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Man come on ironman bro, you know you don't have to look a certain way to be geared up lol

The combo pack of these dudes strength, endurance, agility and everything else is enough to raise questions regardless of what they look like. Then when you combine that with some being under 6 foot, close to 200 pounds at or around 10% bf and people are gonna question if they're on.

Regardless though, I respect what they were doing, not many people can do what they do.
No one specifically mentioned names though. You brought the the steroids/CFers talk up yourself unprovoked. I think we're just saying that its probably more prevalent in the sport than people think, but no one is saying X person did X because they won/placed 2nd/etc.

C'mon bro, you must've missed it.

Man come on ironman bro, you know you don't have to look a certain way to be geared up lol

The combo pack of these dudes strength, endurance, agility and everything else is enough to raise questions regardless of what they look like. Then when you combine that with some being under 6 foot, close to 200 pounds at or around 10% bf and people are gonna question if they're on.

Regardless though, I respect what they were doing, not many people can do what they do.

Totally agree, just not one to point fingers with no proof or smoke whatsoever. I'm on the "there's PED's in every sport" train, but to single out athletes, nah. Until there is proof or connection, not going to be that guy, :lol:

Hate using the word, but the epitome of being a "Hater".

Without a doubt, but I'm not going to stand on a soap box and adopt that type of cynicism.

CF "beer goggles", :lol:

Not going to look at a Patrick Willis and say, dude is roided up when there isn't an ounce of proof to say so. There are a ton of people across many sports with amazing physiques and amazing athletic ability, not going to take a "must be on roids" stance for no reason. It's a cop out. Some people are just genetically gifted.

These guys are dedicated to their craft, because there is money involved.

Are there illegal substances in CF? Abso*******lutely. However, to point the finger at specific individuals with no proof whatsoever, not that person. Not a rat.

Respect. Don't get me wrong, I have and probably will do some sort of "crossfit" in the bear future once I get situated with my career, but as you said, any sport probably has it's share of gear, but I take the same stance you do, innocent til it's proven.

Wasn't speaking about specific people but just steroids in crossfit, and every sport where fame and fortune is to be had really.
Trying to get rid of the fat under my biceps.. Any takes??
Guessing it's all food intake..

:lol: at OG 25 yr old trying to start up humble brag thread. Funny that cats that usually back homie up in the Tay threads weren't there revive him..
Can someone point me in the direction of some solid info about re-feed days?
Do yall believe in cheat days or cheating in moderation?
Not really cheat days, but days where I have other things going on, I'm not super into working out, if I get to drunk or I'm super busy, I don't mind taking a day off, but otherwise, I'm trying to rock everyday. 
Hmm interesting, I still crave it

I heard it takes about 21 days to break the bad food habit

Man I'd say longer than that :lol:

It stared from necessity for me. Broke college kid living in his own forced to cook for himself or face "hungry days" at the end of the 2 weeks. :lol:

After a year of that I never looked back.
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In the" refeed" video he says people with low leptin levels have low bf% and slow metabolism but people with high leptin levels have high bf% and fast metabolism. I always thought fast metabolism applied towards hardgainers ie: someone with low bf?
All the drinking I did this weekend catching up to me. I'm supposed to workout at 830 tonight but I might have to sit it out I feel extremely sluggish/no energy at all
All the drinking I did this weekend catching up to me. I'm supposed to workout at 830 tonight but I might have to sit it out I feel extremely sluggish/no energy at all

drink some coffee and suck it up

unless im extremely ill or ive got a really bad injury, ill never miss a workout. more times than not im feeling sluggish and low energy but i say screw it and make myself go to the gym.
Totally agree, just not one to point fingers with no proof or smoke whatsoever. I'm on the "there's PED's in every sport" train, but to single out athletes, nah. Until there is proof or connection, not going to be that guy,

Hate using the word, but the epitome of being a "Hater".

Agree 100% on PEDs being everywhere in sports, I dare say even at the College level as well.

I wouldn't say its singling them out, I just hate the dummies who say " oh he's on steroids, it doesn't count, he doesn't have to work hard"....hate that ******* **** 
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