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I think quite a few boxes go through phases of conditioning work. I know that the box I go to will plan a heavy week followed by a more cardio/conditioning based one on occasion. Don't mind that too much as it keeps it interesting.

Yea man, I know what you mean. The randomness makes it hard to get bored. I remember pre crossfit, how easy it was to get bored doing the same routines over and over again. But at the same time, now that I've sorta plateau'd, it'd be nice to get some steady strength work programmed to help me break through my strength plateau.
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Yea man, I know what you mean. The randomness makes it hard to get bored. I remember pre crossfit, how easy it was to get bored doing the same routines over and over again. But at the same time, now that I've sorta plateau'd, it'd be nice to get some steady strength work programmed to help me break through my strength plateau.

Strength plateau in crossfit begins on your first day though...
Wtf is a box.. Srs

I like mine upTIGHT.
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Just googled it and now I'm informed. So with high intensity the goal is to power lift my WOD in a box.. I can dig it :smokin
I asked the owner of the crossfit by me if I could use the gym for my own workouts. She didn't understand why I would want to do this and gave me a firm no lol
I asked the owner of the crossfit by me if I could use the gym for my own workouts. She didn't understand why I would want to do this and gave me a firm no lol

Did you tell her your "programming", surprised she didn't laugh... Then tell you no.

Most gyms are pretty lax when it
Comes to open gym or members doing extra work.
Trying to find the best way to fill my day with protein, no homo. I'm fairly skinny so not too worried about eating rice/pasta. 
Trying to find the best way to fill my day with protein, no homo. I'm fairly skinny so not too worried about eating rice/pasta. 
Lol no homo

My brother is vegan and works out too... He frequents Adzuki beans, hemp powder/seeds, pumpkin seeds, seitan, tempeh, eggs (depending on what type vegan you are), spirulina, flax meal/seeds, pea protein, black rice, quinoa
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Most gyms are pretty lax when it
Comes to open gym or members doing extra work.

Think the rule of thumb is the bigger the gym, the more relaxed ...

Some of the smaller gyms don't want the one lone wolf to get in the way of the classes, I imagine
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Think the bigger the gym, the more relaxed ... my guess.

Some of the smaller gyms don't want the one lone wolf to get in the way of the classes.
I didn't think that they ran classes all day but I guess it's popular around here and stays packed. I wouldn't want to be in there while classes were going on.
So crossfit you have to actually go on a schedule? What if you "dont like" the WOD's for that day? Or you skip Days and the days youre back your doing the same or similar workouts? Or what if you can only come at certain times, do you just start in the middle of workouts while everyone is halfway done? Im genuinely curious. Seems like an inconvenience.
Somehow got talked into seeing how many times I could hit 135 on bench after a full upper back session...

Hit it for a solid 50 and it was the worst/best pump ever 

Never again. 

Someone in here go hit it for 100 and report back.
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