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Your advice isn't what he needs though. He wants to lose weight and fat, telling him to eat whatever he wants even in moderation will only prolong his quest to lose weight. Just suck it up and eat healthy. Its not that hard if you have the motivation to lose weight
Dude if you eat in a deficit you will lose weight. Certain foods don't make you fat, over consumption does. You can gain weight when you eat too much of anything. If he keeps track of what he eats it will be much easier to lose weight.

Lol you got it. You're not understanding my point im coming from.
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Strongly suggest to get a food scale if your gonna start keeping track of what you eat.

^I agree with Arturzee

IIFYM works. Lost weight like 30lbs before and got stronger while eating "unhealthy" in moderation.
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Lol you got it. You're not understanding my point im coming from.
Man idgaf lol. I'm trying to say instead of doing some stupid fad diet (No carb, paleo, etc), try IIFYM. It makes dieting simple.
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When you're really heavy, trying to lose weight, I'd start suggest counting calories and the if it fits your macros approach while slowly transitioning into a more "clean" style of eating.

It's just about making healthy choices. Most people can't handle just dropping bad food all together at the beginning. Fitness and health is a marathon, not a sprint. Slowly transition into a healthy lifestyle, unless you're one who can handle the cold turkey quitting on bad eating habits.
When you're really heavy, trying to lose weight, I'd start suggest counting calories and the if it fits your macros approach while slowly transitioning into a more "clean" style of eating.

It's just about making healthy choices. Most people can't handle just dropping bad food all together at the beginning. Fitness and health is a marathon, not a sprint. Slowly transition into a healthy lifestyle, unless you're one who can handle the cold turkey quitting on bad eating habits.
YESSS someone that understands where I am getting at
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one of the best tasting IMO but more for a MRP or on a bulk is syntha 6

i think it has one of the best and most consistent flavoring of all "good" tasting proteins

of course i dont use it once i start cutting tho

Im using syntha 6 for cutting, it fits my macros though, should i find a protein shake with less calories?

thats completely up to you, ive used it on a cut with no issues last year.

i usually switch it to something with less carbs and calories plus i end up using water on a cut. Bulking and with syntha 6 i use milk which makes it so damn good :smh:
When you're really heavy, trying to lose weight, I'd start suggest counting calories and the if it fits your macros approach while slowly transitioning into a more "clean" style of eating.

It's just about making healthy choices. Most people can't handle just dropping bad food all together at the beginning. Fitness and health is a marathon, not a sprint. Slowly transition into a healthy lifestyle, unless you're one who can handle the cold turkey quitting on bad eating habits.
i here yah. I just want to be in betta shape bruh. Whatever plan yall got, please post it to help me. Like a full work out routine.
the most outrageous thing happened to me today. i'm at the urinal with my sweats down to pee, and this dude says "damn yall N's nasty, peeing with their butt cheeks out, that's some g*y ****." like cmon bro, this is the gym, dudes be naked in the locker room all the time... and i was waiting for him by the sink to see if he had anything else to say, but my man just went out w/o washing his hands
Peeing with your *** cheeks out? Were your shorts down to your ankles too, like a first grader? haha
thats completely up to you, ive used it on a cut with no issues last year.

i usually switch it to something with less carbs and calories plus i end up using water on a cut. Bulking and with syntha 6 i use milk which makes it so damn good :smh:

Syntha 6 fits my macros well so i think im fine. Yea syntha 6 with milk is the truth, feels like im chugging down some dairy queen ****
Just bought Phase 8. Heard good things
be prepared to be disappointed. I had chocolate. Didn't mix well at all. Tasted like ***. I got it when it was buy 2 get 1 free. I'm using synyha 6 Cuz it was on sale. Tastesgreat . But I hear its not that great of a blend tbo
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