STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Took 2 days off for the first time in a while. Its crazy how good you feel after just 2 days of rest.

Deadlifted yesterday, maxed at 275lbs did 3 sets 5 reps. I don't feel sore today from it, I am kind of disappointed. But i have been slowly increasing the weight on my deadlift week by week about 10 lbs per week.

Today will be bi's and tri's. I have a soccer game tonight too but can't really skip my arms work out today, got legs tomorrow and chest friday, cardio saturday. I really hope the New Years resolution-ers aren't all over the place at the gym like i am expecting. I am planning on lowering almost all of my weight and focusing on muscle contraction and upping reps to around 20 for almost everything. Will still try to max squats and deadlift. I read in Men's Fitness that it is basically all about going to fail. The amount of reps and weight isn't really all that, its about pushing your muscles to failure on everything.

sidebar: It says on the squat rack : "DO NOT DO CURLS IN SQUAT RACK" why are there consistently people with doing curls of 85lbs. Like unless you are curling something over what you there is on the pre-set bars which at my gym go up to 150lb then get out of the squat rack. There are only 2 of them in the whole gym.
Took 2 days off for the first time in a while. Its crazy how good you feel after just 2 days of rest.
Deadlifted yesterday, maxed at 275lbs did 3 sets 5 reps. I don't feel sore today from it, I am kind of disappointed. But i have been slowly increasing the weight on my deadlift week by week about 10 lbs per week.
Today will be bi's and tri's. I have a soccer game tonight too but can't really skip my arms work out today, got legs tomorrow and chest friday, cardio saturday. I really hope the New Years resolution-ers aren't all over the place at the gym like i am expecting. I am planning on lowering almost all of my weight and focusing on muscle contraction and upping reps to around 20 for almost everything. Will still try to max squats and deadlift. I read in Men's Fitness that it is basically all about going to fail. The amount of reps and weight isn't really all that, its about pushing your muscles to failure on everything.
sidebar: It says on the squat rack : "DO NOT DO CURLS IN SQUAT RACK" why are there consistently people with doing curls of 85lbs. Like unless you are curling something over what you there is on the pre-set bars which at my gym go up to 150lb then get out of the squat rack. There are only 2 of them in the whole gym.

i detest this as well. noobs gonna noob
About to go destroy my back and biceps today, trying to switch up my routine a lil bit, don't like shoulder and chest day being back to back.
What's everyone's Plans and Goals for this Year?
Im going to continue bulking until March and then start to Cut for summer
Get this last 10 or so pounds off and get down to 9 or 10% BF and then start a clean, lean bulk.

My meal Plan: 
I don't have any complex plan or anything like that, just 3 basic meals with maybe one snack in the afternoon.


1 egg + cup of egg whites.

Oatmeal with a spoonful of jelly.

3 waters(17oz).


12-13 oz chicken, seasonings and hot sauce.

8-12 oz baked sweet potato.

3 waters.


2 cans tuna with hot sauce.

2 waters.


12-13 oz chicken or 8-12 oz salmon.

10 oz collard greens or green beans or squash whichever one I'm not tired of at the moment lol.

3 waters.

Pretty simple but works for me and I'm not too hungry in the end being on a 1800-2000 calorie total.
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sidebar: It says on the squat rack : "DO NOT DO CURLS IN SQUAT RACK" why are there consistently people with doing curls of 85lbs. Like unless you are curling something over what you there is on the pre-set bars which at my gym go up to 150lb then get out of the squat rack. There are only 2 of them in the whole gym.
Can't stand that ****. My gym only has one squat rack and it's usually the youngest, smallest dudes curling just the bar and taking the merry ******g time 
I got 25 lbs of protein coming in that should hold me down for a long time. Much cheaper that buying small tubs every few weeks
What's everyone's Plans and Goals for this Year?

Im going to continue bulking until March and then start to Cut for summer




beeen slacking hard the last few weeks.

with friends coming in visiting, the long nights and empty beer bottles have left me looking almost average (yuck)

im wrestling again in a month or so, so i need to be camera ready.

as much as i hate to admit it, when i put on weight i just walk around in big jackets and sweaters all day 
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New Year, and the holidays are over with, so it's time to lock my diet down again.

Had a good workout today, rotator cuff still a bit sore but I benched 4 sets. My rehab technique has to be working somewhat.

Did SDLs at 155 lbs as well. Seems to be better than traditional deadlifts since all I have access to is a Smith machine.
Yo my dude illest!.. that story was too funny.. keep putting work in at the gym..

Ksteezy.. that crossfit gym is in Yonkers?.

Completed day one of my full body workout.. crazy... I won't be able to master it until March.. totally depletes my body..

As for the new years resolution gym goers... man I love it.. I don't pay attention to the dudes.. its the females that add motivation..
its a new year fellas and im going back to the gym hard this year...fall off bad the last quater due to work.

can somebody post a weekly workout shedule for me strictly dumbbell related. im gonna workout 4/7 days a week.

appreciated in advance fellas...
far as my goals...well I have some trips coming up, but the soonest one isn't until April, which is a caribbean trip, lots of shirt off time...its a little ways out so I have some time to really get right. I'm really just lifting heavy, putting on muscle everywhere I can, really working on the smaller muscles, and getting symmetrical. going for that overall get shape and look. So I'll just go hard with the food and weights until around the end of February, then start watching my diet in March, add in some more cardio. I should be great by the trip. Then I'll just maintain that trip the rest of Spring and into Summer.
I came in here a few weeks ago basically got told find a way to eat healthy, make it work, which I took note of and have been doing so thanks for making me feel lazy, I needed that motivation :lol:

Now I want to start getting more serious with a routine.. whats a good 3 or 4 day workout plan? I was doing the Mon bi/ back, Tue chest/ tri, Wed Core/ Cardio, Thur back/shoulders and I wasn't doing legs really which I want to implement. How can I improve my schedule?

Currently on this program for the past 6 weeks. Been tough with the holidays to get a continuous 4 weeks in, but I haven't strayed. Plus I've seen gains and feel damn good with this program. My goals are to get bigger. I don't have a specific weight in mind but 5-10 lbs in general will help round out my frame. I have an ideal physique pictured in my mind (bigger traps, larger calves, etc...) which I've been working towards. The plans is to go harder with cleaner foods and continue hitting the weights until about the end of March and trim up for the summer.

Definitely appreciate the opportunity to view as many food logs/plans as I can. I'm at work now but I'll post mine when I get an opportunity.
This might sound rhetorical to some, but let me share a tiny bit of advice.
One of the best things I can remind you while lifting is to.......BREATH.
For the longest time I would A) not breath or B) breath incorrectly.
The emphasis it has on your lifting is extraordinary
Breathing in before squating and exhaling on the press up makes it soooo much easier and crispier.
Whenever my boy is struggling I remind him to breath so he gets out his last few reps.
Anyways, just thought I'd share. Might help someone.

Every time I focus on my breathing, I always lose count. :lol:
This might sound rhetorical to some, but let me share a tiny bit of advice.

One of the best things I can remind you while lifting is to.......BREATH.

For the longest time I would A) not breath or B) breath incorrectly.

The emphasis it has on your lifting is extraordinary

Breathing in before squating and exhaling on the press up makes it soooo much easier and crispier.

Whenever my boy is struggling I remind him to breath so he gets out his last few reps.

Anyways, just thought I'd share. Might help someone.


Just remember that when you exhale its not a relaxation. All muscle tone/contraction still needs to be occurring even when you exhale. Also, remember to inhale just as much as you exhale.
nah, ive been bulking and increased mass in my chest but nothing in my arms. thats the main reason for my bulk lol
Quick question....are peanuts (honey roasted) healthy?

avg serving
150 calories (100 calories from fat)
12g fat
8g carbs
2g fiber
6g protein

I usually finish a jar of peanuts in about 4 or 5 days. Am i eating to many peanuts?

BTW i started intermittent fasting
20 hour fast and 4 hours eating time

I have peanuts for a snack while im at work
and when i go home i eat my meal with a protein shake

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Quick question....are peanuts (honey roasted) healthy?

avg serving
150 calories (100 calories from fat)
12g fat
8g carbs
2g fiber
6g protein

BTW i started intermittent fasting
20 hour fast and 4 hours eating time

I have peanuts for a snack while im at work
and when i go home i eat my meal with a protein shake


peanuts are good source of healthy fats, id say you can eat the honey ones no problem just has some extra sugar.
Do you all mess with the V8 Fusion drinks? 50 calories a can.
Had the peach mango one today, not bad. Has 1 combined servings of vegetables & fruits.
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