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Training for strength and performance is to feed the ego but your end goal isn't.

You know you can be strong as **** and have an impressive physique... Year round.

Performance training is evolving. That's why I poke fun of generalizations... With generalizations.

Power lifters have impressive physiques. CF'ers are Oly lifting and vice Versa. It's a good time for those that love the barbell.

Performance training is a whole other beast. Can't just hit the gym and crank out mindless reps.
Ok, im now convinced this is a troll attempt. Moving on.
I'm just messing with you man. The results are almost entirely nutrition and genetic based so I don't see why people argue about what is the best way to workout. I try new stuff all the time. I was even considering trying crossfit for something new. I'll try anything
Troll account.

Only posts in this thread.

New to the board.

Reveal yourself...

Robin thicke?

The rock?

naw bro I don't even see how I'm trolling. because I would trade some strength to look better? That's every bodybuilder on earth.

I lift to look and feel good. The days are dead where people found out you lifted and asked for numbers and I could careless tbh
Its all good if the only reason a person trains is to impress others, if that's what they are into then cool. But don't come in here and say that if you train for strength and performance the only reason you're doing it is to impress other guys.
Says he doesn't count sets or reps... proceeds to post his sets and reps lol
Today was not a usual day. On a normal day I'm not counting anything. I go as heavy as I can and to failure in almost every set after warming up. I just work as hard as I can.
If you compete, bet your *** it matters.

I compete so my numbers are a big deal to me, hence why Im not big on the whole aesthetics thing. Most people in here forget thats why a lot of my opinions are what they are. 
At the end of the day no one cares how much you push. People will care MORE about how you look.

I workout/train to feel good and look good not JUST for myself but for others as well.
How did you come up with this? Really... you can't think its true.

I feel like I'm in the misc section...

 "Looking good" (the most subjective phrase.....ever) mean close to nothing for a powerlifter, olympic lifter or competitive cross fitter. 

Also the guys that say they only care about "looking good" and not numbers are usually the guys that can't figure out how to actually get stronger and make progress.

*News flash** the best way to getting a good physique is to get stronger.
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Today was not a usual day. On a normal day I'm not counting anything. I go as heavy as I can and to failure in almost every set after warming up. I just work as hard as I can.
No matter what your goals are, having a plan to achieve them will always be more optimal than winging it on a daily basis.  
If your goals are to look the absolute best for yourself/others, or to be the strongest m**** f***** in the lifts of your choice and whatever, then thats whats important and what matters most to YOU, not everybody else.

And yes like Boss said getting stronger will help you no matter what your goals are.
Its all good if the only reason a person trains is to impress others, if that's what they are into then cool. But don't come in here and say that if you train for strength and performance the only reason you're doing it is to impress other guys.
I had to do some years when I was 18 and that's when I started working out. No weights just pull-ups Pushups and dips all day every day for years. I don't workout for other people. Being fit has kept me safe through situations you've only seen on tv.
I had to do some years when I was 18 and that's when I started working out. No weights just pull-ups Pushups and dips all day every day for years. I don't workout for other people. Being fit has kept me safe through situations you've only seen on tv.
So you workout to stay fit to protect yourself? Thats performance...
i see so many guys start bulking up this time of year and then try to cut for summer and it doesn't ever work. Trying to cut large amounts of weight in only a couple months will take most of your strength with it. It's so much easier to strip it all off and start building slow and clean. You stay lean year round and grow slow and consistent.
So you workout to stay fit to protect yourself? Thats performance...
I don't need to protect myself these days but that is why I started. I'm just saying that I'm happy sacrificing some strength to be leaner. I feel better my endurance is better and I feel like I look better. I'm not sure why this is a problem. A lot of people workout to look good. There's nothing wrong with that.
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