STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Not to get too graphic, but I shave my crack bruh...the rest I can't do, I'm way passed the point of shaving my thighs or legs, that *** looks funny and feels very uncomfortable when it's starts to grow back which is instantly :lol:

But the crack gets the treatment :pimp:


I feel you

I'm not down with the actual razor shave of my lower body, but I use clippers with a guard and keep everything looking clean. It started with normal manscaping and one day I just got carried away and haven't looked back since lol. It feels so much more comfortable with jeans and pants, especially when the weather is warmer.

We have dudes that weight as much as you, they squat, you can squat, even if it's air squats YES AIR SQUATS.

Depending on your height 260lbs is not a ridiculously high weight.
Dude I weigh almost 100 pounds more den you. You look skinny fat though... while I'm just fat
Thanks jocruz ima
Check those out as soon as I get home. I'm just about to start a clean bulk (attempt to do it clean at least) so it's great timing.
Guys just have the bar in the rack position, aim those elbows to the ceiling, open up that chest and simply support the bar with your hands, you can do with simply 2 fingers if your wrist flexibility is not all there, my wrists are not as flexible either...but the cross arms position gets the job done too, the only reason the way I do it is beneficial is if you power clean, hang power clean, hang squat clean, you really don't have any other choice then.
This fella

You just can't help yourself huh?
it wasn't a shot bruh. I dont wanna be that small 165, but if I could drop from 260 to 200 i'd be good.
Good work, nice depth, I still haven't gotten around to front squatting. 

Those numbers will go up if you put some more bodyweight on, might not be able to fit that J. Crew slim doe lol

Thanks bro, like the Fella said I'm making a transition from skinny fat and the hardest battle for me is putting on good muscle mass, but I'm getting there, my back is widening out, my arms got better muscle tone than before, my quads definately have seen change, my mid section tho....the struggle is real :lol: although it's much better than before for sure
Guys just have the bar in the rack position, aim those elbows to the ceiling, open up that chest and simply support the bar with your hands, you can do with simply 2 fingers if your wrist flexibility is not all there, my wrists are not as flexible either...but the cross arms position gets the job done too, the only reason the way I do it is beneficial is if you power clean, hang power clean, hang squat clean, you really don't have any other choice then.
I actually like the concept of your method better than the cross armed approach I just haven't been able to comfortably utilize it yet.
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Thanks bro, like the Fella said I'm making a transition from skinny fat and the hardest battle for me is putting on good muscle mass, but I'm getting there, my back is widening out, my arms got better muscle tone than before, my quads definately have seen change, my mid section tho....the struggle is real
although it's much better than before for sure
YOu'd put on good muscle mass if you lifted heavier and eat more and clean. Ain't no sturggle. Your doing too much endurance based workouts which in turns slows down your gains man
YOu'd put on good muscle mass if you lifted heavier and eat more and clean. Ain't no sturggle. Your doing too much endurance based workouts which in turns slows down your gains man

I don't mean no disrespect by this, but everything you say is regurgitated bro science.

Appreciate the input, will keep in mind thanks
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How is that a "fact"...

Are you a registered physician? Have you done medical research on the matter? Is there a book with credible research done that states that he is burning ONLY muscle and not fat being active and participating in fast paced resistance training?

I just get why you would say that.
Even if his acute variables aren't geared towards hyper trophy resistance training is still resistance training. Muscular endurance is still valuable to increasing fat loss and looking more defined. Not everyone has to train to bulk to increase definition.

How is working out hurting him more than helping him?

You make it seem as if he's getting fat by participating in Crossfit.... I'm not even a Crossfit guy, but working out is always more
Beneficial than not. What kind of ridiculous statement is that?

Yeah he burns a lot of calories but how do YOU KNOW he's burning only muscle? How do you know that? Show me your studies Doc.
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