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YOu'd put on good muscle mass if you lifted heavier and eat more and clean. Ain't no sturggle. Your doing too much endurance based workouts which in turns slows down your gains man

I agree in way. Crossfit is more geared toward athletic movements and performance rather than appearance and visible muscle gains.
The moment you get motivated to hit the gym and an injury/pain hinders your workout. Been trying to get my squat in but my knee aint havin it. Really need to get it checked out since it's been hurting for about 2mos but a brotha benefits don't kick in til March. Not tryna not squat until then either. :smh:

I know how u feel.I'm in same position. Except no benefits coming in the future
Ya do know the high intensity portion of Crossfit is literally no longer than 20 mins tops for the most part, usually more like 7-10 AMRAP...doubt that's hurting much "gains"
How is that a "fact"...

Are you a registered physician? Have you done medical research on the matter? Is there a book with credible research done that states that he is burning ONLY muscle and not fat being active and participating in fast paced resistance training?

I just get why you would say that.
Even if his acute variables aren't geared towards hyper trophy resistance training is still resistance training. Muscular endurance is still valuable to increasing fat loss and looking more defined. Not everyone has to train to bulk to increase definition.

How is working out hurting him more than helping him?

You make it seem as if he's getting fat by participating in Crossfit.... I'm not even a Crossfit guy, but working out is always more
Beneficial than not. What kind of ridiculous statement is that?

Yeah he burns a lot of calories but how do YOU KNOW he's burning only muscle? How do you know that? Show me your studies Doc.
Because crossfit is more endurance based. Its like running being your only way to excersies and you wonder why your not packing on muscle mass. You have to have a good lifting program to gain muscle. Docs have always said that without balance you'll be skinny fat with too much cardio or just super bulky without cardio(although lifting can be cardio sometimes which is why lifting is great)
I'm not even participating in Crossfit,
Nor will I. It's not my cup of tea personally.

But to say it hurts you more than it helps you? C'mon man...

Being physically active helps physically and physiologically. Resistance training builds muscular endurance even if it's not geared towards lean muscle mass gains. Muscle endurance helps metabolism speed up. Better Metabolism helps lose fat.
Loss of fat helps you look more defined and muscular.

So even if he isn't progressing in as much as he would doing other forms of resistance training, what he's doing is still HELPING HIM MORE THAN HURTING HIM as far as physical improvements are concerned.
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I'm not even participating in Crossfit,
Nor will I. It's not my cup of tea personally.

But to say it hurts you more than it helps you? C'mon man...

Being physically active helps physically and physiologically. Resistance training builds muscular endurance even if it's not geared towards lean muscle mass gains. Muscle endurance helps metabolism speed up. Better Metabolism helps lose fat.
Loss of fat helps you look more defined and muscular.

So even if he isn't progressing in as much as he would doing other forms of resistance training, what he's doing is still HELPING HIM MORE THAN HURTING HIM as far as physical improvements are concerned.
Its hurts you in regards togaining muscle mass. Steezy would do much better gaining muscle mass by doing a good lifting program. There are tons out there. Cross fit will help his endurance and maybe alethetlically,but dont expect much GAINZ from it in comparassion if he simply had a good lifting program and a good diet. That is all .
I'm not even participating in Crossfit,
Nor will I. It's not my cup of tea personally.

But to say it hurts you more than it helps you? C'mon man...

Being physically active helps physically and physiologically. Resistance training builds muscular endurance even if it's not geared towards lean muscle mass gains. Muscle endurance helps metabolism speed up. Better Metabolism helps lose fat.
Loss of fat helps you look more defined and muscular.

So even if he isn't progressing in as much as he would doing other forms of resistance training, what he's doing is still HELPING HIM MORE THAN HURTING HIM as far as physical improvements are concerned.

He's saying, as far as maximizing his muscle gaining potential, its hurting him.
Well yeah if his mission is maximum strength and maximum muscle mass gains (hyper trophy) then other forms of resistance training would serve him better, of course.

I agree with that, makes sense.

I just never got the impression from steezy that his sole priority was maximum hypertrophy. Is it ksteezy ksteezy ?

Because from a distance he seems more concerned with general strength improvements, muscle definition (becoming leaner), AND muscle gains.

What person would look for strictly body building type muscle gains from an obvious endurance and strength based program like Crossfit?

Steezy am I off on my impression of your goals? Because I didn't get the impression you wanted Mr.Olympia type muscle gains from your involvement with Crossfit.
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Thanks bro, like the Fella said I'm making a transition from skinny fat and the hardest battle for me is putting on good muscle mass, but I'm getting there, my back is widening out, my arms got better muscle tone than before, my quads definately have seen change, my mid section tho....the struggle is real
although it's much better than before for sure
There is your answer. People only replying based on what that fella said. I speak in facts not cow poo
Is anyone else gettin this ad?

"Get your fat *** girlfriend a treadmill for Valentines Day"
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Well I apologize for missing that.

But still.

I still don't get the impression that muscle mass is his top priority through cross fit
Well no, my goals are not the goals of lucky per say, sorry if that came off the wrong way...I'm not in this to be a swoll fella, I'm in this to lean up and get muscle definition most of all, not really put on a lot of extra muscle, and I've seen that progress, slowly but I'm seeing it. For what I actually want, Crossfit is good....if I wanted to be swoll of hit up Lucky for tips.
Well no, my goals are not the goals of lucky per say, sorry if that came off the wrong way...I'm not in this to be a swoll fella, I'm in this to lean up and get muscle definition most of all, not really put on a lot of extra muscle, and I've seen that progress, slowly but I'm seeing it. For what I actually want, Crossfit is good....if I wanted to be swoll of hit up Lucky for tips.
atm your a skinny fat. You want to be lean as in lean muscle right? Well at 165 skinny fat, you'd do better gaining muscle mass and eatign right than you would doing endurance based training. Cross fit would be better if you were already slightly heavy with more muscle mass and was trying to cut down soem fat.
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atm your a skinny fat. You want to be lean as in lean muscle right? Well at 165 skinny fat, you'd do better gaining muscle mass and eatign right than you would doing endurance based training. Cross fit would be better if you were already slightly heavy with more muscle mass and was trying to cut down soem fat.

Thanks but no thanks, I'm happy with what I'm doing and the progress I've seen...I don't know where you get off talking as if you see me naked day after day with such confidence about my BF% :rofl:
I really only do calisthenics. Is it possible to gain good mass alone from calisthenics? I don't do gyms. I just work out at home doing push ups, pull-ups, dips, etc. The only weights I use is the bar doing curls for my biceps. Is doing pushups and dips every other day a good regime? ie. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Bicep curls i.e. Tuesday, Thursday.
I really only do calisthenics. Is it possible to gain good mass alone from calisthenics? I don't do gyms. I just work out at home doing push ups, pull-ups, dips, etc. The only weights I use is the bar doing curls for my biceps. Is doing pushups and dips every other day a good regime? ie. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Bicep curls i.e. Tuesday, Thursday.
Yes. But weights would be better.

Although my goal after getting ripped is to being a calisthenics human
The misconceptions of crossfit.... Sheesh.

At this point can't even be bothered because a lot of it is just guys making assumptions about something they know absolutely nothing about, it's all good.

Let's move on bros
Anyway everyone has their own goals.
My goal is Rick Rude status.(without roids and junk proteins)

I eat pretty clean and stay away from soy protein and all the chemicals.
I just do free weights (4 times a week) and soccer (saturdays) and Abs about (3 times a week).
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Man I'll start squating once I drop from 260 to 220

You are doing yourself a disservice by taking this route, and using the "too much weight on my knees" excuse is just "hogwash". Leg workouts are killer and major testosterone boosters.

I was a bulky 260 at the beginning of 2013, sitting at 215 (weighed myself yesterday morning), not squatting was never an option.

Am I the only one that uses this form?

Other way destroys my wrist.

It's a solid technique to get front squat's in, but the other way is more beneficial. If you work on your front rack position, keeping your torso as verticle as possible and keeping your elbows up, you will discover that wrist flexibility is overrated. It takes time to get accustomed to the movement, but you won't get accustomed to it unless you practice. If anything, get yourself some wrist wraps, get you over the mental hurdle.

Because crossfit is more endurance based. Its like running being your only way to excersies and you wonder why your not packing on muscle mass. You have to have a good lifting program to gain muscle. Docs have always said that without balance you'll be skinny fat with too much cardio or just super bulky without cardio(although lifting can be cardio sometimes which is why lifting is great)

There is more to Crossfit than the daily WOD and MetCons. There are heavy strength portions, it all depends on your goals. 90% of people that go to CF gyms are happy with the WOD's that are cooked up by their trainer/coach. Their goal is to be fit, functioning human beings. However, if you have loftier strength, aesthetic, competition type goals you will have to step your programming up.

You will not have a bodybuilder's physique, mainly because cardio isn't in their vocabulary and their goal is to gain as much muscle mass possible by any means necessary.

Have no interest in looking like Ronnie Coleman, never have, never will. However being fit, well conditioned and strong as ****, yeah I'll take that.

Really depends on your goals, but you're a fool if you don't thing CF'ers can't lift weight. Just look at competition stats in regards to strength numbers. Talking about 425lb + squats, 450lb+ DL's, 300lb+ Power Cleans and Snatches. Numbers are ridiculous. Some lofty *** goals if you are trying to even get close.

PR's as of Monday, and I don't feel like I'm doing ****, :smh:

Squat: 415
DL: 425
Clean and Jerk: 225
Power Clean/Hang Clean: 225
Overhead Squat: 185
Power Snatch: 185
Snatch: 135

Everyday is a struggle, especially for the last three, :lol:
CrossFit trainers regularly warn about the dangers of fatigue-fueled rhabdomyolysis, where muscle breaks down rapidly and enters the blood stream, a condition that can lead to kidney failure.
This old black dude doing it? Why cant you?

Motivation. No silly gimmicks, no head hats, no "club club", just good eating and working out hard.
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