STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread



Haha came across this just now

Ah yes, that is the back extension.

It targets lowerback/hamstring, so you should be feeling muscular fatigue in that general area.

When performing that movement, begin the movement by squeezing glutes/hamstring.

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Ok, I'm going to the gym after work today so I'll be sure to try the pointers you gave. THANKS BRAH

and when your back feels tight that doesn't hurt? :lol: To me pain is anything that doesn't feel "normal" :lol: :lol: But hey maybe I'm just feeling tightness. As soon as I stop doing the exercises it goes away immediately (like a minute or so). This isn't like my knee when it was giving me issues regardless of what I was doing.

**edit, I see the dude in the picture is doing it with his arms wide out---I usually have mine inward (since I'm holding a plate and not dumbbells) Does that even matter?
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Form Check - keep in mind I did my first squat/row ever a month ago.  I have zero confidence in my row form.
don't go easy on me :D
hmm, I noticed on your way up, your heels are lifting off the ground slightly as well as you leaning forward as well. Stick your butt out, like you're about to sit down to really use your glutes and keep proper form, look up as well to keep your chest out. Don't look down while on the squat. If you're serious, you can pick up a copy of Starting Strength and read on proper bar placement etc...
You can also watch these videos to get a sense of what a good form squat looks like.


Edit-How to properly do a Pendlay Row explained by Pendlay himself.
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Ah yes, that is the back extension.

It targets lowerback/hamstring, so you should be feeling muscular fatigue in that general area.

When performing that movement, begin the movement by squeezing glutes/hamstring.

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Ok, I'm going to the gym after work today so I'll be sure to try the pointers you gave. THANKS BRAH

and when your back feels tight that doesn't hurt? :lol: To me pain is anything that doesn't feel "normal" :lol: :lol: But hey maybe I'm just feeling tightness. As soon as I stop doing the exercises it goes away immediately (like a minute or so). This isn't like my knee when it was giving me issues regardless of what I was doing.

**edit, I see the dude in the picture is doing it with his arms wide out---I usually have mine inward (since I'm holding a plate and not dumbbells) Does that even matter?

The further your arms are from your body, the heavier a weight feels.

It also depends on the machine, if your arms are fully extended, you probably won't be able to go down all the way because your arms hit the floor. I like to keep the weight at my chest and achieve full stretch in the hamstring and back at the bottom of the movement.
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:pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Ok, I'm going to the gym after work today so I'll be sure to try the pointers you gave. THANKS BRAH

and when your back feels tight that doesn't hurt? :lol: To me pain is anything that doesn't feel "normal" :lol: :lol: But hey maybe I'm just feeling tightness. As soon as I stop doing the exercises it goes away immediately (like a minute or so). This isn't like my knee when it was giving me issues regardless of what I was doing.

**edit, I see the dude in the picture is doing it with his arms wide out---I usually have mine inward (since I'm holding a plate and not dumbbells) Does that even matter?
No, you could be doing something wrong. Theres a difference between feeling tight and actual pain from wrong form or weak muscles. You could have a weak lower back or something, or maybe your glutes aren't activating causing the back to take up all the load causing pain.
well damn maybe I should just do another exercise then... I go to the gym alone so it's not like I could have someone record me and then you guys critique me.
I don't bother with weights for back extensions anymore. I just go crazy with body weight reps. 4x25-40 has got me better results than going with weight, and lower reps.

I felt with weights, my lower back was always stiff for days after. Not necessarily a bad pain, but the soreness lasted the same way leg soreness does.
I don't bother with weights for back extensions anymore. I just go crazy with body weight reps. 4x25-40 has got me better results than going with weight, and lower reps.

I felt with weights, my lower back was always stiff for days after. Not necessarily a bad pain, but the soreness lasted the same way leg soreness does.

40 reps? wtf? I would toss you off if I had to wait for you for that long...
I feel like that type of back extension is one of the most common exercises ive seen people mess up. Its not a "lower back" exercise in the way people think it is. I wouldn't be surprised at all if thats what's causing the back pain
I feel like that type of back extension is one of the most common exercises ive seen people mess up. Its not a "lower back" exercise in the way people think it is. I wouldn't be surprised at all if thats what's causing the back pain

I see most people attempting to just get the reps over with, rather than focusing on the stretch/contraction.
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I feel like that type of back extension is one of the most common exercises ive seen people mess up. Its not a "lower back" exercise in the way people think it is. I wouldn't be surprised at all if thats what's causing the back pain
Aren't you supposed to squeeze your glutes while doing them? I haven't done them in awhile.

Also I have some armpit pain when I bench, this mean I flare my elbows too much? I read it could lead to a pec tear and I do not want that.
My dude just told me circuit training with medicine balls and kettle bells is only cardio-ish....


When will people learn that the word "cardio" does not mean "running on a treadmill"
My dude just told me circuit training with medicine balls and kettle bells is only cardio-ish....


When will people learn that the word "cardio" does not mean "running on a treadmill"

It is, but there is nothing wrong with it. The goals is to your heart rate up.

Bro Science Bro. Let them be. :lol:
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