Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by I3

EDIT: whats another good ON flavour to get? my local supp store is having a sale. I want to go back to basics aye, maybe something chocolate or vanilla. Im leaning towards Double Rich (heard it was gross) or Choco Mint again.
White Chocolate from
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by REALTALKAZ

any of yall prefer heavy metal rock(screams) over rap/ that *%% be gettin me hype ...heavy metal +rippedfuel+proteinshake=

Protein shakes get my hyped as well.
+ the pre-workout fist-pumpin' session to some Eurotrance.
Originally Posted by REALTALKAZ

any of yall prefer heavy metal rock(screams) over rap/ that *%% be gettin me hype ...heavy metal +rippedfuel+proteinshake=

Look at my avy and do that while listening to Sandstorm by Darude.
Went crazy hard today with cardio before the snow storm traps me in my house over the weekend and I eat all my groceries.

At least shoveling snow will be a workout.
Man, I'm pretty pissed at myself.

I did military presses, front squats, and power cleans a few days ago and I felt some tightness in my back. I've done these exercises many times before andI never felt this kind of tightness before. I cut my workout short and the right side of my lower back has been in slight pain for 5 days now. I tested it outyesterday by squatting 135 and I felt tightness in the exact same area so I stopped. I've been stretching and using my foam roller in order to aid in thehealing process. It's not painful but it's preventing me from doing any leg exercises, ab exercises or standing shoulder exercises. I'm gonna tryto avoid exercising those muscles for a bit but it's so hard to avoid the weight room when you're at the gym

Anyone feel this before? I've been doing squats for years now and I've never had this kind of tightness that has limited me. I'm thinking thatI've been over-training since I've been squatting 2-3 times a week prior to getting this problem.

I figured that my back problem wouldn't be a big deal and I'd just focus on upper body for the next week but then I suffered another setback today. Istrained my left pectoral while warming up today doing dumbell presses. I stopped lifting after my first set and just did 30 mins of cardio

I think I'm just gonna do cardio for the next week and avoid weights completely. I'd prefer to avoid lifting until the New Year but I always get theurge whenever I'm inside the gym.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Man, I'm pretty pissed at myself.

I did military presses, front squats, and power cleans a few days ago and I felt some tightness in my back. I've done these exercises many times before and I never felt this kind of tightness before. I cut my workout short and the right side of my lower back has been in slight pain for 5 days now. I tested it out yesterday by squatting 135 and I felt tightness in the exact same area so I stopped. I've been stretching and using my foam roller in order to aid in the healing process. It's not painful but it's preventing me from doing any leg exercises, ab exercises or standing shoulder exercises. I'm gonna try to avoid exercising those muscles for a bit but it's so hard to avoid the weight room when you're at the gym

Anyone feel this before? I've been doing squats for years now and I've never had this kind of tightness that has limited me. I'm thinking that I've been over-training since I've been squatting 2-3 times a week prior to getting this problem.

I figured that my back problem wouldn't be a big deal and I'd just focus on upper body for the next week but then I suffered another setback today. I strained my left pectoral while warming up today doing dumbell presses. I stopped lifting after my first set and just did 30 mins of cardio

I think I'm just gonna do cardio for the next week and avoid weights completely. I'd prefer to avoid lifting until the New Year but I always get the urge whenever I'm inside the gym.
Same thing happened to me last month, my muscles were in spasm the doc said. Took a 10 days off and he prescribed me some muscle relaxers. Goingback start out with lighter weight until your comfortable with your usual weight.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Recap of my progress over the years...

I first started lifting @ around 16 just because I was always fascinated by it. I remember at the gym in my HS, at the end of the school year (june), I couldnt bench 180 on the bench machine. Not even the bench press but the machine with cables
... During that summer I didnt train, just rode my bike and played ball. When school rolled back around I was surprised I threw up the 180 like it was nothing. After that it was a wrap. I guess thats when the test started flowing in my body. That whole school year I just kept getting stronger and bigger (what I thought was big back then anyway). But my training wasnt consistent and my eating was sub-par.

I experimented with creatine, ephedra and meal replacements with some good results but I really started putting on size when I began to eat and being consistant with my training instead of training for a month then taking months off with out lifting any weight. That beat any supplement I could ever take. I got wider, denser and just plain fuller looking. And it was easier to keep my gains than with powders and what not. I never weighed myself back in the day so I cant say how my weight progress was, but all I can say to you guys looking to "fill out"...Eat. Especially if your still in your teens. This is the best time to take advantage of what you got brewing inside.

16yo (pay no attention to the string over my head)
Edit....this is actually @17


26yo my most current

Being a skinny kid means nothing, dont think you can never be a certain way because of what you look like now. Potential is always there, you just gotta keep pushn

"The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds."

Despite our differences I can definitely respect where you are because I know the discipline and effort involved. It's not easy and it is many times alove/hate relationship with the many small and sometimes large sacrifices involved.

The quote you've supplied is one of the reasons that I've always like training. No matter how +*#+!# of a day I had, I always forget about it whenI'm lifting. That is all I concentrate on.

Man, I'm pretty pissed at myself.

I did military presses, front squats, and power cleans a few days ago and I felt some tightness in my back. I've done these exercises many times before and I never felt this kind of tightness before. I cut my workout short and the right side of my lower back has been in slight pain for 5 days now. I tested it out yesterday by squatting 135 and I felt tightness in the exact same area so I stopped. I've been stretching and using my foam roller in order to aid in the healing process. It's not painful but it's preventing me from doing any leg exercises, ab exercises or standing shoulder exercises. I'm gonna try to avoid exercising those muscles for a bit but it's so hard to avoid the weight room when you're at the gym

Anyone feel this before? I've been doing squats for years now and I've never had this kind of tightness that has limited me. I'm thinking that I've been over-training since I've been squatting 2-3 times a week prior to getting this problem.

I figured that my back problem wouldn't be a big deal and I'd just focus on upper body for the next week but then I suffered another setback today. I strained my left pectoral while warming up today doing dumbell presses. I stopped lifting after my first set and just did 30 mins of cardio

I think I'm just gonna do cardio for the next week and avoid weights completely. I'd prefer to avoid lifting until the New Year but I always get the urge whenever I'm inside the gym.

Pressing, Front Squats, and cleans all in one day? If you're doing them all heavy then you're def. asking for it. If anything the ordershould prob be cleans, pressing, and then front squats to minimize the chance of injury. Go from most complicated exercise to least complicated in terms ofmovements. A lot of injuries occur as a result of fatigue.

You'll be fine. You can still lift while you're injured but keep it light. It's better to exercise an injured area ( get more blood moving into it)than to allow it to constantly be stiff. Small injuries are going to occur if you're training hard and you'll learn how to train through them.

I had a slight strain on the left side of my lower back that just healed a few weeks ago. I didn't dead lift for 2 weeks initially right after the injuryand then completed a normal dl session ( felt tightness and a small dull pain throughout). The next day I didn't feel any worse so I knew I could trainthrough it until it healed. As long as it doesn't get worse then training through small injuries isn't horrible at all.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Man, I'm pretty pissed at myself.

I did military presses, front squats, and power cleans a few days ago and I felt some tightness in my back. I've done these exercises many times before and I never felt this kind of tightness before. I cut my workout short and the right side of my lower back has been in slight pain for 5 days now. I tested it out yesterday by squatting 135 and I felt tightness in the exact same area so I stopped. I've been stretching and using my foam roller in order to aid in the healing process. It's not painful but it's preventing me from doing any leg exercises, ab exercises or standing shoulder exercises. I'm gonna try to avoid exercising those muscles for a bit but it's so hard to avoid the weight room when you're at the gym

Anyone feel this before? I've been doing squats for years now and I've never had this kind of tightness that has limited me. I'm thinking that I've been over-training since I've been squatting 2-3 times a week prior to getting this problem.

I figured that my back problem wouldn't be a big deal and I'd just focus on upper body for the next week but then I suffered another setback today. I strained my left pectoral while warming up today doing dumbell presses. I stopped lifting after my first set and just did 30 mins of cardio

I think I'm just gonna do cardio for the next week and avoid weights completely. I'd prefer to avoid lifting until the New Year but I always get the urge whenever I'm inside the gym.

Sounds exactly like my deadlift injury. I've been doing it forever with no probs, then all of a sudden after a workout my right lower back hurts, justabove the hip. I just look at the recovery time as a bonus. I usually don't force myself to take a (needed) break from the gym until I'm snowed in,sick, or injured.
chewtoy, how long before your back recovered? You do any kind of leg/ab exercises or cardio when you were recovering?

Yeah, its definitely not serious but I've read horror stories of lower back injuries so it kind of concerned me.

I think its a wake-up call for me to spread out my heavy lifts over the course of the week rather than doing 3 of them on the same day. I did power-cleansfirst, then presses, then front squats (but gave up after my 2nd set because the tightness was too much).

I wanted to take some time off but my workout partner is pressuring me to lift tomorrow. I think I'm gonna do some active recovery on my chest and back(bench just the bar, squat just the bar, etc.) to get some blood flowing in the injured areas to speeden up recovery. I'll probably also do some isolationexercises that I hate doing like bicep curls, tricep extensions and some dumbell shoulder exercises
what site do you guys use to purchase supplements?

I need some more shake mix and I want a reliable site with good shipping

Yo? That stiffness sounds familiar...

But mine goes away after a few minutes.


Hope it's nothing bad and you get better.
So next week will be a busy week (Christmas and what not) so I tried to squeeze in as much as I could with today's workout. I did HIIT and then TRIED tolift right after, which is a mistake that I will never make again. I don't think I've ever been so mentally exhausted.

I know have learned to always separate the two.

But some good news. Did the weekly weigh-in today. I'm currently at 230lbs (from 260lbs on September 2009). If I keep this up, I'll be at my target inno time.

Lift first and then do HIIT after wards.

Dont use Christmas as an excuse to slack off. People usually fall off the wagon when they are "busy" at school, work, with family, etc.

Even exercising 30 mins. a day 4-5x a week when your busy is still better then taking a week off or so.

I remember when I'd be busy at school or work and I'd take a week off. 3 months later I'd find myself back in the gym
Can anyone give me feedback on this workout routine I've been using?

Day 1
Lifted Pushups 10 reps x 5 sets
Dumbbell Bench Press
30 pound each arm10 reps x 1 set
35 pound each arm 10 reps x 1 set
40 pound each arm 10 reps x 1 set
Seated Flys 70 pounds 10 reps x 3 sets
Cable Flys 25 pounds each arm 10 reps x 3 sets
Pullups 10 reps x 3 sets

Day 2
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 35 pounds 10 reps x 5 sets
Dumbbell Shrugs 35 pounds 10 reps x 5 sets
Dumbbell Shoulder Thrust 30 pounds 10 reps x 3 sets
Butterfly Shoulder Lift 20 pounds 10 reps x 3 sets
Shoulder Lift 10 lbs each arm for 3 minutes

Day 3
Preacher Curls 45 pounds 15 reps x 3 sets
Dumbbell Curls 35 pounds 10 reps x 5 sets
Sitdown Dumbbell Curls 30 pounds 10 reps x 3 sets
Skullcrushers 35 pounds 10 reps x 3 sets
Sitdown Skullcrushers 35 pounds 10 reps x 3 sets
Dips 15 reps x 5 sets

Day 4

+ Cardio on the Elliptical Machine for 30 minutes after each workout. NO HIIT, just increasing levels steadily. Burn about 400 calories each time

Any tweaks I can make? Criticisms? Tips?

P.S: I've lost about 8 pounds in a month after starting this regimen
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Can anyone give me feedback on this workout routine I've been using?

Day 1
Lifted Pushups 10 reps x 5 sets
Dumbbell Bench Press
30 pound each arm10 reps x 1 set
35 pound each arm 10 reps x 1 set
40 pound each arm 10 reps x 1 set
Seated Flys 70 pounds 10 reps x 3 sets
Cable Flys 25 pounds each arm 10 reps x 3 sets
Pullups 10 reps x 3 sets

Day 2
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 35 pounds 10 reps x 5 sets
Dumbbell Shrugs 35 pounds 10 reps x 5 sets
Dumbbell Shoulder Thrust 30 pounds 10 reps x 3 sets
Butterfly Shoulder Lift 20 pounds 10 reps x 3 sets
Shoulder Lift 10 lbs each arm for 3 minutes

Day 3
Preacher Curls 45 pounds 15 reps x 3 sets
Dumbbell Curls 35 pounds 10 reps x 5 sets
Sitdown Dumbbell Curls 30 pounds 10 reps x 3 sets
Skullcrushers 35 pounds 10 reps x 3 sets
Sitdown Skullcrushers 35 pounds 10 reps x 3 sets
Dips 15 reps x 5 sets

Day 4

+ Cardio on the Elliptical Machine for 30 minutes after each workout. NO HIIT, just increasing levels steadily. Burn about 400 calories each time

Any tweaks I can make? Criticisms? Tips?

P.S: I've lost about 8 pounds in a month after starting this regimen

eh looks like a nice bro workout. 1 compound and lots of chest and arms.
Its probably been said somewhere in these 100plus pages, but what can someone recommend for a LEGIT fat burner supplement to take? I do about 30-45 minutes ofcardio 3-4 times a week aside from playing ball and I'm just trying to straight lose about 25 lbs. Thanks
I'm assuming you're trying to lose weight? No offense man but that routine definitely needs some fixing. 90% of the dudes in the gym do workouts likethat.

For chest, try to get rid of the machine lifts and do bench press, dumbell bench press, incline bench/dumbell presses, dips, etc. Rather than having an arm dayon 'Day 3', just work out your triceps on the same day as your chest when you are done your chest exercises.

Separate your shoulder workout from your chest workout. Chest exercises work out your shoulders as well so you want some adequate rest between the two daysbefore using your shoulder muscles again. Make your shoulder day on 'day 3' or 'day 4'. You can include seated or standing military press aswell (maybe the best shoulder exercise).

Completely revamp day 3. Make this your back day. Do rows, barbell rows, lat pull down, chin ups, pull ups, etc. When you're done working out your back,you can work out your biceps if you have any energy left.

Day 4 is good. Focus more on working out your legs than your abs. Working out your legs will burn more calories and it works out your ab muscles anyways. Dobarbell squat, deadlifts, lunges, etc.

Basically try to do more free weight exercises and focus more on your larger muscles (chest, back, legs). If you're trying to lose weight, I'drecommend circuit training where your basically working out all the muscles in your body everytime you go to the gym. You lift light weights, do them like 10reps each and continue on to another exercise without stopping. It's like doing HIIT but with weights and you'll be completely exhausted after 20 mins.

Whenever the gym is empty and I feel energized I'll do...
-Bench press x 10 reps
-Squats x 10 reps
-bent over rows x 10 reps
-lunges x 10 reps
-standing dumbell shoulder press x 10 reps
-bicep curls x 10 reps
-Leg lifts x 10 (for abs)

Keep repeating until your too tired. Best way to lose fat while lifting IMO. Your heart rate will be 160+, you'll be dripping with sweat, your face willturn red, and you'll want to throw up after 10 mins. I like doing it because after 20 mins, the pain is done and you know you just completed a great andefficient workout that'll have your metabolism roaring for the rest of the day.
Originally Posted by magikmike

Its probably been said somewhere in these 100plus pages, but what can someone recommend for a LEGIT fat burner supplement to take? I do about 30-45 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week aside from playing ball and I'm just trying to straight lose about 25 lbs. Thanks

Açai Berry brah, youll lose 25lbs of fat easily
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I'm assuming you're trying to lose weight? No offense man but that routine definitely needs some fixing. 90% of the dudes in the gym do workouts like that.

For chest, try to get rid of the machine lifts and do bench press, dumbell bench press, incline bench/dumbell presses, dips, etc. Rather than having an arm day on 'Day 3', just work out your triceps on the same day as your chest when you are done your chest exercises.

Separate your shoulder workout from your chest workout. Chest exercises work out your shoulders as well so you want some adequate rest between the two days before using your shoulder muscles again. Make your shoulder day on 'day 3' or 'day 4'. You can include seated or standing military press as well (maybe the best shoulder exercise).

Completely revamp day 3. Make this your back day. Do rows, barbell rows, lat pull down, chin ups, pull ups, etc. When you're done working out your back, you can work out your biceps if you have any energy left.

Day 4 is good. Focus more on working out your legs than your abs. Working out your legs will burn more calories and it works out your ab muscles anyways. Do barbell squat, deadlifts, lunges, etc.

Basically try to do more free weight exercises and focus more on your larger muscles (chest, back, legs). If you're trying to lose weight, I'd recommend circuit training where your basically working out all the muscles in your body everytime you go to the gym. You lift light weights, do them like 10 reps each and continue on to another exercise without stopping. It's like doing HIIT but with weights and you'll be completely exhausted after 20 mins.

Whenever the gym is empty and I feel energized I'll do...
-Bench press x 10 reps
-Squats x 10 reps
-bent over rows x 10 reps
-lunges x 10 reps
-standing dumbell shoulder press x 10 reps
-bicep curls x 10 reps
-Leg lifts x 10 (for abs)

Keep repeating until your too tired. Best way to lose fat while lifting IMO. Your heart rate will be 160+, you'll be dripping with sweat, your face will turn red, and you'll want to throw up after 10 mins. I like doing it because after 20 mins, the pain is done and you know you just completed a great and efficient workout that'll have your metabolism roaring for the rest of the day.

Thanks for the imput bro

I'm gonna try that circuit training this week and see how it goes.
Originally Posted by WarMachine

Originally Posted by magikmike

Its probably been said somewhere in these 100plus pages, but what can someone recommend for a LEGIT fat burner supplement to take? I do about 30-45 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week aside from playing ball and I'm just trying to straight lose about 25 lbs. Thanks

Açai Berry brah, youll lose 25lbs of fat easily
Isnt that the scam joint? People advertising it on the back of their cars and all that?
Originally Posted by magikmike

Originally Posted by WarMachine

Originally Posted by magikmike

Its probably been said somewhere in these 100plus pages, but what can someone recommend for a LEGIT fat burner supplement to take? I do about 30-45 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week aside from playing ball and I'm just trying to straight lose about 25 lbs. Thanks

Açai Berry brah, youll lose 25lbs of fat easily
Isnt that the scam joint? People advertising it on the back of their cars and all that?
hes joking.

recently i've been taking a ton of adderall and caffeine so i just took a break from all those stimulants for the last two days......and have been moreproductive in the gym as a result.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

chewtoy, how long before your back recovered? You do any kind of leg/ab exercises or cardio when you were recovering?
I'm still recovering, probably at about 90% right now. I hurt it about 2 months ago, then it went away after 2 weeks, so I tried to deadliftagain, and hurt it again. I still do my full workouts; deadlifts are the only thing I took out.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I'm assuming you're trying to lose weight? No offense man but that routine definitely needs some fixing. 90% of the dudes in the gym do workouts like that.

For chest, try to get rid of the machine lifts and do bench press, dumbell bench press, incline bench/dumbell presses, dips, etc. Rather than having an arm day on 'Day 3', just work out your triceps on the same day as your chest when you are done your chest exercises.

Separate your shoulder workout from your chest workout. Chest exercises work out your shoulders as well so you want some adequate rest between the two days before using your shoulder muscles again. Make your shoulder day on 'day 3' or 'day 4'. You can include seated or standing military press as well (maybe the best shoulder exercise).

Completely revamp day 3. Make this your back day. Do rows, barbell rows, lat pull down, chin ups, pull ups, etc. When you're done working out your back, you can work out your biceps if you have any energy left.

Day 4 is good. Focus more on working out your legs than your abs. Working out your legs will burn more calories and it works out your ab muscles anyways. Do barbell squat, deadlifts, lunges, etc.

Basically try to do more free weight exercises and focus more on your larger muscles (chest, back, legs). If you're trying to lose weight, I'd recommend circuit training where your basically working out all the muscles in your body everytime you go to the gym. You lift light weights, do them like 10 reps each and continue on to another exercise without stopping. It's like doing HIIT but with weights and you'll be completely exhausted after 20 mins.

Whenever the gym is empty and I feel energized I'll do...
-Bench press x 10 reps
-Squats x 10 reps
-bent over rows x 10 reps
-lunges x 10 reps
-standing dumbell shoulder press x 10 reps
-bicep curls x 10 reps
-Leg lifts x 10 (for abs)

Keep repeating until your too tired. Best way to lose fat while lifting IMO. Your heart rate will be 160+, you'll be dripping with sweat, your face will turn red, and you'll want to throw up after 10 mins. I like doing it because after 20 mins, the pain is done and you know you just completed a great and efficient workout that'll have your metabolism roaring for the rest of the day.

I like this. When im in season or busy with work or school, sometimes going to the gym 5x a week and HIIT is hard to achieve and be consistent with. Howeverdoing a 3 day split, with heavy compunds is something i'll definitely look into.

But for now 5 days a week is going well, my split is Mon Legs, Tues Chest, Weds Back, Thurs Shoulders, Fri Arms. I'll do HIIT maybe 2-3x a week. Ivegotten great results with the cardio and im slowly getting used to eating a variety of great foods (not junk - although i'll eat a takeaway meal now andthen by making room for it). I don't really count calories, and just go off how my body feels.

I do think I need to eat more though, but when you cant see your abs - its kind of digruntling.
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