Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

To I3 the goal is 20 reps. You'll use the same weight for all 4 sets. Add all the reps together. If you get 20 or more raise the weight the next workout. If you get less than 20 use same weight next workout. As far as switching the exercises I like to do it after a break which you'll need every 5 or so weeks. Just do a major chest exercise first then major shoulder or tricep exercise 2nd. You'll keep squats the same. Same principal on the pull days. It's not an easy workout it will wear you out with the quickness. If you do it right eat enough and get rest it will pack on the muscle and strength really well though.
I noticed there was no mention of warm-up sets in the Boss Hog workout. Are warm-up sets being essential a myth or just not necessary for this kind of routine?

Also, I want to tighten up my squat and deadlift form now that I'm taking on this routine. If anyone could post tips or good instructional videos on how to properly execute these exercises, I'd greatly appreciate.
normal to start feeling tired on low carb diet? been eating very little carbs the last 3 days
Originally Posted by alhubley

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

boss hogg workout looks interesting

i did an intense full body split a year or two back, squatting 3x/week, benching 3x/week, etc. i was on a caloric deficit and my lifts still went up, especially my squat....but after i dunno 6 weeks or so my CNS was fried and i couldnt keep it up.

i think i will try it again but with sufficient calories and maybe gear as well

Im doing the final version here http://www.muscleboundmay...1140-finale-version.htmlIt will definitely tax your cns. He calls for a week off every 5 weeks. I've just skipped the Monday workout a couple times giving me 5 days rest and I was fine. I love the workout.

how are the results so far? im guessing strength gains are the most dramatic but how about size?
on a full body program its always a struggle for me for like the 1st week being out of the gym so frequently....i feel like i should be there 5x a week minimum.
about 4 months ago I went a little too heavy on V bar pull down and I guess strained the muscle underneath my left armpit (tera minor & latissimus dorsi?)  I have been able to cope with the slight discomfort I have been feeling while working out since then. But yesterday it was really more noticeable than usual and I was feeling it earlier in the day before I even hit the gym plus after 3 days off

Going to heat and ice it today after work and hope that helps. I really dont want to take any time off from the gym.
Strength and size have both came on good. The routine is really built for putting on mass fast but the strength does come too. I've added 70 lbs to my squats and 100 lbs to my deadlift since starting. I've been slowly lowering my calories preparing for cut but while they were up mass has never came on faster for me.
Originally Posted by alhubley

To I3 the goal is 20 reps. You'll use the same weight for all 4 sets. Add all the reps together. If you get 20 or more raise the weight the next workout. If you get less than 20 use same weight next workout. As far as switching the exercises I like to do it after a break which you'll need every 5 or so weeks. Just do a major chest exercise first then major shoulder or tricep exercise 2nd. You'll keep squats the same. Same principal on the pull days. It's not an easy workout it will wear you out with the quickness. If you do it right eat enough and get rest it will pack on the muscle and strength really well though.

Glad to see you saying mass is comin real fast and youre getting great strength gains too. I might start this when I move back down to Miami in 1-2 weeks cuz Ill need time to look for a job as well as a bunch of other bs.

Just to clear this up about what exercises to do, I could do my push day as:
standing overhead press

and my pull day as:
reverse grip pulldown
seated row

I get the aiming for 20 reps on the first two lifts, but on the squat/deadlift are you doing a weight you can do 12 times to try to build that up to a total of 15 reps before adding more weight?
^yeah that workout looks good. On the squats and deadlifts you do it the same way except it's 2 sets for total of 15 reps. Once your combined reps on the 2 sets gets to 15 or more up the weight.
Originally Posted by alhubley

^yeah that workout looks good. On the squats and deadlifts you do it the same way except it's 2 sets for total of 15 reps. Once your combined reps on the 2 sets gets to 15 or more up the weight.

aight is there a certain amount of reps to do for the first set? Say 8 and then aim for 7 on the next one? I read the page last night, but didnt see this. Maybe I just missed it

How are you doing a warm-up for your lifts? I usually jog/run for 5 minutes before lifting and Ill do a set with just the bar and a set with around 50% of my max before my two work sets.
Yeah around 8 reps is where you wanna be on first set. Each of the next sets you'll probably lose a rep or two. I wait 90 seconds between sets for first 2 exercises and 3 minutes between sets on squats and deads. As for warm ups i do a few reps at about 50% and 75% for the first 2 lifts and work my way up with about 4 warm up sets on squats and deads. I don't kill myself on these just get a feel for the weight.
Originally Posted by EMkicks

about 4 months ago I went a little too heavy on V bar pull down and I guess strained the muscle underneath my left armpit (tera minor & latissimus dorsi?)  I have been able to cope with the slight discomfort I have been feeling while working out since then. But yesterday it was really more noticeable than usual and I was feeling it earlier in the day before I even hit the gym plus after 3 days off

Going to heat and ice it today after work and hope that helps. I really dont want to take any time off from the gym.
Foam rolling, massage, and any other soft tissue therapy will help. You can use a tennis/lacrosse/baseball against your back along the wall. Gua Sha/Graston is also a very effective form of soft tissue therapy. They're basically the same thing, and work wonders from my experience.
Just got a copy of "Modern Trends in Strength Training" by Charles Poliquin. Very good book.  Simple, short, to the point, and lots of brilliant routines that will keep you making progress for a very long time. I'd recommend this book to anyone, especially beginners. The only place I found on the web selling it for a reasonable price was if anyone is interested.
Originally Posted by alhubley

Yeah around 8 reps is where you wanna be on first set. Each of the next sets you'll probably lose a rep or two. I wait 90 seconds between sets for first 2 exercises and 3 minutes between sets on squats and deads. As for warm ups i do a few reps at about 50% and 75% for the first 2 lifts and work my way up with about 4 warm up sets on squats and deads. I don't kill myself on these just get a feel for the weight.
Preciate all the help bro

One last question, you got any idea what percent of your max will have you crapped out at 17 reps over 4 sets?
if im doing a 4 day split.. how often should i be increasing the amount of weight? weekly? and also.. when i increase the weight.. do i increase the weight for all the excercises im doing, or just 1-2/few.
You should try to increase the weight or number of reps every workout. Say you're doing 8 to 12 reps. If you get lesss then 12 keep weight the same but try for more reps. If you get 12 or more raise weight. You won't go up every workout but you need to try. If you stay stuck at same weight and reps to long you probably need a change be it with your workout diet or rest or you might just need a week off to get going again.
any of yall log of BB?
just made my first log on there today, thought it was time since im tired of logging on excel/word and what not

LMK if any NTers are on there, we need to keep each other motivated and on track

can find me under the same name, topherr
Question about boss hogg, could I do that with just one body part? My upper chest is a little week and I wanna really blast that out so could I do the whole 20 reps thing on the incline and continue with my regular workout, or will the results just be like meh?
In January, i was 182 lbs and my max bench was 140 lbs.

As of today, I'm 147 lbs and hit 205 lb bench!

It ain't much compared to most of you guys, but I'm still feelin myself
good work bruh. my max was about 215 around march, now it's at 265 as of last night but that was after a full body workout.
i fluctuate anywhere from 138-143.
Originally Posted by TheeQuickness

In January, i was 182 lbs and my max bench was 140 lbs.

As of today, I'm 147 lbs and hit 205 lb bench!

It ain't much compared to most of you guys, but I'm still feelin myself
congrats fam!

welcome to the 200+ club, next step? 2 plates.

keep up the good work
'preciate it family.

The goal I was shooting for was 2 plates at least 1-2 times by the end of summer...but that seems a bit far-fetched. Even though I did 205, it wasn't easy. I don't see how I can lift another 20 lbs for one rep. We'll see how it goes!

@DNeou20 - Bro that's what I'm tryna get at. 138-143 I'm assuming is your body weight? And you're lifting more than 100 lbs than what you weigh? Hats off to you sir, I strive to be where you are.

I'm 5'6, and just started lifting this year in January (one of those New Years resolution people...except I stuck with my goals) do you think I can lift 255'%%+ or more eventually through proper training?
just keep at it man you'll get there... i never tried two plates for a little while because i lifted by myself, i hit it about 2 summers ago when i was home, but just let it be and played around 185-205 throughout the school year. and yeah man i fluctuate around the 140 mark for weight, and i'm only 5'5." I transferred back to portland state, so i'm home and i have access to a 24hourfitness so it helps. just keep changing things up, work on all angles, decline, flat, and incline along with strengthening your shoulders and triceps. i dont take any supplements anymore to be honest, quit about a year and a half ago. i tell myself C:SET (Commit: sleep right eat right train right).

took about 2 weeks off the chest due to a minor strain on the left pec and went at it again today for a full routine, and man did it feel good. pre-exhausted with declines and i was pumped after 3 workouts and 8 sets. i'm going heavy for another 2 weeks until i get my meniscus cleaned up on the 11th so once i'm in recovery mode it's all about my legs and getting back into shape, but i'm hoping to hit 275 by the end up summer so about 2 months
damn! can I get a PM with a pic or something? Strictly for motivational purposes (nh) 

A couple weeks back I fell asleep at an odd angle in a car and I woke up feelin like my head was 50 lbs. I couldn't rotate my head to the right and had EXTREME tightness in my right trap (due to muscle compensation) , while my left trap wasn't even contracting. I went to a couple chiropractor sessions (my school offers it for $5 per session), and all they did was palpate, crack, and stretch out my shoulder
. It helped a LITTLE bit, but now when I do some exercises like Bent-over rows, or T-bar rows, or hell sometimes even benching, I feel like my left shoulder is about to dislocate. I'm sure it's just my right side is stronger than my left...but there's always that doubt

Goodluck with your goals bro. It seems you got a lot of disclipline and knowledge about training, on top of GOOD strength for your height and weight. Goodluck with your recovery too, you'll be able to hit 275 in no tim
Originally Posted by needsomejays

hope this isnt a dumb question 
what do you guys think about a serving of skim milk every day? yay or nah? im trying to build muscle and lose fat if that matters 


Old school bodybuilder Steve Reeves created a special drink to sustain energy for the duration of his workout.

The drink consists of:
Half-cup lemon juice
3 tablespoons of honey
Half gallon of water

If he would have substituted milk instead of water, the drink would support muscle growth as well as provide energy.
So to answer your question again, yay.
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