STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

If you aren't waking up in the middle of the night to have your casein shake, you're doing it wrong.

Can you just go in your "box" and do whatever workout you want or no?
I was wondering this too. It would be nice to just throw some of those bumper plates around a couple days a week. I have always worked out in gyms that give you a hard time about dropping weights.
asked ksteezy about this once and the short answer was basically no. unsure if that applies to most xfit spots.
Depends on the box. My box allows that to some extent. I know some dudes that come in and just throw weights around (oly lifts) and don't really do the program workouts. For the most part though, people do either the regular or competitors programming at my box. 
First day of Wendler is pretty fun. Too bad my gym is only doing it for 7 weeks

Can you just go in your "box" and do whatever workout you want or no?

Technically no. Open gym hours are only officially in the morning from 7-8am but if there's room I'll come in and throw in extra stuff for strength once or twice a week.

I kinda wish the dudes who run my box would just post up all the WODs for the week at the beginning of the week. It'll be easier to plan out what days I want to come in and do my extra work. It sucks when I plan to do snatches on wed and cleans on friday but then on wed night the coach posts we'll do heavy deads on thurs :smh
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^^The people who are members at a crossfit but don't ever do the programming should just go to a weightlifting gym. I'd do the same myself but the travel is a dealbreaker.
same here the closest serious weightlifting gym is over an hour but I have a crossfit about ten minutes away. I'm going to stop in and see what they say.
What are some websites yall frequent for articles/good content besides T-Nation or elitefts?
I enjoy among a few others, plenty of good ones out there just depending on the topics you want discussed and written abt.
lol how long would you have to do it for to get something out of it?

The cycles are 3 to 4 weeks depending if you take a deload week or not.

The program starts at the weight based off 90 percent of your one rep max. The first cycle couple of cycles will be very easy.

It's a very slow progressing program to have legit long term gains. I'd run it till you stall from it. 2 cycles of it is going to do nothing for you.
I ordered those reeboks.

$105 with free shipping.

I'm shaking my head at myself cause I'll be squatting in shoes with the crossfit logo. :frown:
Que the argument about how it's ok to eat anything with sugar after workouts to spike insulin levels.
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