STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

just got a nutribullet :pimp:

idc about calories, gonna load up even more on fruits and finally some spinach :lol:
Ran the SHUL program today (upper day) and it had me beat! Feelin' good tho 
Truly. What's crazy is that he placed 37th in one of his events and sat as far back as 14th overall, I believe with a couple days to go. I was hearing talk about how Froning was finally not going to repeat lol

He had to have killed on every single event afterwards to get back that number one spot

Camille LeBlanc won the women's overall which I think is even crazier. Even as crossfitters go, she's tiny. 5'2 130 pounds the most. Some of her competitors are huge but she went toe to toe with them in all the strength portions.

It was a :smokin, weekend.

Honestly don't think these guys juice, I've seen guys that juice and these guys from Froning to Khalipa to Ohlsen, don't look nothing like it. The only one I would guess is Panchik cause he has acne, :lol:.

Otherwise, these guys aren't "big", they have low BF%'s and have crazy training sessions.

The juice accusation is an easy one for the lazy folks with **** workout programming though, :lol:. Even some CF'ers say the same thing: "Why don't I look like that?".

A) **** diet
B) Can't do 1 workout and expect THOSE results
C) No dedicated Strength Program
D) No dedicated cardio
E) Heavier volume

I was thinking about this earlier today while checking out the CF games.

I can fully appreciate and admire the dedication and commitment this kind of lifestyle requires but i also feel like there needs to be some balance in life.

Yeah being "shredded" (word to the other thread) is an awesome concept and ideal for most people but whats the cost to benefit ratio? Ive always said it in here, and i still feel this way. Ill glAdly hold onto an extra few lbs if it means i can still enjoy life without any extrA stress. Friends want to go out for wings or some late night pizza? Im in. The experience of enjoying life and having that experience with friends is far greater than those few extra calories.

As long as im injury free, pain free, can maintain my movement skills and am healthy physiogically, im good. Im not about to revolve my life around the attainment of a construct if "perfection".

At 6'0, if i can stay within my 180-185 range im fine with everything else.

The crazy thing is tha tmost of these guys range from 160-205. The majority don't have strict diets year round. You can have your cake and eat it too. These guys are athletes not body builders, no need to be strict. They need to consume calories do to the volume of work they put in. Lot's of meat. Follow them on IG, these guys train hard and still live their lives.

Nothing like seeing Neal Maddox crush a dozen glazed donuts just because, :lol:
It was a :smokin, weekend.

Honestly don't think these guys juice, I've seen guys that juice and these guys from Froning to Khalipa to Ohlsen, don't look nothing like it. The only one I would guess is Panchik cause he has acne, :lol:.

Otherwise, these guys aren't "big", they have low BF%'s and have crazy training sessions.

The juice accusation is an easy one for the lazy folks with **** workout programming though, :lol:. Even some CF'ers say the same thing: "Why don't I look like that?".

A) **** diet
B) Can't do 1 workout and expect THOSE results
C) No dedicated Strength Program
D) No dedicated cardio
E) Heavier volume
The crazy thing is tha tmost of these guys range from 160-205. The majority don't have strict diets year round. You can have your cake and eat it too. These guys are athletes not body builders, no need to be strict. They need to consume calories do to the volume of work they put in. Lot's of meat. Follow them on IG, these guys train hard and still live their lives.

Nothing like seeing Neal Maddox crush a dozen glazed donuts just because, :lol:

I think you're being naive in regards to steroids in crossfit. It's not just an eye test, look at baseball players who aren't your typical steroid visuals.

Might be your crossfit "beer goggles" but to be honest none of us know for sure but to dismiss it is naive.

I agree with that last comment though. Make it a lifestyle, do work, but don't let it consume you or not let you enjoy life.





EWD, cool as a cucumber when fighting the Taliban/insurgents....

Gets pissed at Al Audi.
That thread was GOLD. Still upset that my question qas never anawered. Oh well, i figured hed hide from it.

If youre arent atleast suspicious of CFers using aomething then i believ youre turning a blind eye to it. Same thing in the late 90s baseball era.

Lance armstrong isnt BBer build, but he had a mini-lab coursing through his body. If theres money or fame to be gained, always suspect things arent as pure as youd like to believe.
I think you're being naive in regards to steroids in crossfit. It's not just an eye test, look at baseball players who aren't your typical steroid visuals.

Might be your crossfit "beer goggles" but to be honest none of us know for sure but to dismiss it is naive.

I agree with that last comment though. Make it a lifestyle, do work, but don't let it consume you or not let you enjoy life.

That thread was GOLD. Still upset that my question qas never anawered. Oh well, i figured hed hide from it.

If youre arent atleast suspicious of CFers using aomething then i believ youre turning a blind eye to it. Same thing in the late 90s baseball era.

Lance armstrong isnt BBer build, but he had a mini-lab coursing through his body. If theres money or fame to be gained, always suspect things arent as pure as youd like to believe.


Without a doubt, but I'm not going to stand on a soap box and adopt that type of cynicism.

CF "beer goggles", :lol:

Not going to look at a Patrick Willis and say, dude is roided up when there isn't an ounce of proof to say so. There are a ton of people across many sports with amazing physiques and amazing athletic ability, not going to take a "must be on roids" stance for no reason. It's a cop out. Some people are just genetically gifted.

These guys are dedicated to their craft, because there is money involved.

Are there illegal substances in CF? Abso*******lutely. However, to point the finger at specific individuals with no proof whatsoever, not that person. Not a rat.
No one specifically mentioned names though. You brought the the steroids/CFers talk up yourself unprovoked. I think we're just saying that its probably more prevalent in the sport than people think, but no one is saying X person did X because they won/placed 2nd/etc.
I just wanted to know what numerous awards he earned during his secret military operations. Is that too much to ask?
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