Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by dead in 09

I would love if some of you could critique my eating habits:

Breakfast: Low suger instant oatmeal, glass of orange juice.

Lunch: grilled chicken wrap, vegetable medley (peas,roasted potatoes,red peppers) and a propel to drink.

Dinner (preworkout meal): two eggs, two pieces of whole grain toast with a glass of orange juice to drink

post workout meal: banana

and that is pretty much my eating plan Monday-Friday. Am I not getting in enough calories? Should I add some snacks in there?


Umm your eating is pretty good but i'll only put in how I would change it

Breakfast...oatmeal is great, if you want to change it up you can try organic oatmeal and flaxseeds which is made by this company called greenway, it's pretty damn good. But I can't mess with orange juice at all because I have a bad acid problem.

Lunch...I would ditch the wrap, that enriched wheat flour is gonna slow you down...I can only speak from experience but I gave up 90% of foods that contain enriched wheat flour and I stopped feeling sluggish. I would just eat some rice, maybe brown rice, or cous cous or quinoa, your good on your vegetable medley but I would ditch the propel. I would trade your breakfast oj for water and drink oj with your lunch because its a bigger meal and the acid from the oj will help break down the meal faster for absorbtion.

I do preworkout meals about 2 hours before my workout which usually is vegetables, beans and rice and some chicken with water. Its not a big portion either so that It gets digested faster because I dont want it to zap energy i need for the workout

After the workout though I really cant just eat a banana, I would eat those eggs from the preworkout meal as part of my post workout meal because they are a slow digesting protien which will help me through the night as I sleep, with some vegetables and some rice or cous cous for need those carbs.

I would def add some snacks between each meal, like some almonds which are great for energy, or like me I eat sun chips when I'm at school although it might not be the best snack its still some needed calories.
thanks! just the advice I was looking for.

SO, you eat 5 meals a day (including your pre/post workout meals)?
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Durden7

Fats are good, but high fat and high carb don't work well together. You need to pick one source of fuel for your body. Going higher fat while getting carbs from fruits and vegetables isn't a bad idea, especially if you're looking for losing fat. Basically, just cut out grains and starchy veggies for a while and see how you react. Keto isn't good for your body in the long run. You can do 'low carb' by just avoiding grains and starches which is basically great for losing fat and gaining muscle.
"Fats burn in a carbohydrate flame" though. They need each other to be effective. One can be reduced, but obviously not by a massive amount.

Consume 130g of carbohydrates a day to avoid ketosis. Thats as low as many people would recommend on a low carb diet.
Definitely. You need both because both are vital to bodily functions.
I've always heard 50 grams and under gets you into ketosis. That's interesting. I've done days of high fat with just nuts, avocados, seeds, coconuts, and a load of veggies and I never feel horrible when I do it, but the morning after, my breath stinks. That's because of the ketones. I've just recently figured that out, and now I'm trying to find the right balance of carbs and fats.

ahh, the dreaded ketone breath. you can always tell when someone hasn't eaten for a long time.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

I would like to apologize to you, as I didn't mean to come off that way. But when people who don't know try and act like they do, it irks the hell outta me! You seem to know your stuff, no beef with you. My thing on the other thread, well, I should have posted the links, then shut the hell up!
It's all cool. Im all for open discussion and differing opinions. It makes for good conversation flow and an increase in knowledge. Its the childish stuff and name calling that makes it unbearable. Different opinions are great, if its handled maturely.

All good though.
Word. My beef was simple, I knew that my info was on point, as I have been studying this for years, many years. But when someone questionssomething, then suggesting that it is because they said so, I'm like, really? The info I spoke on is in the links right up there^. The expose' on thesupplement industry, and the importance of landing properly, and the reasoning behind it.
Originally Posted by dead in 09

I would love if some of you could critique my eating habits:

Breakfast: Low suger instant oatmeal, glass of orange juice.

Lunch: grilled chicken wrap, vegetable medley (peas,roasted potatoes,red peppers) and a propel to drink.

Dinner (preworkout meal): two eggs, two pieces of whole grain toast with a glass of orange juice to drink

post workout meal: banana

and that is pretty much my eating plan Monday-Friday. Am I not getting in enough calories? Should I add some snacks in there?

If you don't feel hungry between meals, don't add snacks. Here are a few suggestions, don't worry if you can't do them all atonce.
Breakfast: Change the instant oats to rolled or steel cut oats. They're less processed and higher quality. Also, try making your own juice with a juicer.Carrot juice is great.
Lunch: I wouldn't drink the Propel. Stick to water.
Dinner: I'd make this meal smaller than your post workout meal. Drink the juice pre-workout and then eat dinner as a recovery meal. It may help withrecovery. I'd break it up like this: Preworkout - Glass of fresh juice. Post workout - 2 eggs, 2 slices ezekiel bread, and a banana.

Rolled oats can be found pretty cheap. Quaker sells them.
I don't know whether you have a Publix near you or not, but they sell 25 lbs. of juicing carrots for $15 in their organic foods section. Great price.
Ezekiel is a multi-grain bread that is made out of organic sprouted grains. It is the best bread on the market, but it isn't the cheapest. Around $4-5 fora loaf. That's not much of a problem if you only eat 2 slices a day. It would take atleast 10 days to finish it off, so it winds up being like $0.50 a dayfor bread. It's in the frozen section. Make sure you don't leave it outside the freezer, or it'll go bad, really quick.

Again, these are just suggestions, so don't worry about having to do everything all at once.
Just started my first day of plyometrics (lower body). For those who've done it, how long before you saw results?
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

HIIT, can become boring real fast, if you have access to a pool, i would use swimming as an alternative.

slow lap
fast lap

plus... swimming burns way more calories than running and works all muscle group.
No source needed, swimming is the best cardio vascular exercise out there.

no stress on the joints ftw. I really wanna get back into swimming.
Yo I can't really tell, but I know I eat atleast 3

I'm not the kinda guy thats gonna count calories but I know I gotta eat something every couple hours whether it be a snack or a full meal. You just gottabe minded of what you eat because certain foods will slow you down like that enriched wheat flour.

My new trick is eating a baked potatoe after a workout, I just scrub it, poke some holes in it, put it in the microwave then cut it open, put some smartbalance butter (good stuff btw) in with some salt and black pepper and you dont need to worry about rice or cous cous. But I would alternate what kinda carbs Iuse throughout the week.

Beans are also a nice alternative to meat, such as garbanzo beans...
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by dead in 09

I would love if some of you could critique my eating habits:

Breakfast: Low suger instant oatmeal, glass of orange juice.

Lunch: grilled chicken wrap, vegetable medley (peas,roasted potatoes,red peppers) and a propel to drink.

Dinner (preworkout meal): two eggs, two pieces of whole grain toast with a glass of orange juice to drink

post workout meal: banana

and that is pretty much my eating plan Monday-Friday. Am I not getting in enough calories? Should I add some snacks in there?

If you don't feel hungry between meals, don't add snacks. Here are a few suggestions, don't worry if you can't do them all at once.
Breakfast: Change the instant oats to rolled or steel cut oats. They're less processed and higher quality. Also, try making your own juice with a juicer. Carrot juice is great.
Lunch: I wouldn't drink the Propel. Stick to water.
Dinner: I'd make this meal smaller than your post workout meal. Drink the juice pre-workout and then eat dinner as a recovery meal. It may help with recovery. I'd break it up like this: Preworkout - Glass of fresh juice. Post workout - 2 eggs, 2 slices ezekiel bread, and a banana.

Rolled oats can be found pretty cheap. Quaker sells them.
I don't know whether you have a Publix near you or not, but they sell 25 lbs. of juicing carrots for $15 in their organic foods section. Great price.
Ezekiel is a multi-grain bread that is made out of organic sprouted grains. It is the best bread on the market, but it isn't the cheapest. Around $4-5 for a loaf. That's not much of a problem if you only eat 2 slices a day. It would take atleast 10 days to finish it off, so it winds up being like $0.50 a day for bread. It's in the frozen section. Make sure you don't leave it outside the freezer, or it'll go bad, really quick.

Again, these are just suggestions, so don't worry about having to do everything all at once.


My thing with steel cut oats is the preperation I bought some Mccanns last week and I had to boil that +%@ forever and a day. Juicer is def needed, my thingis 3 carrots, 1 cucummber, 2 beets, 4 celery sticks, ginger, 2 apples(red).----->super 6

Heard plenty good stuff about that eziekel bread too, but with my acid problem I can't eat bread...womp.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Durden7

Fats are good, but high fat and high carb don't work well together. You need to pick one source of fuel for your body. Going higher fat while getting carbs from fruits and vegetables isn't a bad idea, especially if you're looking for losing fat. Basically, just cut out grains and starchy veggies for a while and see how you react. Keto isn't good for your body in the long run. You can do 'low carb' by just avoiding grains and starches which is basically great for losing fat and gaining muscle.
"Fats burn in a carbohydrate flame" though. They need each other to be effective. One can be reduced, but obviously not by a massive amount.

Consume 130g of carbohydrates a day to avoid ketosis. Thats as low as many people would recommend on a low carb diet.
Definitely. You need both because both are vital to bodily functions.
I've always heard 50 grams and under gets you into ketosis. That's interesting. I've done days of high fat with just nuts, avocados, seeds, coconuts, and a load of veggies and I never feel horrible when I do it, but the morning after, my breath stinks. That's because of the ketones. I've just recently figured that out, and now I'm trying to find the right balance of carbs and fats.
ahh, the dreaded ketone breath. you can always tell when someone hasn't eaten for a long time.

It's not even that. I alternate high fat with high carb days. So after a day of high fat, the breath kicks in. I always start the day offwith a juice though, so it's not like I'm doing something like Atkins.

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by FrankDolla

I've cut out unnecessary snacks, I no longer eat red meat or pork. I also stopped eating after 7pm and realized that I'm never really hungry after that time and I was just eating to eat instead of nourishment. I'll be joining a gym soon and I'll be back to get some tips.
What time do you go to sleep, your body still needs something to burn while you sleep. Or else it will hold on to fats. I think its its like 2 to 3 hours before you go to bed.
The body has everything it needs in the form of amino acid pools, glycogen, and body fat. If you get your caloric/nutrient needs in throughout theday, then don't worry. It will allow the body to detox and refresh itself. Your digestive system definitely needs a break. It wasn't meant to digestfood all day, every day.
it's been about 3 weeks since i've started doing HIIT (have done it on average every 2-3 days) and let me say, i see a VERY NOTICEABLE difference inBF%. my 6-pack is coming back and my energy levels are much higher. i have friends that jog for upwards of an hour and they don't see anywhere near thesame results. my eating habits suck, and i booze 2-3 times a week, yet the HIIT is still super effective. i started lifting again as well.

hopefully i cna get my diet better, and i'm trying.

here's my current diet, and i know it sucks, so help me out a little

breakfast: i either skip, get a wholegrain english muffin with egg/cheese, grapenuts cereal

lunch: chinese chicken with rice, subway sandwich, mexican food

dinner: usually similar to lunch, but includes burgers and other garbage

i also have a 4th meal around 9-11pm (i go to bed around 3am) and i try to keep it as "healthy" as my lunch, nothing too heavy.

on lifting days i have a protein shake right after my lift.

i know it isn't that healthy but i cut out nearly ALL junk food and drink strictly water or diet soda when i cave in.

my main issue is lack of food ideas, so please throw some my way.
Originally Posted by shaolin

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

HIIT, can become boring real fast, if you have access to a pool, i would use swimming as an alternative.

slow lap
fast lap

plus... swimming burns way more calories than running and works all muscle group.
No source needed, swimming is the best cardio vascular exercise out there.

no stress on the joints ftw. I really wanna get back into swimming.
have u tried barefoot running or chi running shaolin? far less stress on the joints and bones. it's basically running the way we weresupposed to
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

it's been about 3 weeks since i've started doing HIIT (have done it on average every 2-3 days) and let me say, i see a VERY NOTICEABLE difference in BF%. my 6-pack is coming back and my energy levels are much higher. i have friends that jog for upwards of an hour and they don't see anywhere near the same results. my eating habits suck, and i booze 2-3 times a week, yet the HIIT is still super effective. i started lifting again as well.

hopefully i cna get my diet better, and i'm trying.

here's my current diet, and i know it sucks, so help me out a little

breakfast: i either skip, get a wholegrain english muffin with egg/cheese, grapenuts cereal

lunch: chinese chicken with rice, subway sandwich, mexican food

dinner: usually similar to lunch, but includes burgers and other garbage

on lifting days i have a protein shake right after my lift.

i know it isn't that healthy but i cut out nearly ALL junk food and drink strictly water or diet soda when i cave in.

my main issue is lack of food ideas, so please throw some my way.
Damn where do we start...

From my standpoint you gotta stop all those eating habits...but I understand that your trying.

I drink but no hard stuff for me anymore...Hennesey/apple juice was my !**# though

And you still eat junk food as far as i'm concerned, the burgers, the mexican food....but thats up to you if you want to cut it out.

Umm yea, just look at what I and nealraj just posted for some don't have to go full into eating what we posted but changing a couple things willonly help you.

Cut that subway out too....
Couldnt find an answer last thread but i get Lower Back Tightness during leg day (squats/deadlifts especially) its really starting to getintense. Any remedies? Or ways to prevent?
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Hopping in this. I actually just got back from the gym. Wasn't nearly as productive as I would have liked, but I'm still recovering from Saturday's deadlifting.
I hated doing them at first, but after a while they became my favorite.
What's your max?
I haven't maxed out in a long time (mainly because I haven't lifted in...oh, let's call it a year and a half), but my work sets were 3x5 @ 185 lbs, if that gives you any indication.
Pretty good. My max (when I was actually in in shape)
was 305.
Dear God, 305? I've got a lot of work to do.
Man, there were Juniors in my HS doing 400. I thought I was strong until I seen them, had me feeling
CaponeCartels wrote:

Man, there were Juniors in my HS doing 400. I thought I was strong until I seen them, had me feeling

[Rick James]That is absurd![/Rick James]

Truth be told, though, I don't see myself working towards being able to lift stupid amounts of weight for no reason. Although, I'm sure that once Iend up getting enough muscle to end up at 200 lbs, my outlook will change a bit.
If possible..

Can someone form a complete workout [about 4 days a week] from what I3 posted? my goal is to get my 6 pack back as well as bulkin up/being 5'10175 12% BF
i cant gain weight, muscle mass or fat ... im at 140 wanna be at 155 ... any goood workouts or suggestions to gain weight ?
Originally Posted by miamib30514

Couldnt find an answer last thread but i get Lower Back Tightness during leg day (squats/deadlifts especially) its really starting to get intense. Any remedies? Or ways to prevent?

You may not tightening your core when you squat which would lead to your lower back handling a higher load than it needs to.
First, make sure to squeeze your shoulder blades together and have the bar resting on your traps. Do not think about bending at the knees when you squat. Thatmovement needs no concentration in order to perform it properly.
Instead concentrate on keeping your core tight (abs/obliques/ lower back) and moving as if you're going to sit on a chair. The important thing is toconcentrate on keeping your core tight at all times and experiencing no lateral movement.

Is it pain or tightness? Tightness should not hinder your training. It may be uncomfortable but it's not horrible even to train through pretty badtightness.
I stil get pretty bad tightness at times when I deadlift. So no worries.
Originally Posted by shaolin

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

HIIT, can become boring real fast, if you have access to a pool, i would use swimming as an alternative.

slow lap
fast lap

plus... swimming burns way more calories than running and works all muscle group.
No source needed, swimming is the best cardio vascular exercise out there.

no stress on the joints ftw. I really wanna get back into swimming.
Where are you getting this info from though? I did a good amount of research and like stated before, the studies contradict themselves. Some sayyou don't really burn calories because you're not sweating and your heart rate doesn't get that high. Some say it's up there with swimming. Some say results was inconclusive. I used to swim as a kid, went to private lessons 3-4 times a week for about a year. I never saw any difference in myweight or anything that would deem otherwise.
Originally Posted by NavyBoy24

If possible..

Can someone form a complete workout [about 4 days a week] from what I3 posted? my goal is to get my 6 pack back as well as bulkin up/being 5'10 175 12% BF

Hey dude.. just pick a few exercises and post it up and then the fellas can further critique it. Basically you just needto pick exercises that work the major muscles. Like bench press, squats etc.. just pick some exercises and we can help you from there...

Your at 12% thats pretty decent, with the right diet + workout you can really get to that 10% range and looked ripped as@$#$.

check this link for HIIT (beginner - novice).


This is 20 secs on, 10secs off for 8 reps. You can do this with running, weights, burpees.. here is a great introductoryarticle

This is great cardiovascular technique, you use one piece of equipment.. here is a basicexample..

Basically you can incorporate these into your workouts when you need change or just feel like hitting the gym/working outwhen your not supposed to. They are great and will burn a lot of fat.

Originally Posted by wj4

Where are you getting this info from though? I did a good amount of research and like stated before, the studies contradict themselves. Some say you don't really burn calories because you're not sweating and your heart rate doesn't get that high. Some say it's up there with swimming. Some say results was inconclusive. I used to swim as a kid, went to private lessons 3-4 times a week for about a year. I never saw any difference in my weight or anything that would deem otherwise.
Sweating is only a mechanism to cool the body and bring it back to homeostasis. Your heart rate def gets raised during swimming, theres no doubtabout that.

I cant say if its the best way or not, but I do know that there are a lot of worse options than swimming.

Edit: Check out the bulk/cut picture on that link I3 posted.
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