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Aesthetics are much much harder to achieve than size. Anybody can eat like a pig and get huge moving big weight. Jake looking pretty diced no traps though
Aesthetics are much much harder to achieve than size. Anybody can eat like a pig and get huge moving big weight. Jake looking pretty diced no traps though

People say that about getting lean too lol

Just set a damn goal and get it done.
Aesthetics are much much harder to achieve than size. Anybody can eat like a pig and get huge moving big weight. Jake looking pretty diced no traps though
Oh man you guys are just coming out of the wood works today

Your right bro only way to move big weight is to eat like a pig.

BRB having a 6 pack year round but cant bench 2 plates.

The whole aesthetics movement is promoted by closet homosexuals.
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Finally someone with more than half a brain chimes in. Majority of all the top level guys are lean now, with the exception of the 300+ guys of course.

Not worth really explaining to someone that doesn't lift though.

That's not you though...


Hard explaining things to someone that's not even fit.

Just like everyone who does CF isn't Rich Froning, not every power lifter is Dan Greene.

Shade gets thrown your way, playfully, and you get butt hurt.

All CF'ers are frail, laugh it off, keep it moving. All power lifters are fat, feelings, hurt feelings everywhere. :lol:

When I was younger my goal was to be as big and strong as I possibly could so I understand. Discipline with diet is so much harder than moving weight. As you get older nobody cares how much weight you can lift.
When I was younger my goal was to be as big and strong as I possibly could so I understand. Discipline with diet is so much harder than moving weight. As you get older nobody cares how much weight you can lift.

Not necessarily true, people have different goals.

If powerlifting is your deal then train for it.
If Oly lifting is your goal, train for it.
If body building is your goal, train for it.
If CF is your goal, train for it.

Different modalities.

Eating for aesthetics is different than eating to perform. Can't perform at peak levels at a calorie deficit.

There isn't ONE way to do this.
Performance is just to feed your ego unless you compete. When I was in my early twenties I was pulling 6 bills for reps but who cares? There isn't a person I know that would say I looked better then. I certainly wasn't as healthy as I am now. If your goals aren't to be as healthy as possible then your goals need work.
Performance and aesthetics both feed the ego.

You don't have to be at a calorie deficit to be healthy, or look like it, for that matter.

Train right, eat right. Perform better, look better.

Goal is always to be as healthy as possible, and to perform like it.
Those closet homosexuals are smashing all the sexy bishes tho. Nobody wants a mass freak.
Exactly! I wish I understood this when I was younger. Being sub 10% bodyfat will get you more chicks than you can handle. The only people that care about moving big weight are other dudes.
Performance and aesthetics both feed the ego.

You don't have to be at a calorie deficit to be healthy, or look like it, for that matter.

Train right, eat right. Perform better, look better.

Goal is always to be as healthy as possible, and to perform like it.
I agree completely but obviously I'm not moving nearly as much weight at 215 as I was at 250. I'll take the dip in performance to live a healthier lifestyle and look better.
Just for the record I don't get caught up in what type of training is best. Variety is the key. Most days I work up to a triple and work that weight until I can't get one rep. Then I start the drop sets. I don't EVER work inside parameters I work until I can't work anymore. I don't count reps and I don't count sets. Today was a gut check day though. 1500 reps for chest 5x100 flat 5x100 incline 5x100 cable flys. My next chest day will be all heavy work.
That's not you though...


Hard explaining things to someone that's not even fit.

Just like everyone who does CF isn't Rich Froning, not every power lifter is Dan Greene.

Shade gets thrown your way, playfully, and you get butt hurt.

All CF'ers are frail, laugh it off, keep it moving. All power lifters are fat, feelings, hurt feelings everywhere.

Still <3 you Boss,

Love how powerlifting, Oly lifting and CF has evolved in the past half decade.

Yes, power lifters are getting leaner and shredded, fact! Awesome to see.

#dontsquatbelowparallel #dontliftoverhead #thingsjewbaccasays #hesalawyerhesadoctor #jackofalltrades
 Damn bro Im not fit? 
 I guess I deserve that after saying I ****** your moms..

I never get butt hurt by whats said over the internet, period. You say a lot of sideways things and I talk **** right back its simple. Id do it in real life too.

Just because you weigh 225+ doesn't mean you aren't fit. I think you think Im some fat out of shape powerlifter that sits on the couch all day, eats cookies and ice cream and never does more than 3 reps per set. This couldn't be any further from the truth. Ive said multiple times in here that I run 3-4 times a week and have done multiple 5k races with respectable times for a non runner. Not that I need to explain myself to you at all, because Im happy with my training and the goals Im trying to reach.

Your always on your soap box about how cross fitters get hated on and laughed so save me on saying powerlifters catch feels.


Im glad we are having some good arguments in here, I like it.
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If your in the gym to impress or get women just stop now. You won't make it.
So you're saying I should be in the gym to impress men than? That's pretty gay. 100% homo. Like those alpha males at the gym who lift all day thinking they bad *** and I see them at the mall working at auntie Anne's makking my pretzels.
So you're saying I should be in the gym to impress men than? That's pretty gay. 100% homo. Like those alpha males at the gym who lift all day thinking they bad *** and I see them at the mall working at auntie Anne's makking my pretzels.
Im saying you shouldn't be in the gym to impress anyone. 

Aunties has great pretzels, did one of them steal your girl? 
...hes making some sense though.

Ultimately you set your own goals but to say not an ounce of your effort is for impressing women/men (in a competition sort of way) is all lies IMO.

You wannaook good for yourself, and ultimately no matter how you perceive it, look good for others.
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