Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

Fall/Winter is coming up.

Time to bulk up and get to 160

Peace out abs, see you in the spring. Time to hit 240
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

People come in here and post without taking the time to read *%%$.

I'm saying. Dude asks a question which was answered on this page already.
5'11. I'm at 215 right now. I probably won't realistically hit 240, but I could definitely see me reaching 230.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Well yall im goin to Cali next month and decided i wanted to be extra juicy for the beach
so i copped walmart brand protein and creatine...

first time strayin from the all natural for any sustained period and after day 2 I must say the creatine has probablly upped my reps by at least a third
stuff is redic!

goin to get baby oil/cocoa butter tonight cuz lord knows there will be stretch marks...

will post pics on the 19th before i leave or the 26th when i get back
before and after pics my man?
i posted pics a few pages back, i dont like much different now

will post closer to go time

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Well yall im goin to Cali next month and decided i wanted to be extra juicy for the beach
so i copped walmart brand protein and creatine...
extra juicy 
cuz u got shredded ***** like me on the beach all day

bring ur a game

the guys im goin with arnt in shape really at all im alrdy money but im gunna try n go hard... work schedule permitting

i mean id like to be 205ish teetering single digits bf%... but realistically... i jus wanna look good
cant be runnin through scalliwags if im not diesel
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Well yall im goin to Cali next month and decided i wanted to be extra juicy for the beach
so i copped walmart brand protein and creatine...

first time strayin from the all natural for any sustained period and after day 2 I must say the creatine has probablly upped my reps by at least a third
stuff is redic!

goin to get baby oil/cocoa butter tonight cuz lord knows there will be stretch marks...

will post pics on the 19th before i leave or the 26th when i get back
before and after pics my man?
i posted pics a few pages back, i dont like much different now

will post closer to go time

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Well yall im goin to Cali next month and decided i wanted to be extra juicy for the beach
so i copped walmart brand protein and creatine...
extra juicy 
cuz u got shredded ***** like me on the beach all day

bring ur a game

the guys im goin with arnt in shape really at all im alrdy money but im gunna try n go hard... work schedule permitting

i mean id like to be 205ish teetering single digits bf%... but realistically... i jus wanna look good
cant be runnin through scalliwags if im not diesel
where in cali bro?
i wish more of my friends lifted seriously...a handful do but most don't......when i'm out with a bunch of buddies who are ripped at the pool/beach its a joke how easy it is to pull *!*#
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

yo guys, is it possible to put on 20-25 pounds by years end?

of fat?  of course!
of lean muscle?  you'd probably have a difficult time putting on 20-25 pounds by the end of 2012.
anyone on here also doing 'Intermittent Fasting'? i did for a month in the summer (july-aug) but when i get back to ATX i stopped. About to start back up right now actually, with a new workout regiment starting tomorrow

i saw good results for that month that i was on it. Went from 160 to 155 roughly, but i could tell my BF dropped. went from not seeing my abdominals, to being able to see the top 4 and seeing all of em after a good core workout. And that was when i did not really have a good work out environment. Now i have the college gym and workout buddies to help push me the extra mile.

i have a BB account where i am going to start tracking my progress, if anyone is interested. Might post before pics on here (no karamo) but will definitely on BB.

supplements i am taking is just some BCAAs pre workout, along with a pre workout mix, Razor 8, and protein post workout. Need to get some multi vitamin and fish oil. Going to be eating a lot of greens, chicken, fish with good carbs. Cardio will consist of sprints here and there, with roommates, and of course my almost daily intake of basketball

if anyone has any advice, i would love to hear it. I can answer any question also.
Fuark to all my people having trouble gaining mass..

Eat like a horse.. throw in some junk food here and there, who cares. Try not to worry too much about ratios or what not, just get the majority of your clean cals from carbs, proteins and fats..

Hell even get a mass gainer and get those 1000kcals on top of what you eat!!

Get big!!
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

That one sticks with the 10 reps range? I've been doing 10-12 reps for the past 2 months, so I was actually thinking of switching it up and going with lower reps, like 5 or so. I'd also like to be getting stronger along with bigger too, which lower reps are better for.

I play a lot of basketball and I was actually going to try and get my 6-minute mile back but I guess I'll put that aside for now. The thing with diet is I'm willing to eat whatever I need, but a lot of times I don't have access to it. There isn't a lot of food in my house cause I might be moving out of it soon so my family mainly goes out to eat, the only useful thing I have at home is a bunch of fruit and whey protein powder (I'd rather get my protein from more natural sources though). So eating isn't a problem, it's figuring out what to eat and how much of it.

I was workout out MWF before the one week break I just took also, so that's not a big change.

All-Pros sticks to 8-12, maybe do 8-10? Thats the range Im working with right now. It should be more effective than dropping the reps and doing higher reps at building mass. However, if youre willing to invest some more time you could drop down to 5 reps for the highest strength gains and then bump the reps up again later to increase size faster then.

Are you using creatine or any other supplements? I seem to remember you saying you werent using anything, which Im thinking might be best actually since youre still real young. Just stick to supplementing your diet with protein shakes to help with your caloric and protein intake, drinking one a day wont have any negative repercussions. Youre gonna have to eat what probably seems like an insane amount, so I guess you might not be able to now, but when you get a chance, eat til it hurts, and then eat some more.

You could do HIIT sprints once or twice a week, which should help with your mile time considerably. Sprint the length of a football field, with the end-zones, and then walk back and sprint again as soon as you get back to your starting point. Do it for 10-15 mins or until you cant keep a real sprint going any longer. Just be aware that if youre doing HIIT, youre gonna need to take in even more calories.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

All-Pros sticks to 8-12, maybe do 8-10? Thats the range Im working with right now. It should be more effective than dropping the reps and doing higher reps at building mass. However, if youre willing to invest some more time you could drop down to 5 reps for the highest strength gains and then bump the reps up again later to increase size faster then.

Are you using creatine or any other supplements? I seem to remember you saying you werent using anything, which Im thinking might be best actually since youre still real young. Just stick to supplementing your diet with protein shakes to help with your caloric and protein intake, drinking one a day wont have any negative repercussions. Youre gonna have to eat what probably seems like an insane amount, so I guess you might not be able to now, but when you get a chance, eat til it hurts, and then eat some more.

You could do HIIT sprints once or twice a week, which should help with your mile time considerably. Sprint the length of a football field, with the end-zones, and then walk back and sprint again as soon as you get back to your starting point. Do it for 10-15 mins or until you cant keep a real sprint going any longer. Just be aware that if youre doing HIIT, youre gonna need to take in even more calories.

I'll do the 5 reps to start. I honestly hate high reps (and by high I mean 8+, cause I lift baby weight compared to what I can lift at lower reps). So should I choose a different program?

And I'm only using whey protein. Only problem is I'd prefer to switch to solely natural sources (like lean meats) cause I get bad acne every time I take in a lot of the whey. Or maybe it's just me taking in a lot of protein, my face breaks out.

Should I be watching my macros? I don't know much about those, or should I just be eating everything and more? I'm going to lay off the cardio cause I don't want to eat to the point of throwing up every day (I don't even have that much money).
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

All-Pros sticks to 8-12, maybe do 8-10? Thats the range Im working with right now. It should be more effective than dropping the reps and doing higher reps at building mass. However, if youre willing to invest some more time you could drop down to 5 reps for the highest strength gains and then bump the reps up again later to increase size faster then.

Are you using creatine or any other supplements? I seem to remember you saying you werent using anything, which Im thinking might be best actually since youre still real young. Just stick to supplementing your diet with protein shakes to help with your caloric and protein intake, drinking one a day wont have any negative repercussions. Youre gonna have to eat what probably seems like an insane amount, so I guess you might not be able to now, but when you get a chance, eat til it hurts, and then eat some more.

You could do HIIT sprints once or twice a week, which should help with your mile time considerably. Sprint the length of a football field, with the end-zones, and then walk back and sprint again as soon as you get back to your starting point. Do it for 10-15 mins or until you cant keep a real sprint going any longer. Just be aware that if youre doing HIIT, youre gonna need to take in even more calories.

I'll do the 5 reps to start. I honestly hate high reps (and by high I mean 8+, cause I lift baby weight compared to what I can lift at lower reps). So should I choose a different program?

And I'm only using whey protein. Only problem is I'd prefer to switch to solely natural sources (like lean meats) cause I get bad acne every time I take in a lot of the whey. Or maybe it's just me taking in a lot of protein, my face breaks out.

Should I be watching my macros? I don't know much about those, or should I just be eating everything and more? I'm going to lay off the cardio cause I don't want to eat to the point of throwing up every day (I don't even have that much money).
Reps sound fine, the program doesnt really matter as long as you go as hard as you possibly can. I like All-Pros cuz its compound movements for days, so its sure to put on mass if you do everything else right. If you want to keep the workout shorter, you could check out the Boss Hogg workout too, Ive only been hearing good things about it.

I cant really comment on protein causing acne. Ive gotten a lil on my shoulders since I got serious about lifting but Im thinking its jsut the sweat.

If youre really serious about this you will watch your macros. Youll probably get good results not giving a genuine %+$% about what you eat, but when you record everything and make a point out of doing it right, people around you might not believe youre getting the results youre getting without taking all types of supplements. It really does make a difference if done right. Get your bodyweight in grams of protein and 50-100% of that in grams of fat, both of which are minimums. The rest of your calories can be allocated however you want. Thats the basics of it, but check out the nutrition section on BB and read, read, read. Youll learn something every day, I know I do.

Youre in a hell of a position right now man. I wish I was this serious about anything outside of school at your age, I would be so much more accomplished by now. Realistically, you have a huge headstart on all your peers, not just in this but everything else if you maintain the same attitude. Keep it up b
[h6]Crossfit Total today......PR'd on all 3 movements

Back Squat-370lbs
Total: 1060lbs


Originally Posted by Simba King

[h6]Crossfit Total today......PR'd on all 3 movements

Back Squat-370lbs
Total: 1060lbs


Damn, how is your Squat 300+, Deadlift 500+ but your bench only 185?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

where in cali bro?
i wish more of my friends lifted seriously...a handful do but most don't......when i'm out with a bunch of buddies who are ripped at the pool/beach its a joke how easy it is to pull *!*#

My best friend from highschool/colleges place in Huntingdon Beach
its like a half hour from L.A

im pumped to get back out there hit up Roscoes Chicken n Waffles n enjoy all the sun, plant life, women and alcohol Cali has to offer

i wish more of my college buddies that r goin were into bein aesthetic 
but whatever if i gotta be the alpha dog so be it

my girlfriends already pissssed
Originally Posted by itzbooranss

Originally Posted by Simba King

[h6]Crossfit Total today......PR'd on all 3 movements

Back Squat-370lbs
Total: 1060lbs


Damn, how is your Squat 300+, Deadlift 500+ but your bench only 185?
Ima go ahead and assume Press isnt Benchpress
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

Originally Posted by Simba King

[h6]Crossfit Total today......PR'd on all 3 movements

Back Squat-370lbs
Total: 1060lbs


Damn, how is your Squat 300+, Deadlift 500+ but your bench only 185?
Ima go ahead and assume Press isnt Benchpress

probably shoulder... depending on body weight that could be impressive also.  
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

Damn, how is your Squat 300+, Deadlift 500+ but your bench only 185?
Ima go ahead and assume Press isnt Benchpress

probably shoulder... depending on body weight that could be impressive also.  

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Yea strict shoulder press to over head....[/color]
so im definitely trying to slim down for the coming months. I need to cleanse so i can feel better about my body and just take out all toxins and waste from it
Anybody knows of a good cleanser in which i can start out on?
No Lemonade Diet please
I got 350 up on DL today for the first time in months...

back was rounded like a bosu ball

dropped the weight down to 225 and repped out three sets supper setting with lateral raises.

I've also already started my "winter bulk" a couple months early. I want 195lbs by April. Currently at 180lbs 10%bf
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