STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I can get down with a body weight comp on lifts.

That sounds awesome.

Makes it fair across the board and will be pretty fun.
Let's get back to the challenges.

Talking about crossfit is a sport, isn't a sport, is great, isn't great is old.

We should do many different challenges.

Squats, bench, deads, cleans, snatches.

Would keep it fun in here.

If not, I'll just go F myself lol

True. Keep it positive.
So whats the scale for bw and lift weight?

Body weight for each lift x reps

So for me

210lb for max reps bench
210lb for max reps squat
210lb for max reps deadlifts
210lb for max reps powercleans.

I'am stoked lol

Finally something's fresh in this thread.
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Lol damn, except for my deads and back squat most of my max effort lifts aren't that much over body weight. Going to have to sit this one out :lol:
So whats the scale for bw and lift weight?
weight classes are under 200 and over 200 sound fair?

Those numbers are old/low.
Every minute on the minute
I can dig it. Where you at currently?
German volume training for the win 10 sets of 10 reps.
With deadlift? No thank you. I'm sure it works for some, but unless I was doing it with 225 I don't think I'd like it. Maybe as an accessory to my working sets. I prefer GVT for assistance templates anyway.
Anybody else do RTP? I started it back when I fully followed the lean gains IF and got great results.
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