STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

dunno why that crap is so huge damnit.

fitness goals for 2015 will be to lean out and improve mobility, agility and functional strength.

Great transformation man, keep up the good work.

I remember one of my first programs was the Kris Gethin's 12 week trainer.

It got intense. dropped a lot of fat with that and a good meal plan. (he also has a suggested one)
Wow, that weightlifting gym I was looking into is only 100 dollars for the whole year :wow: I can afford to keep my crossfit membership and attend this gym when I have the time

I think I'm in.

Even if I can't make it out there as much as I want to because of the commute, at that price it's worth it :wow:

Saturday afternoons are going to be fun (my box is closed on saturday afternoons)
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Someone go get kicked out of PF and record it 
when I visit home on the weekends from school on the weekends and have leg days on fridays, i have to use god for saken planet fitness. they get pissed when regulars do deadlifts and other olys, but when the employees and trainers do it, it isn't a problem smh. bout to kick one of the sales people off of a stair master
Hit 5x5 on back squat at 290. Had to roll out a little extra though after some KB lunges yesterday.

Just curious, how long do you guys rest in between sets? I normally try to stay around the 1:30 to 2 min range.
about to hit a good arms session at the gym . edit: found some of that rob bailey. lol about to hit it. for session one today.
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Hit 5x5 on back squat at 290. Had to roll out a little extra though after some KB lunges yesterday.

Just curious, how long do you guys rest in between sets? I normally try to stay around the 1:30 to 2 min range.
Depends on the intensity of the training for me personally. There were some days were my 5x5 was so brutal I took a 10 minute break between sets. 

If you ever try to run Smolov or something similar you can expect to take even longer rest breaks.
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Just bought this thing a little while ago. Hope it allows me to use the microwave less
are the fat grips the truth or something? srsly like a month back seen this body builder dude using em (he competes, aesthetic, not the jay cutler crap) then some other kids had some. old dude like 2 weeks back then last night seen these two kids that lift but really dont know what they are doing whip em out.

just found it out for 2 years im there at the time i go all the same dudes and never seen anyone with em now like 10 people in a month all copped em.
you can do so much with rice cookers.
I use mine for protein cakes.
also as a mini crock pot.
Funny the views about LA fitness...

There is a IFBB (former I'm assuming) pro that goes to the location I do. She is about 40 and wears a IFBB Ms Florida weight belt and drives a red viper with IFBB PRO on the license plates. Her husband drives a sl amg Benz. I usually see them on machines or using dbs, never bbs fwiw
are the fat grips the truth or something? srsly like a month back seen this body builder dude using em (he competes, aesthetic, not the jay cutler crap) then some other kids had some. old dude like 2 weeks back then last night seen these two kids that lift but really dont know what they are doing whip em out.

just found it out for 2 years im there at the time i go all the same dudes and never seen anyone with em now like 10 people in a month all copped em.

I have my little brother train with them - he's a freshman at university of Virginia now (wrestles).

They are amazing for building grip strength.

I'am a fan of them - first time I used them were for pull ups....

And man, **** got 10x harder lol.
squats, trying to transition to low bar, wider stance, and no longer wearing olympic shoes.
250lbs bodyweight currently
Man just stop it!! 

I got them same shorts too, love em. What made you ditch the oly shoes and are those cuffs worth buying?
Man just stop it!! :nthat:

I got them same shorts too, love em. What made you ditch the oly shoes and are those cuffs worth buying?

Yeah these shorts are pretty nice, i was waiting forever for a camo short! I dont use flat soled shoes because i wanted to see if i could hit depth without them without too much sacrifice in form. I think i will only use oly shoes if i do high bar.

Yes, the cuffs are worth it only if u have elbow pain, i wear it on my bad elbow and it keeps it warm and compressed, reducing pain. Once my elbow is 100% i will stop using them. I yanked a bar too hard and hurt my elbow a month ago.
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Week 1 is in the books. Gonna do some ab work over the weekend and hit the gym next week with the same schedule. I must not be as out of shape as I though because the only major soreness I had was from chest day on Monday is basically gone now (did a lot of stretching, tiger balm massages and bath salts) and I don't feel major soreness in my other muscle groups, just light soreness.

I thought I would be suffering after leg day yesterday (did squats, curls, extensions and calf raises) but I'm good.
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Tried the brownie quest bar, taste like cardboard rinsed in dishwashing liquid

Also don't think stiff deadlifts are for me, prb went to snap city word to Hodge Twins :lol:
I've never had any problems with my hammys and never understood how it's such a persistent injury with pro athletes. Did Romanian DLs for the first time yesterday. I understand now :frown:
Do you guys have any advice for making your body symmetrical? I had surgery on my left elbow, so my left arm has always been smaller than my right. 
Add a few extra reps for your left arm?

Only way I see how.

Good news: doc cleared me to run and do light sports (broke my foot last Feb.). Copped the previous gen Pegasus +30 and yo...very impressed with the Pegasus shoe. Whoever praised it had good reason. Did a light 10 min run on the treadmill and I was money. Even had a little runners high after.

Bad news: 1 set of benching and I waved the white flag. My bicep STILL hurts when I bench. Dont know if its my bicep compensating for the weak rotator cuff I have. If any of you remember I put benching on a couple month hiatus from a chrnlonic bad shoulder/rotator cuff. Been doing the shrug, roll, and drop method and benched well for maybe a month til my left bicep has been giving out lately.

Wierdest part about it? It doesnt hurt at all during actual back/bicep day.
Bad news: 1 set of benching and I waved the white flag. My bicep STILL hurts when I bench. Dont know if its my bicep compensating for the weak rotator cuff I have. If any of you remember I put benching on a couple month hiatus from a chrnlonic bad shoulder/rotator cuff. Been doing the shrug, roll, and drop method and benched well for maybe a month til my left bicep has been giving out lately.

Wierdest part about it? It doesnt hurt at all during actual back/bicep day.
Thats because the bicep tendon runs all the way up the shoulder. Mine bothers me sometimes and I just tough it out. Try tucking your elbows more and keep your core tight throughout the lift.

Thought the deal might have been too good but it was legit. $53 shipped via eBay. Oddly enough, shipped from Guess someone has a side hustle but it's all good for me.

Local spot selling the same $5 lb tub for $97 :rolleyes
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