STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I mean more in terms of how the people at your old box would react - like wouldn't they flip out and **** and shun you when they saw you in Whole Foods?

People switch boxes all the time, it really depends on the relationship you build with others. Bitterness isn't something that's prevalent though. Some may be bummed that you've moved on, kind of like moving out of the neighborhood. The majority of the time people move from one box to another is due to an actual change of residence. I think that is why tshirts are big in CF, people are proud of the box they came from, also when people travel and "drop-in" tshirts are exchanged, especially amongst box owners. Kind of how soccer players exchange jerseys after a game.

Also - how often do people hook up and then regret it making classes all awkward and ****?

It happens, and it's just like every other hook up and regret situation, :lol:

I kinda have the same issue. How wide is your stance?

I found that I like a more narrow stance when squatting. It allows me to get deeper without hip flexor pain.

I would recommend working on hip mobility as opposed to narrowing your stance. Feet should be shoulder with apart, anything wider or narrower is compromising your form.

Mine is shoulder width (which is narrow to some)...some people like to go wider.
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I hit chest this morning.  Was great.  But I had to deal with a dude who was using the Iso-Lateral Incline, Decline, and Flat press...........................simultaneously!!!!
Man **** that 
 I would start moving the weights on whatever he isnt on and if he says something then I just ask to join in. Aint nobody got time for that ********
I would recommend working on hip mobility as opposed to narrowing your stance. Feet should be shoulder with apart, anything wider or narrower is compromising your form.
Yes and no to this. Some people just feel more comfortable with a wider then shoulder stance, like me and it doesnt compromise my form. Bar placement on the back, where you grip, wether you look straight ahead or up these all all different for everyone, so stance is kind of subjective.

Take Dan Green for example, that fool squats 800 while he looks DOWN haha
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What? Correct me if I'm wrong stuntman, but most food is imported leading to a significant markup. Obviously there's some local foods, but isn't stuff like milk ridiculously expensive because it has to come across the Specific Ocean?.

although we have a local dairy, the cost of land here is so prohibitive that the imported milk is usually cheaper (but still expensive). yes, pretty much everything is imported and expensive in comparison to the mainland.
Quick Question folks:

I have just recently ran out of OxyElite Pro and now im scrambling to find a substitute. Can anyone recommend a good fat burner/stim stack or a good replacement for OEP for the morning?

I was recommended Vanish and rip juice (i think thats what was recommended.)

Thanks in advance.
Quick Question folks:

I have just recently ran out of OxyElite Pro and now im scrambling to find a substitute. Can anyone recommend a good fat burner/stim stack or a good replacement for OEP for the morning?

I was recommended Vanish and rip juice (i think thats what was recommended.)

Thanks in advance.



I hit chest this morning.  Was great.  But I had to deal with a dude who was using the Iso-Lateral Incline, Decline, and Flat press...........................simultaneously!!!!
It's called mussel confusion brah, Google it


Lol car? You're soft brah. I biked to work so I'm gonna be biking home. Nothing like a powder day!!!!
People switch boxes all the time, it really depends on the relationship you build with others. Bitterness isn't something that's prevalent though. Some may be bummed that you've moved on, kind of like moving out of the neighborhood. The majority of the time people move from one box to another is due to an actual change of residence. I think that is why tshirts are big in CF, people are proud of the box they came from, also when people travel and "drop-in" tshirts are exchanged, especially amongst box owners. Kind of how soccer players exchange jerseys after a game.
It happens, and it's just like every other hook up and regret situation, :lol:
I would recommend working on hip mobility as opposed to narrowing your stance. Feet should be shoulder with apart, anything wider or narrower is compromising your form.
Girls never regret hooking up with me so I don't know that feel.

Same. Usually go pretty wide for DL buy shoulder width with toes pointed slightly outwards for Squat.

Saw on Elliott's youtube channel to squat in a manner in which you would naturally squat down to take a dump outside :lol: Actually worked out.
Why do you take a wider stance for dead lifts? I use a narrower stance for deads than squats basically how I would normally stand. If I go any eider my legs get in the way of my arms. I imagine a wider grip on deads is suboptimal

although we have a local dairy, the cost of land here is so prohibitive that the imported milk is usually cheaper (but still expensive). yes, pretty much everything is imported and expensive in comparison to the mainland.
Have you tried to write to your congressmen/senators to request subsidized grassfed beef from the mainland?
Mmmm, mussels

ya bro. Definitely my favorite bivalve. Oysters and clams pale in comparison.

Mussels are super anabolic too. When you eat chicken your brain has to translate the taste into protein and then let the body use the amino acids from the protein to build muscle. However with mussels your brain doesn't have to go thru the extra steps.
he also dropped this in a fitness thread on reddit 8)

Everybody, behave and stop bickering. This is about inspiring more people to get into fitness. I've never understood people who argue constantly about who is wrong and who is right in fitness, because the fact is, there are many "right" answers, especially for people just starting out.
Do you think Sergio Oliva and I did the same thing? No. In fact, you could walk into Gold's and watch the 5 best guys and see 5 completely different routines. And you know what? We didn't argue.
Do me a favor. Try to focus more on expanding the fitness community as a whole than protecting your little corner of it.
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Arnold is a real living legend man. The things he's accomplished and still being as humble and down to earth. I don't think people will really take a look at how great a man he is until he's gone.
worked out for a week and a half with a buddy who lifts regularly, and i feel WEAK. first few days i busted out everything i could do, with his support, and I pushed myself accordingly.

but i feel relatively weaker now. i dont know what im doing wrong.
worked out for a week and a half with a buddy who lifts regularly, and i feel WEAK. first few days i busted out everything i could do, with his support, and I pushed myself accordingly.

but i feel relatively weaker now. i dont know what im doing wrong.

Why do you take a wider stance for dead lifts? I use a narrower stance for deads than squats basically how I would normally stand. If I go any eider my legs get in the way of my arms. I imagine a wider grip on deads is suboptimal
Wider stance with hands in between my legs feels a lot more comfortable for me. However, I do alternate and do narrower stance with overhand grip outside of legs on some sets. Just doesn't feel as natural, but I do appreciate the variety. I feel like the narrower my stance gets on DL, more of the emphasis is on my lower back.
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