Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

when i work out,i usually have a total amount as opposed to reps..for instance,id usually count to 1000 with my jumprope,but is it safer/more beneficial to do reps of 200 or something like that?
I've setup a new cutting workout routine and diet for Summer that I'll be posting up here tomorrow.


Does Animal Cuts actually work? Or even fat burners in general?
BKmac yea he is from real world ....

Man I been feeling more energized and been more horny as in like a thirst mode is this normal ? No mo just a question
Originally Posted by itzbooranss

I've setup a new cutting workout routine and diet for Summer that I'll be posting up here tomorrow.


Does Animal Cuts actually work? Or even fat burners in general?
Ever since I started EC I dunno if anything will ever match it..... But yes Animal Cuts work, but the only thing that I felt with that was the diuretic. And fat burners do work, u just need to check for whats in it to make sure its not just caffeine or some whack prop blend. 
I need help.

I haven't worked out regularly in about two and a half years.
I have lost so much strength/endurance that I once had and a lot of my muscle has either gone or turned to fat.

I don't mind much about losing strength, because I want to lose weight and would like to simply become skinnier + slimmer. Among other things, my goal is to have the endurance to run a marathon.
I'm looking for a workout plan/diet that is most conducive to giving me endurance + lean muscle.

Can someone help?
I know it is a very basic question that I could google, but I'm wondering who has found something that actually works.

^Your situation is very typical, so my response will be kinda typical as well.... You gotta start somewhere. Start slow and get at it. Focus on that cardio, throw in a little recreational lifting and you will be fine. To kick off dieting, just start with cutting out the obvious bad stuff, sodas/alc/fastfood/processed food/etc. Get into a good groove of running and lifting and eating well and then expand on that. You can do it bud. I did it
and most of the dudes in here did it as well

Except for me it was going from a decent built size to turning skinny fat and losing ALOT of muscle
But hey I am back now

Just remember man, its your life, your body. Take advantage of it and don't $%*$ it up.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

I've setup a new cutting workout routine and diet for Summer that I'll be posting up here tomorrow.


Does Animal Cuts actually work? Or even fat burners in general?
Ever since I started EC I dunno if anything will ever match it..... But yes Animal Cuts work, but the only thing that I felt with that was the diuretic. And fat burners do work, u just need to check for whats in it to make sure its not just caffeine or some whack prop blend. 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Currently on day 2 of OxyPro Elite....Its suppose to be a very good fat burner.[/color]
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^Your situation is very typical, so my response will be kinda typical as well.... You gotta start somewhere. Start slow and get at it. Focus on that cardio, throw in a little recreational lifting and you will be fine. To kick off dieting, just start with cutting out the obvious bad stuff, sodas/alc/fastfood/processed food/etc. Get into a good groove of running and lifting and eating well and then expand on that. You can do it bud. I did it
and most of the dudes in here did it as well

Except for me it was going from a decent built size to turning skinny fat and losing ALOT of muscle
But hey I am back now

Just remember man, its your life, your body. Take advantage of it and don't $%*$ it up.
Good encouragement fam.
Going to start my cut. I'm going to try the alpha-t2+oxy pro elite+erase stack.
I hope to maintain as much muscle as possible.
One thing I have a question though, is what to eat, what not to eat.

because it's obvious I should stay away from pizza/french fries/ soda/candy..

But what about things like nuts, which have lots of sat/monunsaturated fats... Deos anyone have a comprehensive list of what to/not to eat when trying to lose weight?
On day 44 of p90x... Been following the diet and workout regimine exactly, with one cheat meal a week (typically on sat night).

Some background: I am a former d3 football player, currently an investment banking analyst working about 70-80 hrs a week. When I ended my playing career senior year I was 5'11" 200 lbs. After my first 18 months of work I had gotten up to 213.8 with 14% bodyfat. I typically work from 8am - 10pm on average Monday-Friday and at least 10 hrs on the weekend, and for the past few months i was studying for my GMAT in my spare time on top of all the work. After finishing my test in january I decided I needed to get back on my workout - diet game and started this program.

started mid feb at 213.8 and 14% BF and am now at 198.2 (haven't retaken my BF, will at day 90). I workout every morning at 530am... It sucks but it's the only free time I have. I haven't used any supps throughout this process, just eaten incredibly clean and used ON Whey post workout. I'm happy with the results so far and hope I can get down to around 190.
Originally Posted by th1nk

I need help.
 I haven't worked out regularly in about two and a half years.
I have lost so much strength/endurance that I once had and a lot of my muscle has either gone or turned to fat.
I don't mind much about losing strength, because I want to lose weight and would like to simply become skinnier + slimmer. Among other things, my goal is to have the endurance to run a marathon.
I'm looking for a workout plan/diet that is most conducive to giving me endurance + lean muscle.
Can someone help?
I know it is a very basic question that I could google, but I'm wondering who has found something that actually works.
Why do you want to run a marathon? There's lots of evidence against long, slow distance cardio(marathons, half marathons, etc.). It's common to see lots of joint problems, inflammation, imbalances, and muscle deterioration with marathoners. If you want to be able to say you ran a marathon, go ahead and start training slowly and consistently. If you want to simply become a lean and fit guy, marathons won't help you. You'll be running atleast 30 miles per week once you get used to the volume. That's a big time commitment that would be better spent in my opinion.
Check out the book "The Primal Blueprint" by Mark Sisson. Right up your alley. He was an Ironman competitor and marathoner for years, and now he hates that type of training. It's a great starting point for a beginner. There's lots of false information out there in the fitness industry and Sisson does a good job correcting the myths.

th1nk wrote:
One thing I have a question though, is what to eat, what not to eat.

because it's obvious I should stay away from pizza/french fries/ soda/candy..

But what about things like nuts, which have lots of sat/monunsaturated fats... Deos anyone have a comprehensive list of what to/not to eat when trying to lose weight?

Nuts are healthy. Fats are healthy, even saturated fats. Avoid trans fats like the plague. Just don't overdo it with food groups that can lead to overeating. For example, I can eat lots of trail mix/nuts without feeling full. I should limit my consumption of them when trying to lose some weight. They're still healthy foods, but I know not be eating a cup of almonds when I want to lose weight. Instead, a handful or so is good enough. This is what you should be eating mostly: "In plain language, base your diet on garden vegetables, especially greens, lean meats, nuts and seeds, little starch, and no sugar."
First off kudos to all the folks that contribute to this thread.

Anyways, I've recently started my cutting diet and I got a couple more questions to ask:

-Is it that important to have refeed days with as very little fat as possible, and how many calories should I be taking in if im eating around 2100 other days?

-How many carbs should a be taking on a 2100/day diet?
bwood... my body is ready


what is the best way to do cardio on RECOVERY days?
I'm bulking and will not sacrifice muscle mass... but I want to increase heart health/endurance/possibly reduce fat gain on bulk/and I hate taking gym days off
someone told me rule of THREE: 3 days a week, 30 min for 3 miles on the treadmill... true? told me it won't burn muscle tissue.

As well... this should be a basic question but what should I be eating before/after? it's obviously gonna be different than a lifting day
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

I've setup a new cutting workout routine and diet for Summer that I'll be posting up here tomorrow.


Does Animal Cuts actually work? Or even fat burners in general?
Ever since I started EC I dunno if anything will ever match it..... But yes Animal Cuts work, but the only thing that I felt with that was the diuretic. And fat burners do work, u just need to check for whats in it to make sure its not just caffeine or some whack prop blend. 

i would also like to vouch for EC.

i got some stuff from a canadian website, and it works very well.
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

First off kudos to all the folks that contribute to this thread.

Anyways, I've recently started my cutting diet and I got a couple more questions to ask:

-Is it that important to have refeed days with as very little fat as possible, and how many calories should I be taking in if im eating around 2100 other days?

-How many carbs should a be taking on a 2100/day diet?
reducing fat in your diet won't necessarily help you reduce fat on your body
personally I'd be doing low carb moderate fat high protein 

180g*4cal/g = 720protein cals

100g*9cal/g = 900fat cals

120g*4cal/g = 480carb cals

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by th1nk

I need help.
 I haven't worked out regularly in about two and a half years.
I have lost so much strength/endurance that I once had and a lot of my muscle has either gone or turned to fat.
I don't mind much about losing strength, because I want to lose weight and would like to simply become skinnier + slimmer. Among other things, my goal is to have the endurance to run a marathon.
I'm looking for a workout plan/diet that is most conducive to giving me endurance + lean muscle.
Can someone help?
I know it is a very basic question that I could google, but I'm wondering who has found something that actually works.
Why do you want to run a marathon? There's lots of evidence against long, slow distance cardio(marathons, half marathons, etc.). It's common to see lots of joint problems, inflammation, imbalances, and muscle deterioration with marathoners. If you want to be able to say you ran a marathon, go ahead and start training slowly and consistently. If you want to simply become a lean and fit guy, marathons won't help you. You'll be running atleast 30 miles per week once you get used to the volume. That's a big time commitment that would be better spent in my opinion.
Check out the book "The Primal Blueprint" by Mark Sisson. Right up your alley. He was an Ironman competitor and marathoner for years, and now he hates that type of training. It's a great starting point for a beginner. There's lots of false information out there in the fitness industry and Sisson does a good job correcting the myths.

th1nk wrote:
One thing I have a question though, is what to eat, what not to eat.

because it's obvious I should stay away from pizza/french fries/ soda/candy..

But what about things like nuts, which have lots of sat/monunsaturated fats... Deos anyone have a comprehensive list of what to/not to eat when trying to lose weight?
Why marathons?
Because long distance running reverses the process of aging, and being healthy/ having a healthy heart is going to be #1 priority for me when working out.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

bwood... my body is ready


what is the best way to do cardio on RECOVERY days?
I'm bulking and will not sacrifice muscle mass... but I want to increase heart health/endurance/possibly reduce fat gain on bulk/and I hate taking gym days off
someone told me rule of THREE: 3 days a week, 30 min for 3 miles on the treadmill... true? told me it won't burn muscle tissue.

As well... this should be a basic question but what should I be eating before/after? it's obviously gonna be different than a lifting day

if you are in a bulk phase, your going to gain some type of fat, no way around it.

my cardio that i stayed to was either :

walk on treadmill on incline for 20 min (stay away from any long distance cardio, as it burns fat AND muscle)

agility cone drills. i like doing sprint motions, because it burns fat, but gains muscle within your lower body.

really was a big fan of negatives. IMO great way to get big.

5x3 reps was a fav in bulking phases too.

got to make sure your rest period in between each set is a fairly decent time to recover.

i am a HUGE believer in deadlifts. if you want to gain weight, do deadlifts. i would run sets 6,4,2,1 - drop set at end.

EVERYTHING i did in my bulk phase is always heavy weight. i dont care if  im doing dips, better believe iam throwing a belt on with 3 45s, for 6 reps.

all this talk has me missing heavy weight
Yeah I've been living by this eat big lift heavy philosophy for a bit now.. it's working but I just DO NOT have the genetics

Someone came up to me yesterday on my top set of DL (315x5) and told me I have perfect form. mad random.. but good to know I don't look like an idiot using heavier weights than I should be
Originally Posted by Durden7

walk on treadmill on incline for 20 min (stay away from any long distance cardio, as it burns fat AND muscle)
Define long distance cardio for me please.
any form of long distance running = long distance cardio. 

2 miles, 3 miles, 4 miles, 5 miles, 6 miles... should i  continue ? 

needsomejays wrote:
brettTHEjett wrote:
Yeah I've been living by this eat big lift heavy philosophy for a bit now.. it's working but I just DO NOT have the genetics

i hear you on that

takes time man.

i know a dude that has a smaller build, shoulders are not broad.

and always had a defined build.

wanted to get on a bulking phase, and has been on it  for 1 year now ?

gained 15 pounds, and is noticeable to his frame.

he uped his caloric intake to 5-6k calories a day.
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