STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Some of this crossfit stuff doesn't even seem like English, dudes should stop talking like we're already aware. Impressive though, that and those crossfit games. I know I'm out early, would love to be in that shape.
Some of this crossfit stuff doesn't even seem like English, dudes should stop talking like we're already aware. Impressive though, that and those crossfit games. I know I'm out early, would love to be in that shape.

I'm saying.

****** talkin bout I did a Dorthy in 4 minutes, idk what that mean
Need to revamp my training split on my next bulk. Chest, back, and hamstrings are lagging, so I'll train those twice a week.

I'm still kinda lost on how to go about programming. I know my nutrition needs work. I underestimate my metabolism, I'm pretty sure.

For those that do Chest, and such twice a week, do you have a strength day along with a hypertrophy day?
George Leeman did 315 for almost 50 on the last event of Elliot's strongman challenge.
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I'm thinking of this split for my next bulk:

Sunday: Legs/Calves/Core
Monday: Heavy Chest/Shoulders/Tris
Tuesday: Moderate Back/Calves/Lower Back
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Moderate Chest/Shoulders/Abs
Friday: Heavy Back/Calves/Bis

I know some may say it's overkill to do calves 3x a week, but it's the only way my calves started to grow. I'm only doing Tris, and Bis at the end of workouts, because my arms are developed as is. I just need my chest, and back to catch up.

As for shoulders, I'm only doing the lateral, and rear heads for isolation. With me pressing twice a week, I think the front head should be stimulated enough.

I may also change it up once in a while, and do heavy back with moderate chest at the beginning of the week as well.

Any criticism/suggestions?
I can't wait to make that sweet potato shepherds pie, looks :pimp:

Thanks for the recipe.

I made some mojo chicken tacos with sweet potato, avocado, and cheese last night.

Didn't take pics but they were so damn :pimp:
These crossfit open workouts aren't really workouts. They're more like a test to see who can eventually move on to regionals. The vast majority of crossfitters aren't going to even be able to do these workouts are prescribed, and the programmers of these workouts know that. They don't expect you to.

At my crossfit gym, only 4 people attempted the 14.3 workout as instructed (the ones competing in the open), the rest of us scaled that ****
I'm thinking of this split for my next bulk:

Sunday: Legs/Calves/Core
Monday: Heavy Chest/Shoulders/Tris
Tuesday: Moderate Back/Calves/Lower Back
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Moderate Chest/Shoulders/Abs
Friday: Heavy Back/Calves/Bis

I know some may say it's overkill to do calves 3x a week, but it's the only way my calves started to grow. I'm only doing Tris, and Bis at the end of workouts, because my arms are developed as is. I just need my chest, and back to catch up.

As for shoulders, I'm only doing the lateral, and rear heads for isolation. With me pressing twice a week, I think the front head should be stimulated enough.

I may also change it up once in a while, and do heavy back with moderate chest at the beginning of the week as well.

Any criticism/suggestions?

your description of your body sounds like mine. my arms and shoulders can develop easy and i never do a dedicated arm day, but rather do a couple isolation things at the end of workouts on correct push/pull days. my legs, back, chest are hardest to develop size. think i'm going to try out this split program myself
Some of this crossfit stuff doesn't even seem like English, dudes should stop talking like we're already aware. Impressive though, that and those crossfit games. I know I'm out early, would love to be in that shape.

Didn't know it was your personal thread. :lol:

Google and asking questions, we don't mind answering.

There's CF'ers here and it flows, just like most CF'ers don't care too much about bulking and cutting. Just skim through that conversation. If you're interested feel free to ask, but there are multiple convos going on at once.

I'm saying.

****** talkin bout I did a Dorthy in 4 minutes, idk what that mean


At my crossfit gym, only 4 people attempted the 14.3 workout as instructed (the ones competing in the open), the rest of us scaled that ****

I'm going to give it another shot tomorrow night. Did 100 reps on Saturday morning.
I'm thinking of this split for my next bulk:

Sunday: Legs/Calves/Core
Monday: Heavy Chest/Shoulders/Tris
Tuesday: Moderate Back/Calves/Lower Back
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Moderate Chest/Shoulders/Abs
Friday: Heavy Back/Calves/Bis

I know some may say it's overkill to do calves 3x a week, but it's the only way my calves started to grow. I'm only doing Tris, and Bis at the end of workouts, because my arms are developed as is. I just need my chest, and back to catch up.

As for shoulders, I'm only doing the lateral, and rear heads for isolation. With me pressing twice a week, I think the front head should be stimulated enough.

I may also change it up once in a while, and do heavy back with moderate chest at the beginning of the week as well.

Any criticism/suggestions?

your description of your body sounds like mine. my arms and shoulders can develop easy and i never do a dedicated arm day, but rather do a couple isolation things at the end of workouts on correct push/pull days. my legs, back, chest are hardest to develop size. think i'm going to try out this split program myself

I never did a dedicated arm day till a few months ago. I'm honestly going to get rid of it on this new split. It's boring, and I think it's a waste to dedicate a whole day to it.

My legs grow mine, they actually overpower my upper body to an extent.
I've noticed Asian dudes have an easier time growing their calves.

I do them everytime I'm in the gym. Use little 5pound plates as ledges and calf raise on em. Does help.
I've noticed Asian dudes have an easier time growing their calves.

I do them everytime I'm in the gym. Use little 5pound plates as ledges and calf raise on em. Does help.

I can vouch for this. Don't mean to humble brag because I hated my big calves. I wanted slim nba calves but I had big calves ever since middle school. It might be also because I live in a steep hill and my high school was on a big steep hill so I basically took two hikes a day.
My one buddy in the gym has big calves, and they're cut...

He never isolates em. I'm jealous.

And yeah, he's Asian.
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Thinking about joining my local crossfit.. but its so damn expensive.. For $140 a month id rather go back to BJJ...
nah. i'm asian and my calves are about as flat as miley's ***. i stopped working them out directly for now. my brother's are huge though but he does half triathlons and rides his bike like a madman.
Calf training is basically time wasted. Its basically genetically determined and unless you actually go on stage and compete its a waste of time. Even for those interested in training for sports, there are other movements that are better served than isolated calf training.
Calf training is basically time wasted. Its basically genetically determined and unless you actually go on stage and compete its a waste of time. Even for those interested in training for sports, there are other movements that are better served than isolated calf training.

Like what? Srs question.
Calf training is basically time wasted. Its basically genetically determined and unless you actually go on stage and compete its a waste of time. Even for those interested in training for sports, there are other movements that are better served than isolated calf training.

thats not true you can definitely increase your calves somewhat.. of course genetics, inserts play a huge part.. most people just dont exhaust the calf muscle as much. It really takes alot of weight and pressure to build calf muscles up.
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