Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Anyone try the warrior diet?

This whole counting calories and multiple meals a day just isn't for me..It clashes with my schedule, and i don't like having to revolve my whole day around food.
Check out intermittent fasting. It's easier to live with than the warrior diet imo. Both are great approaches though. At first, you'll be doing essentially an eating window regardless because there's no way anyone is going to eat a 2000 calorie meal based on Ori's recommendations at first. Basically winds up being IF, initially at least. After a while appetite increases.

Grimlock, don't try to cut while doing Starting Strength. Eventually you'll have to decide between gaining strength and losing bodyfat. You're better off with another routine. Sounds like you eat a lot of carbs too. Might want to cut out a few carby items. You're going to have to make some tough decisions. Would you rather
or lose a few pounds? 
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Most likely water weight.  But I've posted what I think will help the most.
Good Luck
...and 10 lbs in 2 weeks??  Even if you did lose, it most likely wouldn't be very noticeable in the mirror.

I'm sort of biased against people who try to get these quick-fix diet plans 

Honestly, you should use these two weeks to implement a healthier lifestyle as opposed to just being a slave to the scale for the next 14 days.

but then again, this is just advice, no disrespect.

No need to preach, my lifestyle is pretty damn healthy. And I'm a pretty lean 190. But I remember reading in here awhile back about dudes dropping weight overnight. Yeah I know it's not the best way to go, just looking for a little extra.  
Just saying...If you're pretty lean then the scale shouldn't matter. It may be doable but like I said it won't be noticeable.
Losing weight too fast and you'll probably lose some muscle with that.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Alright so I really need some help in the area of losing some fat in the love handle and abdominal college graduation is coming up and I would like to lose 5-10 lbs of fat in a month or as much as I can. I just want to detail what my weekly eating/working out regimen is so that I can paint a better picture of what i'm doing versus and advice to what I should be doing:

Program: Rippetoe's starting strength 3-5 x 5

5 min warmup on treadmill

5 min on abs - 2 min basic plank, 1 1/2 min each side plank

Bench Press
Power Clean


alternating each workout session - Mon, Wends, Fri

My nutrition is like this:

Breakfast - Big carb meal - rice/pasta with small portions of veggies and some chicken

Post workout - 1 scoop of whey(25grams), 2 scoops of dextrose (50grams), 5grams of creatine

1 hour later(lunch) - meal of rice/pasta, beans, chicken and assorted veggies OR a baked potato, cous cous, garbanzo beans w/sauteed onions, banana

Dinner - 2 egg whites, cereal/oats with 1% milk, some fruits (kiwis...etc...)

***I do get
at night which of course causes the munchies, which sometimes I probably indulge too much and I have some ice cream, crackers, milk, kiwis...etc.

i'm 5'7 - 155lbs

On my off days I usually keep the eating about the same where I try to taper off carbs towards the night.

What do I need to be doing in order to shave some pounds of fat off my sides and get a nice v-cut going for myself?

I don't really want to take any supplements for cutting but is there somethings I should tweak in my nutrition/workout plan that would help me lose some extra pounds come graduation?

Carb cycling may help a bit.

High-!+# carbs on lift days (MWF). I try to get around 110g...low fat intake those days.

Very low on off days (TThSS). When I mean low, don't eat anything thats pure carb source(breads, pastas, potatos, etc.) The only carbs you should be getting are incidental carbs from vegetables. On those days, eat a bit more nuts, pb's or anything with higher that will be your source of energy instead of carbs.

Smoke less if you think the munchies are hindering your progress.

ALSO: Fat spot reduction is a myth.  Fat in lower abdominal area is the hardest to get rid of, and is usually the last to go.  Just keep that in mind.
Very interesting...I might have to try this. Thank you.
Nealraj honestly I'd rather 
 then lose the couple pounds but if I could do both it would be ideal...last night I tried to exercise some control and only had some crackers.  While my main goal is gaining strength I feel like i'm not incorporating my carbs right....should I be doing something different with the carbs I am eating?  I really haven't looked up what type of carbs to do pre workout and post workout so any insight in that division would be appreciated...also am I using too much dextrose post workout.

I know a couple pages back there was mention of pre workout shakes being better for their any merit behind that...if so would it be wise to split my normal post workout shake...where I would take half of it before working out and the other half post workout?

I really feel like it's the carbs I intake that are throwing me off...I'd really like to see what type of carbs everyone else is eating and more importantly when are you eating them....

Also if I do reduce my carbs like shady is mentioning will that have a direct impact on how much I end up lifting on my workout days?

I'm really trying to get the impossible right now...shed fat while build strength/muscle so to say the least it is quite the conundrum

All advice is welcomed and
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Many articles I've read say to consume complex carbs in the morning, and in your meal after lifting.  Simple carbs before, and during the workout.  May just be a bunch of bro-science, but shrugs, give it a try and see.

Complex carbs : brown rice, Oats, whole wheat bread
Simple carbs: sugars, fruits, candy

Take your dextrose before/during your workout session.
What would y'all recommend me if I want to gain about 10-20lbs of muscle? I'm at 145lbs right now. ht:6'0 if that matters. I also want to improve my cardio.

Also, I consume around 2,500 to 3,500 calories a day with very little exercise.  I want to get back in shape and become stronger than before and also more toned.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by Truballa101

is jogging outdoors really that abnormal? Unless you live in the hood, idk 

Man up and get that cardio in.  If you're that self-conscious just drive to your local park and run in that setting.
nah i can do it, im just type lazy with running one of those dudes that rather lift weights....but i gotta wait til i get some money for a membership

guess i'll just run outside for 10 minutes for a week, then up it by 5 minutes each week.
You are working on yourself. Who cares if people stare..maybe that will be motivation for them to start jogging. I used to run around my neighborhood. I prefer it because it gives you the chance to get some fresh air, see things in your neighborhood etc. I put my headphones on and tune the world out. I hate running as well but i am sure it is probably the best for cardio.
Same. Running in a gym is so boring, usually I just lift at the gym unless I use the rowing machine for cardio. Running outside is more fun, you see more stuff and can explore wherever you want. Whenever I need to get stuff out of my head I just put some music on and run without a plan in my mind.
Originally Posted by blue23jordan

What would y'all recommend me if I want to gain about 10-20lbs of muscle? I'm at 145lbs right now. ht:6'0 if that matters. I also want to improve my cardio.

Also, I consume around 2,500 to 3,500 calories a day with very little exercise.  I want to get back in shape and become stronger than before and also more toned.

lol 10-20 pounds of lean a year requires the dedication of a buddist monk or steroids...actually both
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Alright supplement gods, I'm trying to lose 10lbs in two weeks...I'm 5'10, 190 and I'm in the gym 4 days a week. Please advise.

You'll be lucky to lose 2 lbs in 2 weeks.
A deficit if 3500 calories an entire week = loss of 1 lb  (basically 1500caloric consumption a day for the entire week)

Do the math and see that its impossible to lose 10 lbs in that short amount of time....Unless you do the Christian Bale Machinist diet = Coffee and Cigarettes
Just weighed myself. Lost 2.5 lbs this week. Thing is, unlike when I was doing P90x and eating seriously carb-deficient meals, I don't feel as hungry and I feel like I can maintain this longer. Bad part is, as somebody mentioned, the dire need for increasing K+ intake. After a workout my groin cramped up from pissing, that !@%% is NOT fun. Anyway, strength and such at maintained....I haven't been eating the healthiest either but definitely at a deficit and it's working.

Keithsweat, try using the EC stack. Look it up on
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by blue23jordan

What would y'all recommend me if I want to gain about 10-20lbs of muscle? I'm at 145lbs right now. ht:6'0 if that matters. I also want to improve my cardio.

Also, I consume around 2,500 to 3,500 calories a day with very little exercise.  I want to get back in shape and become stronger than before and also more toned.

lol 10-20 pounds of lean a year requires the dedication of a buddist monk or steroids...actually both
Any besides steroids?

well, im gonna try to work out 6 days a week for 3-4 hours during the summer. eat more protein and yeah. eat more balanced.
Originally Posted by blue23jordan

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by blue23jordan

What would y'all recommend me if I want to gain about 10-20lbs of muscle? I'm at 145lbs right now. ht:6'0 if that matters. I also want to improve my cardio.

Also, I consume around 2,500 to 3,500 calories a day with very little exercise.  I want to get back in shape and become stronger than before and also more toned.

lol 10-20 pounds of lean a year requires the dedication of a buddist monk or steroids...actually both
Any besides steroids?

well, im gonna try to work out 6 days a week for 3-4 hours during the summer. eat more protein and yeah. eat more balanced.
Don't have such lofty goals, you'll get discouraged easily and quit.  3-4 hours for 6 days a week is OD. Start out with a good routine and eat lots of clean foods above your maintenance. There is no way to had 10-20 lbs. of muscle quickly, or easily. Google "Starting Strength", read up and hit the gym. 
Guys, this might be an obvious question but I want to know the answer anyways.

Is it too ridiculous to take EC stack while on Keto, doing P90x, and taking Kre-Alkalyn before weight lifting (for football) and whey after?
Or am I doing too much and it will all be useless? What should I focus on?

I'm 5'5", 180 lbs, and have about 30 lbs that I can shed. Help is appreciated.

Also, if I do P90x correctly, will I (after the 90 days) look like the people who review P90x on youtube?
A lot of the transformations look too good to be true.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

how many of you guys say !$*% bro-science and just listen to your body?

There's a lot of good to the bro-science, but for the novices you see in this thread, and those that just want to look good, some of that is too complex.

Most of you will probably get burnt out trying to meticulously follow this stuff. I believe the bro-science can be left to the hardcore bodybuilders. By bodybuilders I mean competition dudes.

I can tell you for a fact that if you clean up your eating habits and eat healthy (no diets) and balanced meals you will greatly improve your body composition. In a two month stretch of eating right most of the time (2 cheat days a week even) 3 days a week of strength training and only 2 days of an hours worth of HIIT, I was looking lean as ever. After three months, I was in the best shape of my life in Hawai'i.

Point is, stay consistent with the basics and you'll definitely see improvement. Three months goes by quick in the grand scheme and before you know it you'll be very happy with the results. I know its a last push for summer, but you can't beat the results you'll get from consistency over a longer stretch.

Originally Posted by blue23jordan

What would y'all recommend me if I want to gain about 10-20lbs of muscle? I'm at 145lbs right now. ht:6'0 if that matters. I also want to improve my cardio.

Also, I consume around 2,500 to 3,500 calories a day with very little exercise.  I want to get back in shape and become stronger than before and also more toned.

10 to 20 lbs is very doable. And no steroids is not the answer. Find yourself a good routine you can stick with. Get plenty of rest and eat to grow. Time in the gym isn't all it takes. Thats really a small part of it. At your height and weight I'd say you got a fast metabolism. I'd start at 4000 calories a day. Do 50% carbs 30% protein and 20% fat. Keep it clean and eat every 2-3 hours. If you are not gaining on that raise your calories by 10% and see how that goes. Most people fail because their diet sucks not because they are hard gainers. If you need any help with diet or routine visit me at I will help you gain the 20 lbs if you have the dedication to do it.
do you guys take creatine on days off? also its time to up the intake of oxy elite pro damn appetite is coming back. 
 had to struggle yesterday to not eat anymore than i had but ended up eating a sandwich and yogurt anyway. 
GrimlocK wrote:

  I really haven't looked up what type of carbs to do pre workout and post workout so any insight in that division would be appreciated...also am I using too much dextrose post workout.

I know a couple pages back there was mention of pre workout shakes being better for their any merit behind that...if so would it be wise to split my normal post workout shake...where I would take half of it before working out and the other half post workout?

I really feel like it's the carbs I intake that are throwing me off...I'd really like to see what type of carbs everyone else is eating and more importantly when are you eating them....

Also if I do reduce my carbs like shady is mentioning will that have a direct impact on how much I end up lifting on my workout days?

All advice is welcomed and

still need some insight into these issues...
Also for those who do cut carbs...what foods do you guys eat?  Rice cakes?

Carbs have always been a major portion of my diet so for me to cut/eliminate carbs I'd like to know some good foods you guys go to on maybe a carb-less day.
Originally Posted by blue23jordan

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by blue23jordan

What would y'all recommend me if I want to gain about 10-20lbs of muscle? I'm at 145lbs right now. ht:6'0 if that matters. I also want to improve my cardio.

Also, I consume around 2,500 to 3,500 calories a day with very little exercise.  I want to get back in shape and become stronger than before and also more toned.

lol 10-20 pounds of lean a year requires the dedication of a buddist monk or steroids...actually both
Any besides steroids?

well, im gonna try to work out 6 days a week for 3-4 hours during the summer. eat more protein and yeah. eat more balanced.
I'd say 10 is doable. When you start talking 15-20 lbs it gets a little more lofty. First year of law school I put on about 15 lbs of muscle in that timespan. I was about 130, 8-11% BF to begin with though so my situation wasn't typical. I don't think I did anything drastic...4-5 days a week workout, full body split. Worked out pretty well. Let me know if you got any questions
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by blue23jordan

What would y'all recommend me if I want to gain about 10-20lbs of muscle? I'm at 145lbs right now. ht:6'0 if that matters. I also want to improve my cardio.

Also, I consume around 2,500 to 3,500 calories a day with very little exercise.  I want to get back in shape and become stronger than before and also more toned.
lol 10-20 pounds of lean a year requires the dedication of a buddist monk or steroids...actually both
seriously? Dude is definitely severely underweight/undermuscled. He doesn't even workout currently. A few months on a good linear progression program a la Starting Strength will add 10-20 lbs to his frame no problem if he eats well.
Blue jordan, Check out "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe. Learn to like milk. You might want to get on the forums at

Grimlock, higher protein, higher fat, fewer carbs. Carbs should come from veggies and fruits. Eat more meat, veggies, nuts. Basically I advocate a paleo/primal approach. Check out "The Primal Blueprint"  or "The Paleo Diet"/"The Paleo Solution"
Anybody try the PHAT routine posted a while back? Just got done starting strength and looking for a new routine
I never really made my presence known in this thread, but I lurked it, and took a lot of advice around HIIT training and dieting.

Here are the results. The first picture is from last year around this time, and the second is from this last weekend.

Hopefully this will provide some motivation to you guys, and give you an idea of what you can do with hard work and dedication.
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