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People still hating on crossfit?

Theres always gonna be those elitist people that need to get knocked off their high horse.

Other than that, like others have said, do what gets you in shape. If I could afford it I would try crossfit for a few months. Seems like good training + cardio all in one. Im stick to the traditional right now. Hate people with the "if it isnt broke, dont fix it" mentality when it comes to working out. While true, theres that other door that people seem to forget, "trying something new".
Is it ok to do OLYlifts in a gym?...or would dudes give you that judgemental look like "wtf is he doing?" Serious question bros? many of you guys do it?

Btw doing these two movements in a 21-15-9 degression would give you a work out and a half in prolly less than 10 minutes...

Pretty much engages your whole body and since is usually done for time/speed is even good cardio...I'm still working on my TTB but I've come along way from not being able to chain more than 2 together.
I do cleans and snatches in the gym... never really seen anybody doing olympic lifts, but if I did, I wouldn't look at them weird lol. Olympic lifts are tough. Form has to be on point.
People still hating on crossfit?

Theres always gonna be those elitist people that need to get knocked off their high horse.

Other than that, like others have said, do what gets you in shape. If I could afford it I would try crossfit for a few months. Seems like good training + cardio all in one. Im stick to the traditional right now. Hate people with the "if it isnt broke, dont fix it" mentality when it comes to working out. While true, theres that other door that people seem to forget, "trying something new".

traditional an what isnt broke dont fix are ppl who go to the gym and do the same *$&% week after week

trying something new doesnt have to be CF

most ppl dont even know how to change up diet to see gains up or down, how to have an actual "system"

save your money bro, if you got it like that then by all means go ahead but dont knock whatever you call traditional.

this is why there is so much money to be made in this industry ppl want quick results or whatever new trend

250 can get you a quality PT id give my money to a dude like durden before CF thats just me though, carry on, gym related stuff gets me worked up in real

its why i left personal training, i have too much passion to be a rent a buddy and talk about peoples social life with them walking to machine after machine

i def have respect to ppl who train with real knowledge and passion same with said clients

maybe i just need to talk to an actual CF coach an have a discussion for me to gain respect for em, a good one
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I do cleans and snatches in the gym... never really seen anybody doing olympic lifts, but if I did, I wouldn't look at them weird lol. Olympic lifts are tough. Form has to be on point.

Good to know :lol:

Any experience with LA Fitness gyms?....I do want to incorporate some type of gym time into my programming...tried Blink and what a **** gym, is pretty much a hamster cage...1000 treadmills and 1 bench :stoneface: and I can't deal with the douchery of NYSC and their ridiculous contracts....

i dont wanna rustle cf jimmies when we recently had this discussion in there, lets drop it here is a good article

ill stick to standard pull up

Audi my man, can we agree that ANY movement when done with incorrect form can lead to injury?...or does everyone in a gym is a guru and lifts with perfect form? is te thing...assuming you have good coaches, they will let you know how to improve your form, in the gym, NOONE tells you what you are doing wrong, they rather snap a pic to laugh at you behind your back bro....

But it looks like 90% of CF movements need perfect form. All these snatches, clean pulls, hang really need proper form to do them correctly. There's more room for error in squats/deads/bench. Rarely do you see people doing it with perfect/good form. And seriously though, whats the ratio of coaches to members in crossfit gyms?
People getting injured during crossfit are just weak betas...

What is crossfit anyway :lol:
Ive never looked into it
But it looks like 90% of CF movements need perfect form. All these snatches, clean pulls, hang really need proper form to do them correctly. There's more room for error in squats/deads/bench. Rarely do you see people doing it with perfect/good form. And seriously though, whats the ratio of coaches to members in crossfit gyms?

great question an i agree with you shady

steezy srs question about CF

do new members get trained/coached on core strength/stability before trying these CF exercises? also muscle imbalances

seems like signing up for gymnastics first then CF would be a smart choice
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Damn. I dont check the thread for a few hours and i miss a crossfit discussion. Once im off mobile ill come back and read through everything but from what ive skimmed through theres a lot of misinformation in here.
Damn. I dont check the thread for a few hours and i miss a crossfit discussion. Once im off mobile ill come back and read through everything but from what ive skimmed through theres a lot of misinformation in here.


great question an i agree with you shady

steezy srs question about CF

do new members get trained/coached on core strength/stability before trying these CF exercises? also muscle imbalances

seems like signing up for gymnastics first then CF would be a smart choice

I think the misconception is that you guys think you go into a class first day and coaches expect you to squat clean 225lbs

No matter your level of fitness chances are for your first weeks you'll be cleaning a PVC least in my box when it comes to these OLY lifts the coaches are good and guide you through...they donot push you to do weight that you cannot handle...big on muscle memory and patience through these lifts.

Everything is scaled down to fit your limits....and eventually you begin to get better times, better form, once you improve your form with lightweight and attempt the heavier loads, you realize OLY lifts is all about speed, momentum and control....that's why dudes that weigh 145lbs can power snatch 285lbs...

But it looks like 90% of CF movements need perfect form. All these snatches, clean pulls, hang really need proper form to do them correctly. There's more room for error in squats/deads/bench. Rarely do you see people doing it with perfect/good form. And seriously though, whats the ratio of coaches to members in crossfit gyms?

great question an i agree with you shady

steezy srs question about CF

do new members get trained/coached on core strength/stability before trying these CF exercises? also muscle imbalances

seems like signing up for gymnastics first then CF would be a smart choice

all boxes, all the good ones with good trainers at least, put members through a 2-4 week introduction course where they show them the mechanics and form for the movements using PVC pipes or low weights. during a workout, each weight is scaled to a person's ability. form and technique are 100% priority. if a trainer sees you struggling and breaking form during a workout, they'll tell you to drop the weight.

trainers are there to be just that. trainers. each class should only have about 5-10 members depending on the number of coaches available. that way you get some sort of individual attention when going through a strength workout when members work at a % of their 1RM. they correct your form, technique, etc.

typically, after a strength workout, there's a METCON (metabolic conditioning). that's when you see the high rep AMRAP/for time workouts.

one can argue the price is high because its a "specialty gym". you don't laugh at the people paying $100+ dollars for a yoga membership or access to a martial arts gym.

really don't understand all the shade being thrown at CF. i understand there is some sort of elitism but aren't you guys displaying the same thing here? you guys bring up kipping pull-ups. all. the. time. as if its thats the only workout CFers do :lol:

for every person i see at crossfit with poor form, who's form is actually being corrected by a coach/trainer, i see 2 more at my local 24 not squatting parallel, rounded back during their deadlifts, jerking their body for curls, etc.

i'm no crossfit expert, but you guys really can't judge CF as a whole by the 'fail' youtube vids you see.
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Bro thank you thank you thank you....

I would understand and respect if the arguments brought up were legit....but it just seems like a lot of misconseptions and ignorance....I guess that's the reason why anyone who crossfits gets a bit defensive....haven't seen 1 good point being brought up against Crossfit, except maybe kipping, which is debatable to be honest.
well said

so what is the fitness goal of CFrs?

overall athletism?

again reason why im not really feelin the CF scene is ive not come across any real life members who impressed me, we have CF members who also come to reg gym an they showboat around the gym with their head up their *****, maybe thats where my disdain comes from.

like someone said it seems like a cult an regardless of what they do at>

ive actually watched the games on TV that must be the 1%rs of the CF world

the CF ppl ive met dont look like the guys on American Ninja Warrior either

ill keep an open mind an look into more but i guess the bad apples gave me a diff perspective of the whole thing
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well said

so what is the fitness goal of CFrs?

overall athletism?

it depends person to person. the majority of people you see at CF are the 9-5'ers, who want a good workout but don't have all the time. you see these same people at the regular gym on the treadmill, in the sauna, etc. they're there to just stay in shape and be active.

then you got the small percentage of people who tailor their programming to their goals, whether is be strength (check out outlaw crossfit programming) or endurance. just like there is a small percentage of normal gym go-ers, like yourself, who tailor their workout for your goals.
well said

so what is the fitness goal of CFrs?

overall athletism?
Everyone has different goals they want to attain with CF. For me, i do it to get in better shape for running and soccer. No way am i looking to get all yoked to be on ESPN competing in the Games. I would say overall athleticism is a big one for many CFrs. In the year i've been doing it, i've gotten stronger in OLY lifts, my endurance/stamina has increased, and have added some muscle, which is what i had wanted to attain when i first started. My goal this year is to do a local competition.
My wife works out (Crossfit) more than i do during the week sometimes. She's preggo though so that will stop in a few weeks i think.
congrats! is this your first?


timbo - this texas method. you lift only 3x/week? do you personally do anything else in terms of physical exercise a few more days a week in addition to lifting? that monday lift looks brutal. never did power snatches and my wrists are too inflexible for power cleans. as a whole, the routine looks awesome. really considering making the move to that for at least a 4-6 month spin.
Bro thank you thank you thank you....

I would understand and respect if the arguments brought up were legit....but it just seems like a lot of misconseptions and ignorance....I guess that's the reason why anyone who crossfits gets a bit defensive....haven't seen 1 good point being brought up against Crossfit, except maybe kipping, which is debatable to be honest.

So crossfitters performing their lifts with **** form isn't a good point?
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