Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I personally pay no mind to people in the gym unless you'se a dime piece (of the opposite sex). I'm pretty focused, but one time I saw this shorty onthe stairmaster and I swear I didn't get ANYTHING done. I think i need a small and portable mp3 player with me. By the way, I've been at it onChewtoy's routine of 10 rep sets, 30 sec rests in between for about a month now. I honestly felt like this was a time frame where I've packed onnoticeably more mass than any other of the 6 months I've been lifting. Granted, I haven't bumped up in weights much, but the consistency and the shortrests have been helping me gain a lot more mass...feels like more calories are burned too.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

By the way, I've been at it on Chewtoy's routine of 10 rep sets, 30 sec rests in between for about a month now. I honestly felt like this was a time frame where I've packed on noticeably more mass than any other of the 6 months I've been lifting. Granted, I haven't bumped up in weights much, but the consistency and the short rests have been helping me gain a lot more mass...feels like more calories are burned too.
I actually do 12 reps with 30 seconds rest, but good work nonetheless. It's the best way to workout, IMO.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I personally pay no mind to people in the gym unless you'se a dime piece (of the opposite sex). I'm pretty focused, but one time I saw this shorty on the stairmaster and I swear I didn't get ANYTHING done.
I know what you mean.


And I believe a 30 second rest period in between sets = more testosterone, correct me if I'm wrong though. I feel bad if I don't finish my sets.I'd like to try it... Maybe next month.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^oh yeah, forgot to there a specific time limit for resting between exercises for you?
Not necessarily a limit, but I just go as fast as possible. If my heart rate is comfortable or close to its resting rate, I know it's time togo again, because at that point, more rest isn't going to help much more. After I finish my first exercise, re-rack the weights, get some water, decidewhat I'm going to do next and then grab the weights for the next exercise, a couple minutes have passed, and I'm good to go again.
I was wondering... you know how it's a good idea to drink a protein shake after a workout? Like what if your workout was like 1.5 hours long and then youdrank protein shake. Does the protein shake still get to the muscle fibers you broke down in the beginning of the workout (1.5 hours ago)? or is it too latealready.

it's kind've hard for me trying to explain what I"m trying to say.
I know what you mean, but if you're worried then you can drink a little bit of your shake in the middle? It actually doesn't really matter though.Post-workout shakes are meant just for that; post-workout.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

I was wondering... you know how it's a good idea to drink a protein shake after a workout? Like what if your workout was like 1.5 hours long and then you drank protein shake. Does the protein shake still get to the muscle fibers you broke down in the beginning of the workout (1.5 hours ago)? or is it too late already.

it's kind've hard for me trying to explain what I"m trying to say.
There are researches that contradict each other. Some say that it's best to drink within an hour of working out to maximize the result. Other will say that there's no difference found in people who consume protein right after and the next day.

I just made it a habit to drink a scoop of protein in the locker room after I'm done working out.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Down 37 lbs from July 1 hell yeah! And I gained some muscle as well. But I know if I wasn't losing weight I would be a lot bigger and would be able to lift a lot more. Thanks for all the advice guys !

What have you been eating?
Originally Posted by bonafide125

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Down 37 lbs from July 1 hell yeah! And I gained some muscle as well. But I know if I wasn't losing weight I would be a lot bigger and would be able to lift a lot more. Thanks for all the advice guys !

What have you been eating?
No junk food. Fast food, soda, sweets a no go. Water, diet sodas some days, milk and protein shakes for liquids mostly. As hard as it is I cut outalcohol as well. When I do drink once every 2 months it bloats me a lot. In terms of foods, Brown rice, lean meats, grilled chicken, stir fry chicken, wheatbread and peanut butter for the part. One day out of the week I have a cheat meal and that's not even like fast food more like larger portions or unhealthyhomemade food. Fruits and nuts for snacks as well.

In terms of my workouts I didn't lift as much as I wanted to in the early stages but when I knew was in the groove of shedding weight, I reduced the cardioto 3 times a week and lifted 4 times a week heavy. Im 5" 9.5 and weigh 170 now. Back at 207 I thought Id be fit at this weight but I still havelove-handles and my thighs still have significant amount of fat. Im trying to get down to 160 and see how it looks there.

As for supps, Id recommend for sure protein to help you feel full between meals, and for sure a good pre workout like jacked or white flood. When loosingweight your energy isnt going to be at your fullest so you can benefit from those two supps to give you energy for lifting when on a cut.

the exercise is way too dangerous my friends, especially you're using it primarily to hit your back.

I dont care on how fit and healthy you are right now, I personally think it aint a good exercise for the back specifically.
i tried a new supplement called jack3d recently, it gave me lots of energy with no crash and by the end of my workout i was shaking. anyone have a take onthis?
You're body's trying to get used to it + I assume you worked your butt-off.

Typical new trial of a supp. Give it another week or two and observe if the feeling today was just a placebo effect or real.

I see AAKG as an ingredient...I've personally tested it before and I didn't like it *3 huge pills per serving and it didn't work at all, I threw itout*

That's because it's for the hamstrings. lol.

yeah that's what I'm trying to get here. putting all that stress onto your lower back can't be good overtime.

I see a lot of noobs doing this @ the gym
I think stiffed legs are fine but with a comfortable weight. You might not gain as much, but really trying to lift heavy on a SLDL would be quite strenuous,same with good mornings. Those are the 2 excerises i'll never lift heavy with.

If you have the correct form, squats and deadlifts should be enough to target your lower back really well. And you can lift heavy too.
jack3d has geranium (1.3 dimeth sometihng or other), caffeine, beta alanine, etc. first two ingredients are stimulants, so that explains how you feel

good product if it works for you, pre-workout formulas can vary in effect from person to person. my buddy takes 5 scoops of jack3d and doesn't even getjittery
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by Baybully650

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by Durden7

You took a picture of your back after a leg workout? HUH?


SLDLs hit the back my man.

Well aware but its minimally.

I'm still standing by my original statement of "HUH?"

Agreed...SLDL are supposed to put the majority of the emphasis on your hamstrings, not the back

On a side note, props to DJprestige, looking lean.
Deads hit the back hard despite being a secondary muscle. Most Powerlifters have gigantic backs with little direct lat work from dead lifting, rack pulls, any dead variation.

It gives you a pump, believe me.
Yeah Deadlifts, not SLDL.
Not to be the guy calling people out but, have you ever straight legged dead lifted?

Absolutely. It was part of my previous routine.
Originally Posted by Chugsaab

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

i have a dumb question....i take protein (just the little powder from wallys world) and i am trying to just tone up and slim down. Like my arms are kinda buff for a girl
and i feel like they are getting bigger because i lift. But when lifting i do more reps of smaller weights and i do cardio like running and jump roping etc...but basically i feel like the protein is making me gain mass which is not what i really want to do. i want to lose the weight and just be toned...does that make sense?
Stop taking the protein then. If you're tryna get cut up your cardio and cut down on the lifting, even if it's light or the "girl weights"
Why should she stop taking the protein?

I don't know about that girl's situation but a good reason why most non-vegetarian Americans should stop taking protein supplements is because our diets are composed of a lot of protein dense foods (one main example being meats). Believe it or not, many of America's health problems are due to an over-intake of proteins. I would not recommend them for anyone unless they are not getting an adequate amount every day.

so im i should stop taking the protein? or not? i think i am a little overweight for my height so i want to lose like 15 pounds. i box, so thatswhy ive been taking the protein to maintain and improve the muscle i do have (for power punches). but im not tryna look like no dang on ann wolfe. i want to beslender and muscular.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by Chugsaab

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

i have a dumb question....i take protein (just the little powder from wallys world) and i am trying to just tone up and slim down. Like my arms are kinda buff for a girl
and i feel like they are getting bigger because i lift. But when lifting i do more reps of smaller weights and i do cardio like running and jump roping etc...but basically i feel like the protein is making me gain mass which is not what i really want to do. i want to lose the weight and just be toned...does that make sense?
Stop taking the protein then. If you're tryna get cut up your cardio and cut down on the lifting, even if it's light or the "girl weights"
Why should she stop taking the protein?

I don't know about that girl's situation but a good reason why most non-vegetarian Americans should stop taking protein supplements is because our diets are composed of a lot of protein dense foods (one main example being meats). Believe it or not, many of America's health problems are due to an over-intake of proteins. I would not recommend them for anyone unless they are not getting an adequate amount every day.

so im i should stop taking the protein? or not? i think i am a little overweight for my height so i want to lose like 15 pounds. i box, so thats why ive been taking the protein to maintain and improve the muscle i do have (for power punches). but im not tryna look like no dang on ann wolfe. i want to be slender and muscular.

What's the rest of your diet look like?
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by Chugsaab

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

i have a dumb question....i take protein (just the little powder from wallys world) and i am trying to just tone up and slim down. Like my arms are kinda buff for a girl
and i feel like they are getting bigger because i lift. But when lifting i do more reps of smaller weights and i do cardio like running and jump roping etc...but basically i feel like the protein is making me gain mass which is not what i really want to do. i want to lose the weight and just be toned...does that make sense?
Stop taking the protein then. If you're tryna get cut up your cardio and cut down on the lifting, even if it's light or the "girl weights"
Why should she stop taking the protein?

I don't know about that girl's situation but a good reason why most non-vegetarian Americans should stop taking protein supplements is because our diets are composed of a lot of protein dense foods (one main example being meats). Believe it or not, many of America's health problems are due to an over-intake of proteins. I would not recommend them for anyone unless they are not getting an adequate amount every day.

so im i should stop taking the protein? or not? i think i am a little overweight for my height so i want to lose like 15 pounds. i box, so thats why ive been taking the protein to maintain and improve the muscle i do have (for power punches). but im not tryna look like no dang on ann wolfe. i want to be slender and muscular.

What's the rest of your diet look like?

it's pretty crappy
i hate vegetables...but i try toeat two fruits a day and a serving of vegetables. im not big on snacks like candy, chips and stuff. i only eat chicken and turkey and i only drink gatorade,water and milk...o and i dont eat fried food to often either. with such a bust schedule...its hard to eat at least 3 meals and maintain my diet. but on atypical day...

breakfast...oatmeal and a banana with milk or water or eggs with wheat toast
lunch...usually baked chicken and some veggie

and thats usually it for the week.

weekends i usually stick with eggs for breakfast and lunch/dinner i eat whatever.
Do the cardio fellas.

Im having great results with HIIT... don't know what HIIRT or whatever is, but seriously - running is a great cheap option guaranteed to drop the weight +a good diet. There are no secrets to losing weight etc.. just hard work and some dedication.. oh and patience.

So for those newbies (being a relatively newbie myself) cardio + a good diet. Stick to that for awhile and you'll see changes.

EDIT: whats another good ON flavour to get? my local supp store is having a sale. I want to go back to basics aye, maybe something chocolate or vanilla. Imleaning towards Double Rich (heard it was gross) or Choco Mint again.
Originally Posted by I3

Do the cardio fellas.

Im having great results with HIIT... don't know what HIIRT or whatever is, but seriously - running is a great cheap option guaranteed to drop the weight + a good diet. There are no secrets to losing weight etc.. just hard work and some dedication.. oh and patience.

So for those newbies (being a relatively newbie myself) cardio + a good diet. Stick to that for awhile and you'll see changes.

EDIT: whats another good ON flavour to get? my local supp store is having a sale. I want to go back to basics aye, maybe something chocolate or vanilla. Im leaning towards Double Rich (heard it was gross) or Choco Mint again.

DO NOT GET DELICIOUS STRAWBERRY. lol I got it 3 days ago, and it is DISGUSTING, I'll exchange it for some other flavor tomorrow (I hardly ever returnanything). I was thinking exchanging for Mint Choco as well. I have the casein cookies and cream, and like previously mentioned the shake is thicker butC&C does taste good.
any of yall prefer heavy metal rock(screams) over rap/ that *%% be gettin me hype ...heavy metal +rippedfuel+proteinshake=
Originally Posted by REALTALKAZ

any of yall prefer heavy metal rock(screams) over rap/ that *%% be gettin me hype ...heavy metal +rippedfuel+proteinshake=

Protein shakes get my hyped as well.
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