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How good are these pre workout I keep hearing. Is it really that good? I don't wanna buy it and feel like I need it every workout .
instead of buying something, try drinking a really strong cup of coffee at home before you workout and see how you like it.

lol @ illest dude. how did you cook your chicken? you didn't like it cause it was too plain?
When I'm serious with my chicken eating diets. I just douse it with Sirracha or throw tons of random seasonings on it :pimp:
instead of buying something, try drinking a really strong cup of coffee at home before you workout and see how you like it.
lol @ illest dude. how did you cook your chicken? you didn't like it cause it was too plain?
Exactly, people don't realize that a lot of PWOs are loaded with caffiene and other things that are awful for you. 

Coffee (black) has 0 calories, has been proven to be healthy for you if you drink less than 3 cups a day, and provides a good kind of energy and focus. AND, it is significantly cheaper than any other PWO out there
lol. i seen it a video on YouTube and tried it. sooo basic. cut the chicken in squares. cleaned. seasoned with this mrs something which has no salt and then seasoned with cayenne pepper i think. let it sit overnight. steam cooked it. it just tastes blahhhh. like i can tell i'm tasting chicken and i don't like that. lol. i've been using mad ketchup lately to get me through meals. :/
Try cooking it in olive oil with a couple dashes of lemon pepper seasoning. Pure. crack. 
lol. i seen it a video on YouTube and tried it. sooo basic. cut the chicken in squares. cleaned. seasoned with this mrs something which has no salt and then seasoned with cayenne pepper i think. let it sit overnight. steam cooked it. it just tastes blahhhh. like i can tell i'm tasting chicken and i don't like that. lol. i've been using mad ketchup lately to get me through meals. :/
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mrs dash is the no salt seasoning. yeah man, there are tons of tasty, healthy ways to cook chicken breast. forget steaming it though - baked or grilled.

some of the most ripped guys i know eat some of the worst food. my gf's brother powerlifts at 148# (he can bench over 500 shirted). he's natty and shredded. the other night i saw him eat 3 whoppers and a large fries. i never see that dude eating salad.
mrs dash is the no salt seasoning. yeah man, there are tons of tasty, healthy ways to cook chicken breast. forget steaming it though - baked or grilled.
some of the most ripped guys i know eat some of the worst food. my gf's brother powerlifts at 148# (he can bench over 500 shirted). he's natty and shredded. the other night i saw him eat 3 whoppers and a large fries. i never see that dude eating salad.

Jelly I am.
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I really think there is a point where you're so in shape it doesn't matter what you eat as long as you continue to work out because the workouts will off set the junk. I'm not talking about binge eating but more so eating what ever you want meal wise.
I really think there is a point where you're so in shape it doesn't matter what you eat as long as you continue to work out because the workouts will off set the junk. I'm not talking about binge eating but more so eating what ever you want meal wise.

Maybe when you are like 18 but eating garbage will catch up with you over the long haul years later.
I really think there is a point where you're so in shape it doesn't matter what you eat as long as you continue to work out because the workouts will off set the junk. I'm not talking about binge eating but more so eating what ever you want meal wise.

Maybe when you are like 18 but eating garbage will catch up with you over the long haul years later.
This. I used to eat whatever I want up till I was about 19 and then it all came to a screeching halt :lol:
Eating healthy is nothing to me. I'm 22 and been eating right since 17.

Chicken is easy. Bake it and it will taste 100000x better
Not broscience at all....

Nothing about getting under 10% BF is easy, but what he said is the principles of getting there. You really don't need any supplements past creatine and whey to accomplish any goal you have. A lot of supplements are a waste of money (yes I said it) and aren't as good as just eating right and getting the results that way. Don't fall into the hype that you have to spend money to look good. Hard work and right diet>>>>>>>>>any and all supplements
I see guys going in the gym everyday eating right and still not getting ripped under ten percent.. you have to know what you're doing in the gym and its fine knowing what foods are good.. but how much to eat, which food group etc is not easy.. single BF is hard really hard
I see guys going in the gym everyday eating right and still not getting ripped under ten percent.. you have to know what you're doing in the gym and its fine knowing what foods are good.. but how much to eat, which food group etc is not easy.. single BF is hard really hard
I said it wasn't easy bro, if you read what I posted.

Under 10% has more to do with diet than knowing what your doing in the gym, dieting is the hardest part. If you plan your macros out and can read a label you can achieve it, easier said than done though.
I see guys going in the gym everyday eating right and still not getting ripped under ten percent.. you have to know what you're doing in the gym and its fine knowing what foods are good.. but how much to eat, which food group etc is not easy.. single BF is hard really hard

It's really just a math equation, as long as you are in a deficit you will lose weight and eventually hit single digit bf as long you make adjustments to your TDEE along the way.
You don't even have to hit the gym to get there if you don't care about preserving muscle/strength.
"Eating right" is subjective, I know people who eat healthy but still take in too many calories to lose fat. You can eat crap but as long as your in a deficit you will drop fat.
Eating healthy > eating junk food of course but the point is it doesn't matter what you eat/if your in the gym everyday if you aren't in a deficit you won't lose weight.
I really think there is a point where you're so in shape it doesn't matter what you eat as long as you continue to work out because the workouts will off set the junk. I'm not talking about binge eating but more so eating what ever you want meal wise.

Furious Pete is a great example of this lol
Just did arms and threw in 3 sets of leg press.  Did a lot this morning.  Felt really good.

yo no shots but i just dont get this whole gym photo thing

i swear i be seeing more and more of my boys posting up these photos they be tryin hard extra hard to be flexin in the gym so they can upload on social networks

yet who takes these photos

is it just like ayo bro take a photo real quick while i bench 350
...I feel you.  But my wife was done with her workout and took the pics, so i just put them together.
It's really just a math equation, as long as you are in a deficit you will lose weight and eventually hit single digit bf as long you make adjustments to your TDEE along the way.
You don't even have to hit the gym to get there if you don't care about preserving muscle/strength.
"Eating right" is subjective, I know people who eat healthy but still take in too many calories to lose fat. You can eat crap but as long as your in a deficit you will drop fat.
Eating healthy > eating junk food of course but the point is it doesn't matter what you eat/if your in the gym everyday if you aren't in a deficit you won't lose weight.
I agree, you don't have to go to the gym to lose weight. When I say eat right, I mean types of food and eating the right number of calories to cut fat. You don't have to be an expert to get down to low body fat, simple as that.

And yes as you lose weight you must decrease cals to keep loosing.
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for the dude that wanted a NO pre with no caff, hemavol hands down - use 2 scoops. at 2 scoops it gets expensive though. instead you can also buy bulk agmatine and cit mal and dose 1.5g agmatine and 6-9g cit mal 20-30 mins pre.
i've tried some test boosters and imo they aren't worth the money. might as well just use some real anabolics.
the supps i use are: fish oil, multi, protein and a pre. i add something for my joints when they get creaky. i like using preworkouts (both stim and stim-free). they make it more enjoyable in the gym for me. protein powder is a great, convenient way for me to meet my macros and always seems like a tasty cheat/snack. ever since upping my protein intake, recovery seems to be quicker.
Thanks... so Hemavol doesn't affect my ability to sleep?

And what is this bulk agmatine and cit mal that you speak of? Link?
Yea hemavol gives crazy pump and nice endurance for me I was thinking about copping bulk ingredients and making my own preworkout too
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