

Guys I keep falling off. I can't stay commited and one of the reasons is I'm ALWAYS! tired from work or school. I think something is wrong with me. I'm always sleepy and tired even when I wake up after like 8-9 hours of sleep. Advice!! I also want to be the next GSP but I'm 260 right now
Honestly, you're probably always sleepy and tired because you're 260lbs and not exercising.

I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 2-3x a week. But your right most likely need to add more excersising and eat better
I just signed back up at my gym after a 2 year break..

I have a quick question about fat burning. I'm 5'7 about 155 lbs and i'm trying to get more toned up. Ive been doing cardio for about 4 days aweek..with light lifting.

When I go for a run at the treadmill, I'm usually keeping my heart rate at around 180-185. Is that too much? I understand the "fat burn zone" isaround would I be over-working?
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Interesting read...but why half-squats?

not sure i guess that's just what they had them do. maybe because to sprint or leap we don't really need to get as low as we do for a full squat?either way the same benefits would apply for full squats as well.
I need your advice, every time I lift the thing that keeps me from progressing are these forearm pains. They start each workout when I release the weights andeach time lingers longer and isnt that painful but very sore hand makes it harder to continue sometimes.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

It's my short-term goal to be able to do that first�exercise that he does.� I've been trying and I'm almost there, but I can't�transfer the�load from�my�lats to my�triceps/chest.� I pull myself high enough on the pullup; the bar is at�my nipples, but�I still have no idea how to do it

It's called a muscle up.� If you kick your legs, you be able to transfer your body weight easier.� I've gotten past that point, and at themost I can 9 at a time.� Great exercise, and it catches everyone's attention at the gym.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

I need your advice, every time I lift the thing that keeps me from progressing are these forearm pains. They start each workout when I release the weights and each time lingers longer and isnt that painful but very sore hand makes it harder to continue sometimes.
you're probably curling your wrists when you do bicep curls. common injury. i think it's technically tendinitis.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

I need your advice, every time I lift the thing that keeps me from progressing are these forearm pains. They start each workout when I release the weights and each time lingers longer and isnt that painful but very sore hand makes it harder to continue sometimes.
you're probably curling your wrists when you do bicep curls. common injury. i think it's technically tendinitis.

Not necessarily, I used to have perfect form on a bicep curl only doing 15lb weights and I would still get that pain. i've tried several different wrapsand forms, and nothing helped. Eventually though I just went through the pain and it kind of just oddly went away in a few weeks. It was around when I firststarted lifting weights so my body probably wasn't used to it.
i just started working out this week, currently 144lbs 5'10 and a hardgainer. upped my meals to about 6-7 and will work out every other day for about60mins. ill check back in within a month post any progress if any...any tips that i might not know about? i bought some creatine online and i'll take itevery day i go to the gym before & after my workout.
Legs day today... And man was it a good one.
DB Lunges. Squats. Single Leg Press. Leg Extensions. Calf Raises (LP machine). Seated Calf Raises
My quads and calves have never felt that tight.
Walking down those stairs was a mess, and I'm still wobbling; Still have classes 'til 3 left =[
Originally Posted by nanbeezy

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by quik1987

It's my short-term goal to be able to do that first�exercise that he does.� I've been trying and I'm almost there, but I can't�transfer the�load from�my�lats to my�triceps/chest.� I pull myself high enough on the pullup; the bar is at�my nipples, but�I still have no idea how to do it

It's called a muscle up.� If you kick your legs, you be able to transfer your body weight easier.� I've gotten past that point, and at the most I can 9 at a time.� Great exercise, and it catches everyone's attention at the gym.
Hannibal is a crazy guy. He's been training like this for 17 years now. I wish I could do some of the things that he does.
I'm still working on the muscle up. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do atleast one by the end of December. It's basically the bodyweightpowerclean. Great exercise.
Chewtoy, work on dips and pull ups. Make sure the pull ups are explosive, not controlled and slow.
Here's a good video tutorial on working up to the muscle up by a bar-barian:
That Hannibal stuff is awesome, good looks on that video nealraj. I want to try some of this.

O yea those explosive pull ups are like the ones they did for the movie 300 when they were training.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

O yea those explosive pull ups are like the ones they did for the movie 300 when they were training.

Explosive pull-ups, flipping tires, taking steroids, etc...
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by Al Audi

O yea those explosive pull ups are like the ones they did for the movie 300 when they were training.

Explosive pull-ups, flipping tires, taking steroids, etc...
It was all natural.
Yeah. Hannibal is definitely one strong guy. His physique is impressive as well, being that it came strictly from bodyweight training. I'm trying to workon my bodyweight stuff right now and when I'm serious about it, I see some serious strength gains.

Anybody that really wants to improve in bodyweight training, do multiple sets throughout the day. It's the quickest and easiest way to increase strength.Whenever you pass a bar, do a few pull ups. If you get around 10 sets a day in, you'll have done more than possible in most training sessions. That'sthe way I improved the best from doing around 3 pull ups to 10 pull ups in a few weeks.

Muscle ups, planche push ups, and front levers the absolute hardest bodyweight exercises out there. It takes years of dedication to master all of them, and inmy opinion, they're more impressive than a 2x bodyweight bench because many people ignore this aspect of training.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by Al Audi

O yea those explosive pull ups are like the ones they did for the movie 300 when they were training.

Explosive pull-ups, flipping tires, taking steroids, etc...
lol why you always say somebody takin steroids.........or is that durden im thinkin of?

you never seen the behind the scenes footage? that was some hardcore training

p90 on steroids if anything.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by Al Audi

O yea those explosive pull ups are like the ones they did for the movie 300 when they were training.

Explosive pull-ups, flipping tires, taking steroids, etc...
lol why you always say somebody takin steroids.........or is that durden im thinkin of?

you never seen the behind the scenes footage? that was some hardcore training

p90 on steroids if anything.

Nooo sir, not me.
what can everybody do on the standing calf raise machine? i havent done it in a while (only seated) but i remember doing 260 4x15 easily and im just wonderingif this is high,average, or low?

also...ive always wondered. concerning squats and standing calf raises, arent you technically doing both your BW plus the amount on the bar? like if i weighed100 pounds and i was squatting 200 lbs, wouldnt i technically be squatting 300 lbs?
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