Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JrockNIKErock

health freaks


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ANd still I doing one body part once a week too little? Doesn't atrophy kick in after three days?
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Jack3d anyone?....

man some of these reviews are getting repeated......

i def gave mine on this
anyways it works for some an doesnt do (&#$# for some people

gotta see for youself. i wouldnt buy it again.......
Fun recipe for all you people looking to put on weight--it's a free 1000 calories or so, and it tastes kinda good to boot.

Saxman's Stoopid-Easy Shake:

2 cups whole milk
1/2 cup oats (dry, of course)
2 tbsp peanut butter
2 scoops whey protein
any kind of fruit you want (optional)

Stick said ingredients in a blender.
Blend thoroughly.
Go nuts.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

ANd still I doing one body part once a week too little? Doesn't atrophy kick in after three days?

i dont train body parts twice a week
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Jack3d anyone?....

man some of these reviews are getting repeated......

i def gave mine on this
anyways it works for some an doesnt do (&#$# for some people

gotta see for youself. i wouldnt buy it again.......
In that case.. reviews should also be posted on the front page. Saves a post and repetitive reviews

Why wouldn't you buy it again L2L? Just curious..

Mangudai954 wrote:

ANd still I doing one body part once a week too little? Doesn't atrophy kick in after three days?
Scientifically that's true, but I'm willing to bet like 90% of people who workout only do each muscle 1x per week, but they all still seeresults as long as they're doing it right. Atrophy might kick in after 3 days, but it doesn't undo the work you put in the weight room.

The amount the muscle grows due to the stress of working out > the amount of atrophy before the next time the muscle is worked out.

Is it "too little"? Not for the average guy who's looking to get into shape. Is it the absolute best for muscle building? Maybe not. ButI've done lifting programs which are full body workouts 3x per week, which is based upon the scientific principles of the 2-3 day atrophy, but I didn'tsee ridiculous gains off of it. If you train functionally, you're going to be hitting your muscles more than 1x per week anyway, so you're not reallygoing a whole week.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Jack3d anyone?....

man some of these reviews are getting repeated......

i def gave mine on this
anyways it works for some an doesnt do (&#$# for some people

gotta see for youself. i wouldnt buy it again.......
In that case.. reviews should also be posted on the front page. Saves a post and repetitive reviews

Why wouldn't you buy it again L2L? Just curious..

yea there is a lot of things we should HAVE on first page but all does take time to organize

for me it didnt live up to all the hype at ive said many times products in this catergory everybody is gonna have a different fave..

3 scoops makes you sweat thats for sure. energy wasnt no big deal, pump wasnt anything crazy compared to others. me white flood was even betterthan jack3d aka crack3d
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Jack3d anyone?....

man some of these reviews are getting repeated......

i def gave mine on this
anyways it works for some an doesnt do (&#$# for some people

gotta see for youself. i wouldnt buy it again.......
In that case.. reviews should also be posted on the front page. Saves a post and repetitive reviews

Why wouldn't you buy it again L2L? Just curious..

yea there is a lot of things we should HAVE on first page but all does take time to organize

for me it didnt live up to all the hype at ive said many times products in this catergory everybody is gonna have a different fave..

3 scoops makes you sweat thats for sure. energy wasnt no big deal, pump wasnt anything crazy compared to others. me white flood was even better than jack3d aka crack3d
Damn, you take 3 scoops before gym? Is 1 enough for somebody like me who been hitting the gym for almost 4 months?
Al what is your work out plan?

weekly.. do you also isolate one area a day like every one else?
Is there a marked difference between lifting with a smith machine or without? When I first started working out I always used the Smith bc I worked out bymyself and it was convenient. Since I moved, my new gym has no Smiths and I've been doing all my workouts without. I feel much stronger than I did when Iwas on the smiths also. Am I imagining or is there a difference?
Klips 3 scoops is the most you should take

it might depend on your size also..............most people take 2-3

Hen.......I Never keep the same routine

an yes ive done full body workouts 3xs per week like chewtoy just described.......i used to do that when i very first started training an also i do it when imcutting at times, high intensity
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Is there a marked difference between lifting with a smith machine or without? When I first started working out I always used the Smith bc I worked out by myself and it was convenient. Since I moved, my new gym has no Smiths and I've been doing all my workouts without. I feel much stronger than I did when I was on the smiths also. Am I imagining or is there a difference?


sorry to laugh but YES there is a huge difference..............

its like runnin on treadmill vs an actual track.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Is there a marked difference between lifting with a smith machine or without? When I first started working out I always used the Smith bc I worked out by myself and it was convenient. Since I moved, my new gym has no Smiths and I've been doing all my workouts without. I feel much stronger than I did when I was on the smiths also. Am I imagining or is there a difference?


sorry to laugh but YES there is a huge difference..............

its like runnin on treadmill vs an actual track.
Nah it's all good. Physically I can feel the I said I feel stronger and look better than I did before after a shorter amountof time. but logistically I couldn't see the difference. Like benching 150 is benching 150, right. Why is there such a marked difference? I believe youbut I'm genuinely curious as to why.
smith machine gives you too many mechanical advantages. Self stabalizing, so it limits the muscles you engage and the pulleys hold some of the weight. Some machines use a double and some use a triple or even quadruple, so it really makes a difference.
like i said

its a big difference

i can bench 335 on a smith for like 8-10 reps man..... def couldnt do that regular bench at the time

btw i do you smith machines sometimes........i love it for a nice slow rep in control an real low to failure, actually smith machines are good for things.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Is there a marked difference between lifting with a smith machine or without? When I first started working out I always used the Smith bc I worked out by myself and it was convenient. Since I moved, my new gym has no Smiths and I've been doing all my workouts without. I feel much stronger than I did when I was on the smiths also. Am I imagining or is there a difference?


sorry to laugh but YES there is a huge difference..............

its like runnin on treadmill vs an actual track.
Nah it's all good. Physically I can feel the I said I feel stronger and look better than I did before after a shorter amount of time. but logistically I couldn't see the difference. Like benching 150 is benching 150, right. Why is there such a marked difference? I believe you but I'm genuinely curious as to why.

Having to balance the bar with your own muscles vs the machine doing it for you. Also, the smith machine can lead to injuries, because since it doesn'tmove freely, you're forced to perform exercises in an unnatural way.
For those on pre-workout supps.. what happens when you run-out do your lifts suffer? Or does your muscle-memory enable you to sustain that supposed new level.

Its like marketing in a pump.

I've used the Smith Machine when I was starting out on squats, I would recommend it if your trying to get into things, but seriously Squatting on the Smithvs Bar is a day and night difference IMO.. I think you'll use more core muscles trying to keep the bar balanced when squatting both up and down.

I wish I was one of those people who never have to do AB workouts and just let squats, deadlifts, rows etc.. to do the majority of the work. This damn bulk ismaking me want to cut again and just lean out for the rest of my life.
if you injure yourself on a smith machine.........stay outta the damn gym..........ive never heard of somebody getting hurt on that in my life........inclineor flat. wow thats terrible.....i wouldnt even tell people, nobody would.
I wanna head down to GNC tomorrow... what are the essentials? or any supplements you guys rec
Originally Posted by I3

For those on pre-workout supps.. what happens when you run-out do your lifts suffer? Or does your muscle-memory enable you to sustain that supposed new level.

Its like marketing in a pump.

ok.........this is the thing with these

PEOPLE RELY on them too much......even though i have tried many, i def never took them everyday.......they were great for a leg or chest day or days i knew iwas gonna go real hard

you should cycle all of these products also....................a product like intrabolic an the likes better, right now i have some VPX Power Shock its a newproduct.

for me pesonally..........i will def say they give you an edge in training. no placebo effect.

::waits for durden::
^ Whey is good.

Fish Oil caps and a good Multi V. Thats all you really need.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Mangudai954 wrote:

ANd still I doing one body part once a week too little? Doesn't atrophy kick in after three days?
Scientifically that's true, but I'm willing to bet like 90% of people who workout only do each muscle 1x per week, but they all still see results as long as they're doing it right. Atrophy might kick in after 3 days, but it doesn't undo the work you put in the weight room.

The amount the muscle grows due to the stress of working out > the amount of atrophy before the next time the muscle is worked out.

Is it "too little"? Not for the average guy who's looking to get into shape. Is it the absolute best for muscle building? Maybe not. But I've done lifting programs which are full body workouts 3x per week, which is based upon the scientific principles of the 2-3 day atrophy, but I didn't see ridiculous gains off of it. If you train functionally, you're going to be hitting your muscles more than 1x per week anyway, so you're not really going a whole week.

Appreciate the breakdown, makes a lot of sense.
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