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Just got another 10 lbs of protein. Every time I order a pair of 5 lb tubs from eBay, I seem to get an extra pair for free.

Second time it's happened now... I'll be good till well into next year, or so. ~23-24 lbs now.
Just got another 10 lbs of protein. Every time I order a pair of 5 lb tubs from eBay, I seem to get an extra pair for free.

Second time it's happened now... I'll be good till well into next year, or so. ~23-24 lbs now.

link to auction? its probably those overseas dudes with the CC fraud.

be careful brahs
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Second time it's happened now... I'll be good till well into next year, or so. ~23-24 lbs now.
Just got another 10 lbs of protein. Every time I order a pair of 5 lb tubs from eBay, I seem to get an extra pair for free.

Second time it's happened now... I'll be good till well into next year, or so. ~23-24 lbs now.

link to auction? its probably those overseas dudes with the CC fraud.

be careful brahs

It came from Michigan lol...

It's one of those guys who sell em for $40 per tub. They come with Vitamin Shoppe shipping slips. My last order came with slips though.
I'm going to start buying uncooked brown rice from Walmart. They got rid of their brand of brown rice which was $1.28/pack. They only have Uncle Bens for the same kind which is $1.84/pack.

With uncooked rice, I can buy 3 for $1.16 each for a week's worth. Overall, it'll save it around $250+ a year. Doesn't take long to prepare/cook, because I have a rice cooker.


You have to just be on eBay at the right time. They never seem to have more more than 6 tubs of protein, buy they're always priced $40-45.
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Yea, they are overseas and use stolen credit cards to place orders from BB, amazon, vitacost, and other places.

figured it out after i ordered twice and it came with BB slip address to me but paid for by someone else in a different state.

confronted one of the dudes and he explained what they do which is why ive stopped buying from ebay.
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Ok so I been working on my squat form and I have a question.

When I squat I do manage to get to parallel. But the problem is when I get to depth my feet automatically point outwards. I've been squatting with two plates underneath my heels (simulating that heel lift that u get from a pair of romaleos or adipowers) and my form is perfect when I do this. Feet perfectly straight, knees pointed outwards, no back rounding or extension.

So my question is, what does this indicate? I'm sure it's a lack of mobility. But I don't know where. Ankles? Calves? Any help would be appreciated.

You're feet don't have to be perfectly straight, in fact pointing outwards is quite normal. Just make sure you're legs track your feet.

I cringe when I see dudes put plates on their heels, it does not simulate the feel of lifting shoes at all. If you can't push heavy weight with proper form, lose the ego and work on form/mobility. Some of the regulars in this thread are guilty of this, using lack of flexibility and/or mobility as an excuse to use poor form in order to move weight.

Do you realize how hard it is to execute those lifts with proper form, much less with any significant amount of weight?

Also the likelihood of your regular or even very dedicated gym goer being able to teach themselves how to do these lifts is slim to none.

And bench press is probably the universal show of power wether its a true indication or not.

Get trained or go to a better gym, doesn't even have to be CrossFit, there are tons of barbell/olympic clubs out there. Bench Press IS the universal show of power, because that is the one lift all the regular joes have mastered. Snatch isn't, it's more about power+explosion. I would say Squat is, but most people don't know how to squat, :lol:
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Bench press is the universal standard only because it's the easiest lift for a beginner lifter to master. Learning the snatch and cleans should only be attempted after having sufficient proficiency in squats and deadlifts. I'm still learning those lifts even after having some familiarity with them for 7 months.
Well, I snapped up my lower back today doing warm up front squats. Hurts like hell. Looks like I'm going to be out of the gym for a while.
Anybody ever got lean by walking on treadmill with an incline? I hate running so looking for other options lol.
Well, I snapped up my lower back today doing warm up front squats. Hurts like hell. Looks like I'm going to be out of the gym for a while.

Sorry to hear that fam, come back strong.

Anybody ever got lean by walking on treadmill with an incline? I hate running so looking for other options lol.

You can get lean without cardio period, just track macros and cals.

I personally like sprints and cycling.
I don't track macros, but I don't go crazy when I eat. I just kinda eyeball it. I'll sprint on occasion, but I'm not a fan lol. Being a former offensive lineman, I still hate running lol.
You can just do HIIT if you hate running. Sprint and walk/jog on and off in intervals. Or you can do it on a bike if you really hate running.

It's exhausting, it's not fun, but it works and you won't have to jog for an hour.
I don't track macros, but I don't go crazy when I eat. I just kinda eyeball it. I'll sprint on occasion, but I'm not a fan lol. Being a former offensive lineman, I still hate running lol.

If you don't track cals seriously you're not going to get lean no matter how much cardio you do.

Diet is everything when it comes to being lean especially when you get to that 14-10% range.
You can just do HIIT if you hate running. Sprint and walk/jog on and off in intervals. Or you can do it on a bike if you really hate running.

It's exhausting, it's not fun, but it works and you won't have to jog for an hour.

That's what I normally do...sprint from sideline to sideline on the field, walk back, hit it again...or run 110s
Anybody ever got lean by walking on treadmill with an incline? I hate running so looking for other options lol.

its burning calories brah

i dont run either, if im ever on the treadmill its usually speed walking on incline
I don't track macros, but I don't go crazy when I eat. I just kinda eyeball it. I'll sprint on occasion, but I'm not a fan lol. Being a former offensive lineman, I still hate running lol.

If you don't track cals seriously you're not going to get lean no matter how much cardio you do.

Diet is everything when it comes to being lean especially when you get to that 14-10% range.

incorrect, some people do well this way, some dont.

i dont "count" i kinda eyeball and look at servings. i eat more than enough but eat clean and low enough to where i lose weight. ive done it two years in a row when ive went from about 15-16% down to 9% and all with no cardio.

thats just me tho, you just gonna know how to guesstimate :lol:
i'm beginning to think tracking every little calorie will be my only way to get close to 10 or even 15%
that, and maybe using a muzzle :lol:
or try EC stack or ECY stack.
i'm beginning to think tracking every little calorie will be my only way to get close to 10 or even 15%
that, and maybe using a muzzle

or try EC stack or ECY stack.
Tracked every single calorie and all my macros for a few months last year. Got me to about 7 or 8% bodyfat. Was lean as ****, but it takes a serious toll on you. Starting to think about food in an unhealthy way and feeling the urge to binge on everything.

Eventually decided it's doing more harm than good to my life since I'm not competing or anything. Now I just estimate my calorie intake and managed to stay around 10-12% bodyfat which I'm fine with. 
Doing HIIT on the treadmill is cool. 15 secs of speed at 11 then 45 seconds at 6 and do that for 15 minutes. Great quick cardio sesh

Plus playing pickup ball or something helps
You can just do HIIT if you hate running. Sprint and walk/jog on and off in intervals. Or you can do it on a bike if you really hate running.

It's exhausting, it's not fun, but it works and you won't have to jog for an hour.


I do 20 minutes 3x a week and im good
Just started a 8-5 job and havent started packing yet. Where do you guys eat healthy during lunch when you have to eat out? Im trying to gain weight fyi. Thanks
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