STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

It seems like Durden and Timbo think they know everything still. Make a YouTube channel. You both seem to know everything.

We should just rename this thread

Ask Timbo and Durden!

Nice progress. Keef it up!
You sound like a mad female b

You and paulprince or whatever stay simpin on gator 

Sounding like a female because I'm telling it like it is? They both think they are above everybody in here.

If you ask me, your the one who sounds like a bitter female. Wipe the sand out your vag. You report me every chance you get lol. Get a life.

Simp over gator? Show me where I have
simped over her. Go ahead quote it and I'll wait.

You talking out ya *** right now. If you paid attention to my post I wrote keef it up. Wasn't a simp post.

Go ahead report me again. You need some vagina.

You seem to have this misconception about your opinions as pure fact in this thread.

Also, reported. :smokin
How is having a lot of answers to questions, knowledge on a particular topic, and causing people to have a discussion abt a topic they're closed minded on acting above everybody? 
Sounding like a female because I'm telling it like it is? They both think they are above everybody in here.

If you ask me, your the one who sounds like a bitter female. Wipe the sand out your vag. You report me every chance you get lol. Get a life.

Simp over gator? Show me where I have
simped over her. Go ahead quote it and I'll wait.

You talking out ya *** right now. If you paid attention to my post I wrote keef it up. Wasn't a simp post.

Go ahead report me again. You need some vagina.
Never once reported anybody on this site brochacho you can ask Meth.

Ive agreed and disagreed with both of them, Durden on a few occasions but you know what? Thats called life homie. Not everybody is going to agree with you all the time, Id hate to see how you act in real life when someone disagrees with you.

You sound uneducated.
I swear I'm the only person in this thread who doesn't like pop tarts

Pretty much flavored cardboard to me. @200 cal per pastry I might as well eat a donut. Also, crumbs every where.

Yeah, anytime I buy 'em I regret it.  If I'm gonna grab those, I might as well go big and eat a brownie, a piece of cake, or some cookies.

Tweaked my lower back...weird feeling.  Frustration more than anything.  Gonna ice it and see if that helps.
My back doesn't hurt as bad, or as often as it used to, but I roll it on a lacrosse ball against a hard surface.

Loosens it right up. I've never iced my back even when it was bad.
Yeah, it's not so much tightness as it is slight inflammation.  I try and foam roll (rumble roller FTW) daily to release overall muscle tension as well as improve mobility.  Recently introduced the lacrosse ball as well.
i hate doing shoulders, i do a lot of work on them and seriously havent noticed anything

its very very weird
What exactly are you doing for shoulders?  You say this a lot.  You say it about chest, you say it about back...are you doing compounds?
3 sets DB Shoulder Press, did 4 tonight

4 sets Hammer Strength Shoulder Press (simulates behind the neck press), did 5 tonight

8 sets Upright Rows, 4 close grip, 4 wide

3 working sets Rear Delt Machine, 2 extra sets (1 5 lbs lower, other 10 lbs lower)

4 sets 1 armed Lateral Raises

4 sets of some other Rear Delt ezeecise

4 sets Seated Face Pulls

So, I actually did more than 27 sets, I forgot a few exercises.

I did 4 sets of Shrugs at the end of the workout too.
As long as it's working for you. My shoulder days are usually:

Standing BB press 4(4-6) with 2 warm up sets
Arnold DB press 4(8-10)
DB side raises 3(8-12)
Upright BB row superset with DB shrug 3(10)
Yeah, this is typically what I do as well.  I try not to shrug too often though as it usually has my neck looking like Brock Lesnar's if I do 'em too often. 

Too much momentum can be used. Also reliant on core strength, so I avoid it.
Thats why they call it a strict press. Omar did a good video on how to do it correctly. Its the best shoulder exercise in my opinion, nothing like lifting some heavy *** weight over you head. Plus not many people do it so the gym will be mirin lol



Also I keep saying some of you guys will see more results if you stop training like a geared bodybuilder.

Blame lol.

I was once a victim of falling into some of the traps that they set with their views on training.  Since my primary goal isn't to win a pose down, I've shied away from their articles over the past few years.  There are still some people who I read up on like Stoppani (ignoring his supp obsession), but I've learned to only apply principles that I feel fall in line with my goals.

I should start filming people at my gym doing the OHP.  2 plates on the bar...moving it 2 centimeters.  Ego lifters. 

It seems like Durden and Timbo think they know everything still. Make a YouTube channel. You both seem to know everything.

We should just rename this thread

Ask Timbo and Durden!
Yeah, youre right, because trying to have a discussion on a topic is the same thing as proclaiming I know everything.

Heavens forbid I try and broaden horizons by being engaged in a thought provoking discussion.
Yeah, this is one of the reasons I kind of skim this thread nowadays as opposed to posting as much as I once did.  Every little thing turns into a pissing contest as opposed to people simply opening their minds and trying to have a discussion without reaching for laughs or getting bent out of shape.

Food scale on the way.  Got tired of using a pocket version, lol.  Want to be more accurate tracking my macros.
Why not just squat?

Let me make a general statement.

Everyone pays for a gym membership.

Grants you access to a whole lot of stuff. Free weights, machines, cardio equipment.

Some people eventually come up with a routine that involves doing several variations on a chest movement. You know, they'll do a circuit if incline, decline press, dumbbell fly. And they might do variations for different muscle groups, too.

But then they'll only do a squat and leave it at that.

If you pay for a gym, have access to all kinds of stuff, have the ambition to do all kinds of variations for different muscle groups, then why not also do leg abbduction/addiction, standing abbduction/addiction, step ups, etc.

I'm just saying more is better. Most people agree more weight, reps, diversity helps gains. So I never quite got why people just brushed things off, like the vag machine, as it's affectionately called.
Yeah, it's not so much tightness as it is slight inflammation.  I try and foam roll (rumble roller FTW) daily to release overall muscle tension as well as improve mobility.  Recently introduced the lacrosse ball as well.

What exactly are you doing for shoulders?  You say this a lot.  You say it about chest, you say it about back...are you doing compounds?

Yeah, this is typically what I do as well.  I try not to shrug too often though as it usually has my neck looking like Brock Lesnar's if I do 'em too often. 

Blame lol.

I was once a victim of falling into some of the traps that they set with their views on training.  Since my primary goal isn't to win a pose down, I've shied away from their articles over the past few years.  There are still some people who I read up on like Stoppani (ignoring his supp obsession), but I've learned to only apply principles that I feel fall in line with my goals.

I should start filming people at my gym doing the OHP.  2 plates on the bar...moving it 2 centimeters.  Ego lifters. 

Yeah, this is one of the reasons I kind of skim this thread nowadays as opposed to posting as much as I once did.  Every little thing turns into a pissing contest as opposed to people simply opening their minds and trying to have a discussion without reaching for laughs or getting bent out of shape.

Food scale on the way.  Got tired of using a pocket version, lol.  Want to be more accurate tracking my macros.
People that complain about not seeing progress are usually program hopping or not eating right. Sticking to a solid program is crucial when it comes to lifting.

I feel like a lot of people fall victim to the bb hype when they first start lifting, I even did it. Everyone has different goal I understand but thinking your going to see gains just because you train like someone with your goal physique isnt the best way to go about things.

Digital food scale is the **** lol Changed my diet for real.
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Let me make a general statement.

Everyone pays for a gym membership.

Grants you access to a whole lot of stuff. Free weights, machines, cardio equipment.

Some people eventually come up with a routine that involves doing several variations on a chest movement. You know, they'll do a circuit if incline, decline press, dumbbell fly. And they might do variations for different muscle groups, too.

But then they'll only do a squat and leave it at that.

If you pay for a gym, have access to all kinds of stuff, have the ambition to do all kinds of variations for different muscle groups, then why not also do leg abbduction/addiction, standing abbduction/addiction, step ups, etc.

I'm just saying more is better. Most people agree more weight, reps, diversity helps gains. So I never quite got why people just brushed things off, like the vag machine, as it's affectionately called.
Will those machines help my hips in the squat? Will they help me move more weight?
They should and possible.

But what I'm trying to say is, if people are so willing to make a laundry list of pec movements, why not dominate are that kind of willingness for other muscle groups. Why not use those machines after your squat session, for example? Or standing cable abb/deduction, since the machines eliminate the "weak link," after all. Of course there's other moves too, like leg extension, flexing (machine/standing variations), etc.

I'm just saying man. Its something that makes sense to me, to want to open up the playbook across the board. That's all.
They should and possible.

But what I'm trying to say is, if people are so willing to make a laundry list of pec movements, why not dominate are that kind of willingness for other muscle groups. Why not use those machines after your squat session, for example? Or standing cable abb/deduction, since the machines eliminate the "weak link," after all. Of course there's other moves too, like leg extension, flexing (machine/standing variations), etc.

I'm just saying man. Its something that makes sense to me, to want to open up the playbook across the board. That's all.

I agree in using variation but these particular exercises are ineffective, for bodybuilding and strength building purposes.
Anyone lift late at night? How is it compared to when waking up?

I lift at night, at around 8.

Never a morning person, so morning lifts (when I tried them) weren't too successful for me. Plus, with work, I have no choice but to work out later in the day. The only drawback (if at all) I see is the fact that I may be tired from work and I won't have much time to wind down before going to bed. Night lifters probably shouldn't take pre-workouts either, for the obvious reasons.
Thanks for replying

Empirically, I disagree that they're useless. I think it can work as a supplement to squats, lunges, box jumps, etc.

The motion isn't natural, sure, but personally, and suggestively, I do those as a supplement to other stuff. Standing variations are probably better, and of course I do those, but I wouldn't be discouraged to use "inferior" machines by gym hierarchy.

It's a change up pitch. And I'm ok with throwing some of those every now and then.
Yeah, it's not so much tightness as it is slight inflammation.  I try and foam roll (rumble roller FTW) daily to release overall muscle tension as well as improve mobility.  Recently introduced the lacrosse ball as well.

What exactly are you doing for shoulders?  You say this a lot.  You say it about chest, you say it about back...are you doing compounds?

Yeah, this is typically what I do as well.  I try not to shrug too often though as it usually has my neck looking like Brock Lesnar's if I do 'em too often. 

Blame lol.

I was once a victim of falling into some of the traps that they set with their views on training.  Since my primary goal isn't to win a pose down, I've shied away from their articles over the past few years.  There are still some people who I read up on like Stoppani (ignoring his supp obsession), but I've learned to only apply principles that I feel fall in line with my goals.

I should start filming people at my gym doing the OHP.  2 plates on the bar...moving it 2 centimeters.  Ego lifters. 

Yeah, this is one of the reasons I kind of skim this thread nowadays as opposed to posting as much as I once did.  Every little thing turns into a pissing contest as opposed to people simply opening their minds and trying to have a discussion without reaching for laughs or getting bent out of shape.

Food scale on the way.  Got tired of using a pocket version, lol.  Want to be more accurate tracking my macros.
People that complain about not seeing progress are usually program hopping or not eating right. Sticking to a solid program is crucial when it comes to lifting.

I feel like a lot of people fall victim to the bb hype when they first start lifting, I even did it. Everyone has different goal I understand but thinking your going to see gains just because you train like someone with your goal physique isnt the best way to go about things.

Digital food scale is the **** lol Changed my diet for real.
Yeah, I have this guy in my office who changes programs every 3 months.  "Beach Body has Muscle assault level 25 coming out!  Must do it."

The part of training like someone with your goal physique is so true.  There's so much that factors into the equation.  Most people aren't gonna just post their actual fitness program, meal plan, etc.  That's without taking genetics into account.
They should and possible.

But what I'm trying to say is, if people are so willing to make a laundry list of pec movements, why not dominate are that kind of willingness for other muscle groups. Why not use those machines after your squat session, for example? Or standing cable abb/deduction, since the machines eliminate the "weak link," after all. Of course there's other moves too, like leg extension, flexing (machine/standing variations), etc.

I'm just saying man. Its something that makes sense to me, to want to open up the playbook across the board. That's all.
Depends on what you look for in a gym.  I'd gladly sacrifice 90% if the machines in the gym if it meant more squat racks, prowlers, TRX, etc.

Explain what you mean by eliminating the weak link.  Why not make it a goal to improve that weak link as opposed to avoiding/ignoring it if I'm understanding you correctly?

Random encounter I had at the gym last Friday.  I had someone come up to me the other day and tell me that the leg press is the best machine in the gym because he now runs 1.5 miles faster than ever before.  He's new to running.  According to him, he does nothing but leg press for his lower body and his speed/endurance has increased as a result.  This is a trainer too!  I guess the fact that he's running more often has nothing to do with it...  Dapped him up and told him to keep it up.  As long as homeboy is happy with what he believes the miracle leg press is doing, who am I to tell him otherwise.
Sorry I've kinda taken Durden's aphorism and ran with it.

Machines are easier to use than say kettle bells, dumbells and barbells.

Machines eliminate the weak link by, say, having you sit or lie. A leg press, for instance, takes your back out of the equation.


People still use the leg press. Even though the seated position doesn't allow the back to have its natural curvature.

People seem ok with those moves.

A seated abd/adduction machine eliminates maybe too much. And I fully know standing versions are better. But I still use them at low weight, hold the contraction for a couple seconds and repeat. It is in some senses inferior to others movements, and has similar possible spinal ramifications as say a leg press. But I'd still throw it in sometimes.

Basically, some moves are inferior and some even pose more risk than other better moves, but people seem to be more encouraged to avoid some over others. And I personally don't know why someone wouldn't use the same logic for those other moves.

My bad I'm jerking myself off now I guess. Just trying to help myself understand the psychology.

I'll be back in another 3 years.
But dont you have to ask yourself if the logic youre basing your argument on is even valid to begin with? (Not saying it isnt, just throwing out the corollary)

Like if people have a large arsenal of pec exercises, why do they only squat and not do other machine exercises..... But thats going off the assumption that having a large arsenal of pec exercises is beneficial or even needed.

I think the point i want to make came across correctly haha, right?
Sounding like a female because I'm telling it like it is? They both think they are above everybody in here.

If you ask me, your the one who sounds like a bitter female. Wipe the sand out your vag. You report me every chance you get lol. Get a life.

Simp over gator? Show me where I have

simped over her. Go ahead quote it and I'll wait.

You talking out ya *** right now. If you paid attention to my post I wrote keef it up. Wasn't a simp post.

Go ahead report me again. You need some vagina.
Never once reported anybody on this site brochacho you can ask Meth.

Ive agreed and disagreed with both of them, Durden on a few occasions but you know what? Thats called life homie. Not everybody is going to agree with you all the time, Id hate to see how you act in real life when someone disagrees with you.

You sound uneducated.

Very immature of you. Still waiting on the quotes where I simp to Gator.

You stay talking out your ***.
It seems like Durden and Timbo think they know everything still. Make a YouTube channel. You both seem to know everything.

We should just rename this thread

Ask Timbo and Durden!

Nice progress. Keef it up!
You sound like a mad female b

You and paulprince or whatever stay simpin on gator 

Sounding like a female because I'm telling it like it is? They both think they are above everybody in here.

If you ask me, your the one who sounds like a bitter female. Wipe the sand out your vag. You report me every chance you get lol. Get a life.

Simp over gator? Show me where I have
simped over her. Go ahead quote it and I'll wait.

You talking out ya *** right now. If you paid attention to my post I wrote keef it up. Wasn't a simp post.

Go ahead report me again. You need some vagina.

You seem to have this misconception about your opinions as pure fact in this thread.

Also, reported. :smokin

Haha. Your still incensed from what transpired few pages back? :lol:
But dont you have to ask yourself if the logic youre basing your argument on is even valid to begin with? (Not saying it isnt, just throwing out the corollary)

Like if people have a large arsenal of pec exercises, why do they only squat and not do other machine exercises..... But thats going off the assumption that having a large arsenal of pec exercises is beneficial or even needed.

I think the point i want to make came across correctly haha, right?

Got you loud and clear.

Does it even make sense to have to do a bunch of things, including a bunch of inferior moves, so long as you get the superior most beneficial moves done?

To most it probably won't. Time in the gym is precious so have to make the best, most efficient use of it. Cut out the obsolete, unnecessary stuff. Do only the "big" moves.

But for some people, who maybe are on their way out and decide to use an extra minute, there are options one can use. And I think most people do tend to use certain moves inspite of their shortcomings. But refuse to do other moves with similar shortcomings for very specific reasons. The vag machine is probably the biggest of these "don't waste your time," machines, which is why I keep bringing up.

Of course, actual squats are superior to leg press and vag machine, but people really love the leg press and absolutely hate the vag machine haha
It seems like Durden and Timbo think they know everything still. Make a YouTube channel. You both seem to know everything.

We should just rename this thread

Ask Timbo and Durden!

Nice progress. Keef it up!
You sound like a mad female b

You and paulprince or whatever stay simpin on gator 

Sounding like a female because I'm telling it like it is? They both think they are above everybody in here.

If you ask me, your the one who sounds like a bitter female. Wipe the sand out your vag. You report me every chance you get lol. Get a life.

Simp over gator? Show me where I have
simped over her. Go ahead quote it and I'll wait.

You talking out ya *** right now. If you paid attention to my post I wrote keef it up. Wasn't a simp post.

Go ahead report me again. You need some vagina.

You seem to have this misconception about your opinions as pure fact in this thread.

Also, reported. :smokin

Haha. Your still incensed from what transpired few pages back? :lol:

There he goes again, dodging everything that's said...:smh:
Last edited:
It seems like Durden and Timbo think they know everything still. Make a YouTube channel. You both seem to know everything.

We should just rename this thread

Ask Timbo and Durden!

Nice progress. Keef it up!
You sound like a mad female b

You and paulprince or whatever stay simpin on gator 

There he goes again, dodging everything that's said...:smh:

Sounding like a female because I'm telling it like it is? They both think they are above everybody in here.

If you ask me, your the one who sounds like a bitter female. Wipe the sand out your vag. You report me every chance you get lol. Get a life.

Simp over gator? Show me where I have
simped over her. Go ahead quote it and I'll wait.

You talking out ya *** right now. If you paid attention to my post I wrote keef it up. Wasn't a simp post.

Go ahead report me again. You need some vagina.

You seem to have this misconception about your opinions as pure fact in this thread.

Also, reported. :smokin

Haha. Your still incensed from what transpired few pages back? :lol:

Very immature of you. Still waiting on the quotes where I simp to Gator.

You stay talking out your ***.
Really gator calm down bro its not that serious.

Its physically impossible to talk out of my ***.

Just stop getting mad when people disagree with you or try to correct you.
Very immature of you. Still waiting on the quotes where I simp to Gator.

You stay talking out your ***.
Really gator calm down bro its not that serious.

Its physically impossible to talk out of my ***.

Just stop getting mad when people disagree with you or try to correct you.

Evidently your the one who is "mad." You're constantly reporting me. You're the one who got offended when I didn't even mention you. :lol: You even tried to take a personal shot at me by saying I'm simping by commending gator on her progress. :lol: I have never even quoted her before.
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