STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

What is resting all week outta curiosity?

Just hitting 75-80 percent of your one rep max or something like that?

Nahh dawg, resting is sitting my *** on the couch after work all week. I won't touch a weight but will do some mobility work each day, foam rolling, bands, PVC, etc... 

Plus Ive got some little nagging injuries that will hopefully die down some.

I can't imagine maxing out on lifts after a week of doing nothing. Is that what most lifters do before a competition?
you should try it. body is pain-free and ready to slay. if you're one that takes a preworkout and you take in minimal caffeine for a week while you rest, hitting the gym amped up after the time away is wonderful.
I can't imagine maxing out on lifts after a week of doing nothing. Is that what most lifters do before a competition?
I mean would you rather max out after resting 5 days or lifting for 5 days? Answer is a no brainer for me.

Peaking for a comp is pretty tough, you're in the 90+% range and the intensity is very high. You get your CNS ready for the heavy weights then rest up and go smash some PRs.

But it is very hard to make yourself stay home and not go to the gym. I know ill be having mood swings and **** 
after weeks of prep, it's so nice to take a break. A lot of lifters get antsy and wanna get to the gym asap and it's a challenge to stay away from lifting.

sqwat day

Good **** big boy! 

You switch off from going to BBBC? I follow some of those dudes on IG and they're hilarious. I wish I had a gym like that near me.
I can't imagine maxing out on lifts after a week of doing nothing. Is that what most lifters do before a competition?

I mean would you rather max out after resting 5 days or lifting for 5 days? Answer is a no brainer for me.

Peaking for a comp is pretty tough, you're in the 90+% range and the intensity is very high. You get your CNS ready for the heavy weights then rest up and go smash some PRs.

But it is very hard to make yourself stay home and not go to the gym. I know ill be having mood swings and **** :lol:

Well, I never said you had to lift for 5 straight days either. Also, I never said the lifting had to be hard

I'm not getting at your strategy. It works for you. I was being curious. And I was just wondering if it was common as I never lifted for a comp

And you never answered my question =/
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Well, I never said you had to lift for 5 straight days either. Also, I never said the lifting had to be hard

I'm not getting at your strategy. It works for you. I was being curious. And I was just wondering if it was common as I never lifted for a comp

And you never answered my question =/

Lol wut....

Yes majority of lifters take a break before a meet.

I'm not really sure what's confusing you. Let your body rest so you preform better.
The only reason why I was confused is cuz if I take a break for a week, the next week my working weight drops and I take a little while (last time was another week) getting back to that working weight

After getting back to that working weight, I do get PRs sometimes, but thats after a little while of getting back to lifting heavy

I guess I assumed what most lifters do is take a break and rest, then work their way back up, or they just lift a little everyday and make it light
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It's literally 5 days off from lifting man, it's not rocket science. I'll be itching to lift come meet day and I'll be nice and fresh from resting.

I think some of yall in here think if you take anytime off then you lose all your strength and gains, which is really stupid logic.
Why the defensiveness bruh. I never said what you do is wrong. I was curious, you wondered why I was confused, and then I told you why, lol

My b dog it's early here at work and I'm tired. I wasn't directing that second statement at you anyway, it was a general thing.

Only a month in and I'm damn near back to form.

Glad I got my *** back in the gym. Been going hard and eating mostly right. My girl hates how I can get in shape so quickly. :lol:
Took an extra day off yesterday.

Felt great today, I hate working out later at night especially when im up sometimes at 530am for work. Decided to rest and felt good, my squats were meh cause I ran for 10 minutes before but my shoulders are burning.

Light weight plus high reps after heavy presses is the way to go.
Only a month in and I'm damn near back to form.

Glad I got my *** back in the gym. Been going hard and eating mostly right. My girl hates how I can get in shape so quickly. :lol:

Stopped drinking, started eating healthy, pretty much my only workout/exercise is walking maybe an hour a day (I'll shoot hoops on occasion but not play games). I'm already down about 15 pounds and it hasn't even been two months.
Good **** big boy! :smokin

You switch off from going to BBBC? I follow some of those dudes on IG and they're hilarious. I wish I had a gym like that near me.

Yeah, i alternate gyms, ill be going there this weekend to bench, ill try to get a video up of that on my ig. Those dudes u see on ig come in early so i rarely get to workout with them, but they be clownin on everybody including dan lol
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what is eating healthy? so a triple chocolate malt and a bacon cheeseburger with chili fries is not healthy? a plain poached chicken breast with a side of quinoa is healthy? what about a turkey cheeseburger with turkey bacon? what about an almond butter and grape jelly sandwich on whole wheat? what about an avocado stuffed with chicken salad? what about a margherita pizza? what is the exact criteria that defines "healthy"? i just wanna make sure i'm doing it right.
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what is eating healthy? so a triple chocolate malt and a bacon cheeseburger with chili fries is not healthy? a plain poached chicken breast with a side of quinoa is healthy? what about a turkey cheeseburger with turkey bacon? what about an almond butter and grape jelly sandwich on whole wheat? what about an avocado stuffed with chicken salad? what about a margherita pizza? what is the exact criteria that defines "healthy"? i just wanna make sure i'm doing it right.
cmon man...
just tryna make sure we cycle through all the arguments again in a timely manner :lol:
plus i'm on a horrible calorie deficit right now for this office challenge and it's making me super cranky :frown:
Yeah, i alternate gyms, ill be going there this weekend to bench, ill try to get a video up of that on my ig. Those dudes u see on ig come in early so i rarely get to workout with them, but they be clownin on everybody including dan lol
That's awesome lol

Youre in a couple of the Animal vids on their channel so youre basically famous now
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