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Did a 2 a day today.

Chest/deadlift then my boy hit me up a couple hours later to come with, so I did biceps and some pullup/pushup work.

Ended up at Mighty Quinn's BBQ and had the best brisket ive ever had in my life. Beans and burnt ends were great as well. All that protein bruhs.
Technically no. Open gym hours are only officially in the morning from 7-8am but if there's room I'll come in and throw in extra stuff for strength once or twice a week.

I kinda wish the dudes who run my box would just post up all the WODs for the week at the beginning of the week. It'll be easier to plan out what days I want to come in and do my extra work. It sucks when I plan to do snatches on wed and cleans on friday but then on wed night the coach posts we'll do heavy deads on thurs :smh

My box is open gym during the day with classes 8am-11am then 5pm-8pm. Weekends you can do what you like.

You can do your own thing during class time if it isn't busy but not many people do that.

I think most boxes don't put the weeks workouts up at the start of the week as you will get people saying 'oh, I'm not going in on Wednesday, i don't like overhead squats' etc
Part of the fun is getting to the box not knowing what the workout is! :lol:

Guess if you have a separate plan to fit around the WOD it's a bit more tricky though.
Someone asked me about Pre Jym. I don't recall who.......

Anyways very clean sustained energy. Great on endurance. Hit a PR on hack squats first day with it.
Haha editing it out before a riot ensues about him being on roids
Me ? So no talk about gear or aesthetics in here?
No it was a pic of Jake Gyllenhal from his new boxing movie that some one already had posted.  Dude looks shredded in the pic and basically transformed his body in a short period of time considering he lost weight for his last movie Nightcrawler
I'm pretty sure he took something but his shoulders look pretty frail so who knows. He does have unlimited funds for the best trainers and nutrition specialists. Must be nice

My gym bro since early 2000s

He has a few trophies. All natty.

Goin for another in 2015
I don't care how he did it really its impressive.  Puts my 5 years of lifting to shame

Him in Nightcrawler looking frail
Wow I haven't seen him in night crawler from what I've seen of him in other stuff he's naturally much bigger than that though
I know it is those Korean Genetics, but I have been trying to reach Benson Henderson leg status for a while man.
he looks big for 180 he must have done well. Those are def natty legs though lol

Him an I take gym life srs. He has done well.

He just as strong in legs as me.......calves are more genetics imo

I don't train calves an they are big.
Him an I take gym life srs. He has done well.

He just as strong in legs as me.......calves are more genetics imo

I don't train calves an they are big.
yeah clearly he takes it srs. Genetics are almost everything.
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Long time lifter here...

I have been doing the German Volume Training thing off and on for the past 12 months, the results have been solid.

It's a good way to get two BIG bodyparts done in under 40 mins.

I have tried the 10x10 version with 60 secs. between sets and also 8x8 with about 80 secs between sets.
Guess if you have a separate plan to fit around the WOD it's a bit more tricky though.

It definitely is. My box seems to go through stages when all they want to do is conditioning work and it sucks for me cuz I like lifting heavy. It sounds like I'd love your box. Open gym in the middle of the day. I'd take full advantage of that at least three days a week.
It definitely is. My box seems to go through stages when all they want to do is conditioning work and it sucks for me cuz I like lifting heavy. It sounds like I'd love your box. Open gym in the middle of the day. I'd take full advantage of that at least three days a week.

Yeah it's a fairly relaxed box in that respect. If i didn't have to work 8:30 - 5 in the week, I would take advantage for sure!. Get quite a few of the guys off the two Air Force bases near me at my box so it works well for them to have open gym in the middle of the day.

I think quite a few boxes go through phases of conditioning work. I know that the box I go to will plan a heavy week followed by a more cardio/conditioning based one on occasion. Don't mind that too much as it keeps it interesting.
If you feel like giving up just keep going and keep pushing. Incredible things can happen. Im about to go murder these shoulders!
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