Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Man I tried some of those at this park around here because they have the rings, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I won't even say how sore my wrists were the next WEEK. (no masto)
gymnastics do require strong wrists. i wanna start doing rafter pull-ups as a challenge for myself. after that i'll look for a place where i could start rope climbing
When doing a combo day such as Chest/Triceps..

How do you do each exercise? Do you do all your Chest, then all your Tricep exercises? vice-versa? Or do you interchange them.. Chest-Triceps-Chest-Triceps-etc..

Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

 i'll look for a place where i could start rope climbing
Check your local indoor rock climbing gym, they will most likely have a vertical rope for you to climb.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

When doing a combo day such as Chest/Triceps..

How do you do each exercise? Do you do all your Chest, then all your Tricep exercises? vice-versa? Or do you interchange them.. Chest-Triceps-Chest-Triceps-etc..

You can do them either way, for me personally I have done them both ways : back to back or alternating groups.  The thing I find is that if your aiming for fatiguing the muscle then do back to back with rest.  If your alternating groups like a Incline press then onto a cable pulldown or a tricep extenstion then I would limit the rest even more because your not working the same body part.

I prefer back to back excercises with an allotted rest in between them.
What are the best type of carbs to take in with my whey shake after my workout. Right now I've been using my whey + tablespoon of brown sugar and a couple minutes later I eat a skinless baked potato. I've been reading about dextrose and maltodextrin powder would anyone recommend these over foods like a baked potatoe or other foods?
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

What are the best type of carbs to take in with my whey shake after my workout. Right now I've been using my whey + tablespoon of brown sugar and a couple minutes later I eat a skinless baked potato. I've been reading about dextrose and maltodextrin powder would anyone recommend these over foods like a baked potatoe or other foods?

You put brown sugar in your Whey Shake? What flavor Whey do you have? Mine taste really good without..
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

What are the best type of carbs to take in with my whey shake after my workout. Right now I've been using my whey + tablespoon of brown sugar and a couple minutes later I eat a skinless baked potato. I've been reading about dextrose and maltodextrin powder would anyone recommend these over foods like a baked potatoe or other foods?

You put brown sugar in your Whey Shake? What flavor Whey do you have? Mine taste really good without..

Sounds like he adds the sugar for the carbs, not the taste.
Nice XIs

Towel Pull Ups are hard.

That gymnast is very impressive.

Should I be sticking up hips in the air during bench press like these people on chutube?
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

What are the best type of carbs to take in with my whey shake after my workout. Right now I've been using my whey + tablespoon of brown sugar and a couple minutes later I eat a skinless baked potato. I've been reading about dextrose and maltodextrin powder would anyone recommend these over foods like a baked potatoe or other foods?

You put brown sugar in your Whey Shake? What flavor Whey do you have? Mine taste really good without..

Sounds like he adds the sugar for the carbs, not the taste.
Yea your right its for the carbs.  I've gotten so used to the chalky taste of protein powders from high school that the taste really isnt my concern...but I do use Optimum Nutrition Natural Whey Chocolate and i've heard it's the best flavor they have in that series but it still taste like chalk.

Still wanna know what you guys use for post workout carbs...
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

What are the best type of carbs to take in with my whey shake after my workout. Right now I've been using my whey + tablespoon of brown sugar and a couple minutes later I eat a skinless baked potato. I've been reading about dextrose and maltodextrin powder would anyone recommend these over foods like a baked potatoe or other foods?

You put brown sugar in your Whey Shake? What flavor Whey do you have? Mine taste really good without..

Sounds like he adds the sugar for the carbs, not the taste.
Yea your right its for the carbs.  I've gotten so used to the chalky taste of protein powders from high school that the taste really isnt my concern...but I do use Optimum Nutrition Natural Whey Chocolate and i've heard it's the best flavor they have in that series but it still taste like chalk.

Still wanna know what you guys use for post workout carbs...
whole grain carbs is the best...ofc stay away from white carbs (white rice,bread,pasta,etc)....
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

What are the best type of carbs to take in with my whey shake after my workout. Right now I've been using my whey + tablespoon of brown sugar and a couple minutes later I eat a skinless baked potato. I've been reading about dextrose and maltodextrin powder would anyone recommend these over foods like a baked potatoe or other foods?

You put brown sugar in your Whey Shake? What flavor Whey do you have? Mine taste really good without..

Sounds like he adds the sugar for the carbs, not the taste.
Yea your right its for the carbs.  I've gotten so used to the chalky taste of protein powders from high school that the taste really isnt my concern...but I do use Optimum Nutrition Natural Whey Chocolate and i've heard it's the best flavor they have in that series but it still taste like chalk.

Still wanna know what you guys use for post workout carbs...

Chocolate milk.
DCAllAmerican wrote:
TylerDurden, do you ever get questioned why you hardly ever do any cardio? I am in the same boat and I am tired of being asked the question. What should I respond with? I am a slim dude trying to get to Bruce Lee status. At like 11% BF right now
Yeah, I get questioned all the time.

I always just tell them that I dont like doing it or it doesnt fit in with my goals.  I do play basketball a few times a week so I am getting some sort of aerobic exercise.  It's not intense basketball, but its more than just shooting around with friends.  I just can't stand any sort of aerobic machines.  (Treadmill, Elliptical, Bike, Stairclimber)  I tried a freewheelin bike once, but im not sure if id actually enjoy the class.  Theres just something about not physically moving that irks me.  I need it to be competitive and social.

Just tell them that it isn't need with what your goals are.

  Muscle ups are harder than I thought, the transition part.  Any tips?
If your gym has an assisted dip/pullup machine you can work on explosion with it.  Like nealraj said, the power aspect is incredibly important.  The assisted dip/pullup machine allows you to work on fast twich fibers with the muscles used.
the first pic was taken during last september @ 155lb, I am at about 164lb but trying to reach 170lb. I'm a picky eating, so eating the right amount and satifying my taste buds gets expensive.
Originally Posted by woody23

Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by bkmac

Are these websites straight #@!%#++! or are they worth giving a look see?

I didn't click but all you really need to know to get a 6pack is to keep cutting down body fat and your 6pack will eventually show
any good workouts for cutting down body fat?

Anything that burns calories.

Calories burned > calories consumed = - body fat

Keep protein and fat intake high, carbs low, and watch the fat burn off.

And if your just a lazy bum who cant do 45-60 minutes of intense weight training, and 30 minutes of high intensity cardio a day then forget about ever being jacked.

and fat burning pills are basically straight caffiene. There is no magic pill.... thats legal.
I do 3 different workouts for a muscle group, 4 sets of about 10, first set 12, next set 10, etc.  After a workout i do 3 different abs workouts.  And then run for 15-20 minutes.
I gotta start to consume less carbs.

But i my calories gained are greater than calories consumed because i eat around 2000 calories a day and no way could i burn it off with in a day.

Should i be drinking that protein shake/mix?
Anyone here ever go from fat to buff? and not from fat to skinny to buff. Because I've seen transformations in where former fat guys transform into guys who look built who didn't have to become skinny first and I seem to going the "fat to skinny" way.

Also for hypertrophy is the ideal of reps per set 8-12?
Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

Originally Posted by woody23

Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by bkmac

Are these websites straight #@!%#++! or are they worth giving a look see?

I didn't click but all you really need to know to get a 6pack is to keep cutting down body fat and your 6pack will eventually show
any good workouts for cutting down body fat?

Anything that burns calories.

Calories burned > calories consumed = - body fat

Keep protein and fat intake high, carbs low, and watch the fat burn off.

And if your just a lazy bum who cant do 45-60 minutes of intense weight training, and 30 minutes of high intensity cardio a day then forget about ever being jacked.

and fat burning pills are basically straight caffiene. There is no magic pill.... thats legal.
I do 3 different workouts for a muscle group, 4 sets of about 10, first set 12, next set 10, etc.  After a workout i do 3 different abs workouts.  And then run for 15-20 minutes.
I gotta start to consume less carbs.

But i my calories gained are greater than calories consumed because i eat around 2000 calories a day and no way could i burn it off with in a day.

Should i be drinking that protein shake/mix?

What do you mean your calories gained are greater than your calories consumed?

The "calories in vs. calories out" statement is misleading to a lot of people.  Most individuals make the assumption that they have to burn off that many calories from exercise, but the body burns calories through daily activites (walking, breathing, thinking, sleeping, normal cell activity) and those need to be added into the equation as well.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

Originally Posted by woody23

Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by bkmac

Are these websites straight #@!%#++! or are they worth giving a look see?

I didn't click but all you really need to know to get a 6pack is to keep cutting down body fat and your 6pack will eventually show
any good workouts for cutting down body fat?

Anything that burns calories.

Calories burned > calories consumed = - body fat

Keep protein and fat intake high, carbs low, and watch the fat burn off.

And if your just a lazy bum who cant do 45-60 minutes of intense weight training, and 30 minutes of high intensity cardio a day then forget about ever being jacked.

and fat burning pills are basically straight caffiene. There is no magic pill.... thats legal.
I do 3 different workouts for a muscle group, 4 sets of about 10, first set 12, next set 10, etc.  After a workout i do 3 different abs workouts.  And then run for 15-20 minutes.
I gotta start to consume less carbs.

But i my calories gained are greater than calories consumed because i eat around 2000 calories a day and no way could i burn it off with in a day.

Should i be drinking that protein shake/mix?

What do you mean your calories gained are greater than your calories consumed?

The "calories in vs. calories out" statement is misleading to a lot of people.  Most individuals make the assumption that they have to burn off that many calories from exercise, but the body burns calories through daily activites (walking, breathing, thinking, sleeping, normal cell activity) and those need to be added into the equation as well.
What's the most accurate way to determine how many calories I burn through daily activities?

Down 6 pounds in 2 weeks, been eating ALOT better.  Now I'm just trying to have carbs in only 1 meal, instead of two as I was use too.
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