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bought a 12 pack of Quest bars. Apple Pie. Can't wait!
My girl is obsessed with them.

Thank you NT for putting me on

Microwave them for like 10 secs, that's how you really eat them bad boys.

Cookie dough is awesome. so is the banana nut muffin
(hell they're all pretty ood)

Are they healthy?
I always say you get the appetite just by start eating,
but yes they're healthy
about 21 grams of protein per bar
and 17 grams of fiber

you forgot, like 1g of sugar too

they are nothing special. if i could find em cheap id stock us just as a "healthy" snack but they arent worth the $2+ a bar price
you forgot, like 1g of sugar too

they are nothing special. if i could find em cheap id stock us just as a "healthy" snack but they arent worth the $2+ a bar price

2+ a bar is a lot especially since they're just like little snacks, I'd still prefer it over a cliff bar though.

There is a company in Canada that sells the fiber/-tol they use to make these bars. so you can buy it and make your own homemade ones.

seen recipes for em people say it taste pretty similar.

I usually make my own no bake protein bars though.
Oatmeal PB protein powder is all you need.
(sometimes i'll throw in splenda or sugar free maple syrup.)
Can you guys recommend me some good pre-workout supplements currently I just take protein powder (in the am) and kre-alkalyn (pre workout supplement) and xtend ( intra workout supplement ) I appreciate all the help fellas.
Its like ON Gold Standard whey. Everyone uses it and its all around a good, popular pre work out.

Pros: take the recommended amount and youll have an energized workout

Cons: take too much and youll spend the next couple hours trying not to die :lol:

Also you have to cycle any pre-workout. After a while you get used to it. I personally dont use it for mental reasons, ill feel like imma have a crappy workout if I dont take it for a day.

It's caffeine and some other stuff


It's not free
that's a perfect summary right there.

i usually just drink water or take something relatively mild on the caffeine, but once a week, especially for heavier squat days, i'll take about 1/2-3/4 scoop white heat. someone on here recommended cannibal ferox and despite that silly name, i ordered a tub and it should get here this week. that one i'll probably only take a 1/2 scoop too. it's basically powdered rage. they're pulling all amp citrate products because the ingredient does not comply with regulations though so basically all the really good supplements seem to end up being illegal :lol:
hot yoga is great once you get used to it.

My old college hockey coach made the team go every week with the volleyball chicks 

Carries over to practically all sports and powerlifters could definitely benefit as well

no idea on the taste. i posted this for people who want protein for a good price.
personally, i really don't like the taste of ON either but they're probably one of the most trustworthy brands out there and you can't go wrong with their protein.
Whoa thanks a lot for letting me know about the Iron Whey deal, and to the guy asking if its comparable to ON, it probably tastes better than ON, MusclePharm makes it and I drink MP Combat which IMO has better tasting flavors than ON. 
i would think that cheaper protein almost always = poorer quality product with a higher chance the protein is spiked.
however, i just suggest to just buy what you think is the best fit for your budget.
If you cant afford better quality protein powder then stay away from it completely

Get your protein through food
i dunno. even cheap protein from costco or whatever is helpful to hit you protein macros conveniently. but everyone should do their own research and figure out what works for them.
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