STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

hey, has anyone tried to get their immediate family in shape? i can't help but want the best life for them and fitness is inherent in that.

i have a 14 year old sister and a 25 year old brother, as well as a mother, who are all more or less out of shape. my sis has vocalized to me she wants to start working out, so i'm going to get her a membership this week but i'm afraid she won't be committed. does anyone have any similar experiences?

Gonna warn you right now - you know your sister best but be careful pushing her into that fitness life so young. Girls at that age are exposed to a lot. She could easily misconstrue you trying to get her healthy and in shape and think you're calling her fat or whatever.

Just be careful. I speak from experience with my sister. She has an eating disorder now and I look back on the days when I used to take her out on runs or get her eat healthier and feel partially responsible. SMH. Awkward subject but just be wary of how you approach it.
hey, has anyone tried to get their immediate family in shape? i can't help but want the best life for them and fitness is inherent in that.

i have a 14 year old sister and a 25 year old brother, as well as a mother, who are all more or less out of shape. my sis has vocalized to me she wants to start working out, so i'm going to get her a membership this week but i'm afraid she won't be committed. does anyone have any similar experiences?
I don't recommend taking your sister to the gym. I do recommend seeing if she would like to enroll in sports at school or a rec center. Something like soccer can help her get in better overall health as far as weight and endurance. Plus its good team building and allows her to make more friends. She'd be more concerned with goals like winning games, scoring more, more playtime etc. and the health benefits will come without her being obsessed with it.
i hate fitness youtube channels.

was doing chest the other day.

stupid (insert mean name) were yapping and CT this CT that. 

I turned my headphones all the way up.
Gonna warn you right now - you know your sister best but be careful pushing her into that fitness life so young. Girls at that age are exposed to a lot. She could easily misconstrue you trying to get her healthy and in shape and think you're calling her fat or whatever.

Just be careful. I speak from experience with my sister. She has an eating disorder now and I look back on the days when I used to take her out on runs or get her eat healthier and feel partially responsible. SMH. Awkward subject but just be wary of how you approach it.

I see where you're coming from, but I think it may be worth considering the alternative. The sister in question will probably face societal pressure to look a certain way regardless. Without proper guidance, she may resort to ineffective means to try to lose weight and change her body composition (e.g. a low fat, high carb diet, chronic cardio, avoiding lifting because she doesn't want to get bulky). This will result in frustration and more insecurity. I think she would be better off with a basic knowledge of how dieting works, how to effectively burn calories, and how to put on muscle without going overboard. Furthermore, for myself and a lot of people in this thread, fitness offers an opportunity to build self-esteem rather than to explore insecurities. there's no reason why that couldn't be the case for her.
this dude chris jones is hilarious.. talking about he only does pushups when his girl is ten mins away.. and how white girls come up to him in Target when he shaves asking if hes Tiger Woods:rofl:
this dude chris jones is hilarious.. talking about he only does pushups when his girl is ten mins away.. and how white girls come up to him in Target when he shaves asking if hes Tiger Woods:rofl:

That fool Chris needs to back slap his high school English professors for that pla-two and hyper-trophy nonsense lol.
I weigh myself a lot but I never put too much into what the scale says but I weighed in at 211 just now lol.... at 5'9 btw. 
Re: deep fried ice cream. Yep. It's more or less a donut shell with ice cream inside. Pretty darn good, but can't have it too much obviously.

I guess a lot of the more popular dudes on YouTube make decent money from the views. I don't follow anyone really on YouTube. I browse once in a blue moon to get ideas for switching up my routine.

Re: weighing yourself. I do it Saturday morning before I eat anything. What's the purpose of dudes who weigh themselves after a workout at the end of the day? The foods you eat will add lbs so that will fluctuate quite a bit from your raw weight.
What's the purpose of dudes who weigh themselves after a workout at the end of the day? The foods you eat will add lbs so that will fluctuate quite a bit from your raw weight.
Yea your right.  I only weigh myself 1st thing in the morning after using the bathroom.
I see nothing wrong with a 14 year old male/female beginning to workout. That's a great age to start working out.

Saying that she could take it as being called fat sounds a lot like the wussification of America to me... Get real people, get real.

If she has expressed interest into getting into better shape, educate her on the importance of nutrition and slowly into the weights.
I see nothing wrong with a 14 year old male/female beginning to workout. That's a great age to start working out.

Saying that she could take it as being called fat sounds a lot like the wussification of America to me... Get real people, get real.

If she has expressed interest into getting into better shape, educate her on the importance of nutrition and slowly into the weights.

Not to metion being fat has somehow become the norm so i dont think she would be too hurt.

I started "working out" young so i agree that 14 is perfectly fine. Start her off with body weight exercises and cardio. Then introduce weights as she gets more comfortable.

Speaking of working out while young do you guys know if working out while young stunts your growth?

I always heard this growing up but never found any concrete answers
Broke my first PR on front squats. Did 205x5 on the last set. I should be able to hit my goal of 225 by feb.
Working out at 14 is perfectly fine, and its incredibly beneficial if the right exercise program is used.

Working out at a young age doesnt stunt growth either.
I don't see an issue with working out at 14. If you're in a football team or anything of that nature, you'll be working out daily after school.

My school also had weight lifting class for PE for those that want to sign up.
Just completed an insane Kenyan cardio circuit. 6 miles, barefoot, over hot sand chasing scorpions. #gains
Just completed an insane Kenyan cardio circuit. 6 miles, barefoot, over hot sand chasing scorpions. #gains
:lol: wildn out, man

How's the gym looking like, dudes? Last week before it becomes Royal Rumble :frown:

They keep bringing cookies and stuff to work. Gotta avoid that at all cost.
loving this bulk, my strength has gone threw the roof.
hit 165lbs for three reps on the OHP today, and a couple days ago did 260lbs for three reps on bench press as well.
it might not sound like much but im feeling myself :smokin
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Look at my previous post.

Strength is relative to your prior base. As long as you're making gains, you're getting stronger and that's all that matters.
completely agree. that feel when your busting all type of PR :nthat: .

thinking of getting an inzer belt as a Christmas gift for my self. dont know which one i should get tho.
buckle or laver? 13mm or 10mm? any help is appreciated
I see nothing wrong with a 14 year old male/female beginning to workout. That's a great age to start working out.

Saying that she could take it as being called fat sounds a lot like the wussification of America to me... Get real people, get real.

If she has expressed interest into getting into better shape, educate her on the importance of nutrition and slowly into the weights.

There's nothing "wuss" about a MENTAL DISORDER. There's nothing "wuss" about hitting a breaking point emotionally after a lifetime of being hammered with the idea that you aren't good enough because you don't look a certain way. Some people suffer from depression, anxiety or other issues that don't allow them to focus on the gainz all day. I wasn't just talking about hurting her feelings bro.

Anyway, I just said to be careful because she's at a sensitive age. There's nothing wrong with teaching anyone what proper nutrition is (ex. most people go on "diets" and eat nothing but lettuce or something or worse - starve themselves). There's nothing wrong with teaching her how to workout properly. I was just reminding him of some of the stuff that girls at that age go through. Regardless of what you tough guys think, it's an issue people go through. And when it happens, it's a LONG term battle to recover from. Just saying. Help out your sister - of course - I was just giving him something to think about.
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