STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I don't know what to scientifically say about it, but soreness is not an indicator of a good workout.

If I'm not mistaken, Durden has said that a million times in here.
Clean bulk, that diet, 10 lbs in 10 days does not compute. Clean bulk implies minimal fat gain, if you put on 10lbs in 10 days with 2 lift sessions per muscle group you're def not in that goal. Unless you have the mother of all noob gains.
Clean bulk, that diet, 10 lbs in 10 days does not compute. Clean bulk implies minimal fat gain, if you put on 10lbs in 10 days with 2 lift sessions per muscle group you're def not in that goal. Unless you have the mother of all noob gains.

I think it might be genetics... I can put on and cut down weight super quick... like crazy quick

not sure if it's water storage or what, but I can go a full day and eat minimal/clean and lose 3-5 pounds. unless my scale is @#$ with me :tongue:
Currently cutting, and dudes at work had pizza pies out for the taking....

Cruel cruel world.

I managed to resist though.

:lol: Great to see the self-control.

Just a tip for those dieting/cutting. Don't completely avoid foods that you enjoy. At the end of the day, it's more about portion control.
Of course, if temptation to eat a larger quantity is an issue, stay away completely lol
Feeling so fat 

Must get stronger though 
What can I do to liven up my brown rice?

I've been eating it straight with a little smart balance. So damn bland. 
The moment you get motivated to hit the gym and an injury/pain hinders your workout. Been trying to get my squat in but my knee aint havin it. Really need to get it checked out since it's been hurting for about 2mos but a brotha benefits don't kick in til March. Not tryna not squat until then either. :smh:
i like white rice. the flavor fits my palette. the brown at chipotle is crap though.

be careful that you're getting legit brown rice. companies have been known to dye white rice in order to fool the consumer into thinking they're getting whole grains.
if we eat rice with dinner, i usually make hapa rice at home. half white and half brown. tastes great and it's easier to shape into tiny clumps so my son can eat it with his hands.
I can do brown rice, but I've been doing white rice recently for a change.

Why are you guys against white rice though? Especially for someone that's bulking?
White rice has a GI (glycemic index) rating of about 65, and brown rice has a slightly lower rating of 55, according to the Harvard Medical School.
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