STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Started running/jogging again for the first time since partially tearing my mcl on Thanksgiving. I feel so sluggish :x
Have any of you guys watch Kai Greene videos? If so, what your views on his methods?

Background info:  Kai is a pro bodybuilder.  So in this video, the guy is trying to lift heavier and it's killing his form. Kai goes to explains that muscles needs to do two things: STRETCH and CONTRACT.  So he lift weights like this guy but with 20lbs and his muscles fail.  A huge mofo 265lb bodybuilder arms are failing off 20 lbs because he allowed the muscle to stretch and contract.

Stretch and Squeeze. The primary goal is not to lift weights.  Bodybuilders is concerned with contracting muscles.  Weightlifters are concerned with moving weight.  Basically, over time the weight will increase.  Once you feel like you can control the weight throughout from stretch to contraction with perfect form then you can move up.

Another good video to watch is Elliot Hulse.

I'm going to use these principles today. I know on days that I've dropped the weight and just really focused on the movement I've had some great workouts. some days you really just wanna eat the weights tho, for pride purposes. Today is chest, but I'm gonna try Kai's method, so what I can accomplish. I guess my only issue is my strength is real high, so at what point is the weight considered too light and you should move up? Then how high do you move up? lol, I can see myself, moving up to my normal weight and forgetting all about his method lol.
We all get like that, but I doubt you're being sloppy with your form just for the sake of moving weight like some people we spot in our gyms.  That's the thing that just makes me shake my head.  That's why I try myself to block out everything, even if it's nearly impossible to ignore, lol.
I'm going to use these principles today. I know on days that I've dropped the weight and just really focused on the movement I've had some great workouts. some days you really just wanna eat the weights tho, for pride purposes. Today is chest, but I'm gonna try Kai's method, so what I can accomplish. I guess my only issue is my strength is real high, so at what point is the weight considered too light and you should move up? Then how high do you move up? lol, I can see myself, moving up to my normal weight and forgetting all about his method lol.
Honestly, I can't say.  I will just give you an educated guess...

I would assume to start where you lift, if you find yourself losing your form..Then drop 5-10lbs.  If you, still find yourself losing your form and can't stretch and contract without losing your form....then drop 5lbs again.  The drop may need to be more severe so you can focus on those key movement

And to do an increase, I would start slow, maybe 5lbs gain.
Man it feels like I'm new to this thread. I haven't been on NT in 2 weeks. December was just bad for me I was slacking on going to the gym I missed like 2.5 weeks of working out. Plus I screwed up my diet, I was eating what I always eat but I was eating too much of it but I was also eating pizza and junk food. I feel so terrible and I've been in a slump over the past few weeks. Today was my 1st day back in the gym since 12/19. The 1st thing I did when I arrived was jumping on that scale. I got on and I came out to be 312 lbs. so I gained 5 lbs in December. Im glad that I didn't gain 10 lbs but it sucks knowing that you weighed 307 lbs and your goal was to drop 10-13 lbs. I was supposed to be weighing between 292-297 lbs right now. It felt so good being back in the gym today I'm still going at it and I'm not giving up!
Whats really crazy is that nothing Kai preaches is revolutionary or new. Its essentially the old slogan, "train the muscle, not the ego". I guess because its coming from a guy who looks like a cartoon drawing it resonates more with people.

I amend that phrase and think "train the movement, not the ego" is a better mantra to keep in mind. I believe its more functional and relevant.

Its unfortunate that bodybuilding seems to be the go-to avenue for beginning exercisers when its still a niche community. Theres weightlifters, exercisers, and bodybuilders. Too many beginners fall into the bodybuilding category and think its the only avenue.
Have any of you guys watch Kai Greene videos? If so, what your views on his methods?

Background info:  Kai is a pro bodybuilder.  So in this video, the guy is trying to lift heavier and it's killing his form. Kai goes to explains that muscles needs to do two things: STRETCH and CONTRACT.  So he lift weights like this guy but with 20lbs and his muscles fail.  A huge mofo 265lb bodybuilder arms are failing off 20 lbs because he allowed the muscle to stretch and contract.

Stretch and Squeeze. The primary goal is not to lift weights.  Bodybuilders is concerned with contracting muscles.  Weightlifters are concerned with moving weight.  Basically, over time the weight will increase.  Once you feel like you can control the weight throughout from stretch to contraction with perfect form then you can move up.

Another good video to watch is Elliot Hulse.

Always loved this video :pimp:
Have any of you guys watch Kai Greene videos? If so, what your views on his methods?

Background info:  Kai is a pro bodybuilder.  So in this video, the guy is trying to lift heavier and it's killing his form. Kai goes to explains that muscles needs to do two things: STRETCH and CONTRACT.  So he lift weights like this guy but with 20lbs and his muscles fail.  A huge mofo 265lb bodybuilder arms are failing off 20 lbs because he allowed the muscle to stretch and contract.

Stretch and Squeeze. The primary goal is not to lift weights.  Bodybuilders is concerned with contracting muscles.  Weightlifters are concerned with moving weight.  Basically, over time the weight will increase.  Once you feel like you can control the weight throughout from stretch to contraction with perfect form then you can move up.

Another good video to watch is Elliot Hulse.

I'm going to use these principles today. I know on days that I've dropped the weight and just really focused on the movement I've had some great workouts. some days you really just wanna eat the weights tho, for pride purposes. Today is chest, but I'm gonna try Kai's method, so what I can accomplish. I guess my only issue is my strength is real high, so at what point is the weight considered too light and you should move up? Then how high do you move up? lol, I can see myself, moving up to my normal weight and forgetting all about his method lol.

We all get like that, but I doubt you're being sloppy with your form just for the sake of moving weight like some people we spot in our gyms.  That's the thing that just makes me shake my head.  That's why I try myself to block out everything, even if it's nearly impossible to ignore, lol.

Yea I'm pretty disciplined when it comes to form. I have no problem going lighter if it means I'm more effective. Yea man, I've seen some terrible forms in the weightroom. Some are so bad, I don't know how some of these people don't hurt themselves smh.

I'm going to use these principles today. I know on days that I've dropped the weight and just really focused on the movement I've had some great workouts. some days you really just wanna eat the weights tho, for pride purposes. Today is chest, but I'm gonna try Kai's method, so what I can accomplish. I guess my only issue is my strength is real high, so at what point is the weight considered too light and you should move up? Then how high do you move up? lol, I can see myself, moving up to my normal weight and forgetting all about his method lol.

Honestly, I can't say.  I will just give you an educated guess...

I would assume to start where you lift, if you find yourself losing your form..Then drop 5-10lbs.  If you, still find yourself losing your form and can't stretch and contract without losing your form....then drop 5lbs again.  The drop may need to be more severe so you can focus on those key movement

And to do an increase, I would start slow, maybe 5lbs gain.

good call. I think I'll probably just start with my regular warm up weight and instead only move up in smaller increments as long as i can maintain that intensity and ROM. And I'll go 4-5secs on the negatives.
My update for the night!

I ****** UP!

I was on the treadmill warming up. Girl walks out of aerobics class. I'm starin dead at her. She waves, I wave back confused. She smiles. I then look behind me to see if I ****** up. She mouths something and moves her hand. I give her the WHAT'S GOING ON FACE. She says nevermind with her hands and walks out. hahahaha. :[ i think she knew me from videos, because i wasn't looking good enough to be holla'd at.

Got tired of waiting for my boy so started with
- Lat Pull down
- Reverse Lat pull down

Moved to Dead Lift
- 50 x 12
- 135 X 12
- 315 X 3 SMH! I was tired and it was hard!
- 275 X 6
- 275 X 6

Had a big dude at the gym teaching me form and he liked what he saw! Progress.

Went to seated cables. Don't know the names but did 2 kinds of pull backs.

Went to rows did 4 sets. 2 front grip 2 reverse grip. Ended with cable flys.

Here's the thing. I think i want to cut out my cardio. I do cardio, A LOT. I think it's limiting strength and mass gain. I want to put on some meat. Is it weird that i first bulked, then cut, now gonna sort of bulk again. Only looking to walk on an incline for 10 minutes from time to time.

Today ate this:
- Coffee.
- Banana
- Tomatoe motz panini
- String cheese
- Rice cake
- Apple
- Scoop whey
- 5 egg whites 2 whole eggs
- 2 scoops Greek yogurt
- Chipotle
- 2 scoop whey shake

Also. Look. I'm not salty or sensitive but not gonna lie, Dauly your comment bugged me a bit. Didn't like where it came from and didn't quite understand it. Asked a dude at the gym bout it and I've gotta say, it's a pretty ignorant comment. When do we not flex when posing? The fact that there are the indentations and minor lines shows that it's there, but the BFP covering it is where it lacks. But not to the extent as stated. The comment was just whack. And sorry had to go back to it.

Also, I wish I saw all your talks about fore arms before! I did ALL my workouts today with STRAPS for the first time. I ******g loved it! But not if it's gonna mess with my forearm gain!

Think that's all for now!

Looking to take a 2 day break but it's gonna be reaaaaal hard. Well see if I can keep myself out.


Hey dude how do you make your Tomatoe motz panini?
I had that couple months back at panera and it taste real good but after finding out how many calories it had, i never ate it again.
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Freeze. Go much lighter than when you usually do strength. Thing is though up the reps. When I did inclines with his method and just did 135, by the 12th rep I was dyinnnnng. I only went up to 15. But when I got to 10-15 I made sure to go slooooooow and felt the rip and the burn was reaaaaaal. Also when I did bent over isolation curls by 15 I wanted to cry with only 20's.


ahhhh yea. I'll def up the reps and squeeze every last drop out.
how much do you guys use, for instance i eat four egg whites and two whole eggs, how much do i pour?
 I just measure it out according to the serving size, since I'm cutting it's more about the number of calories. But I make sure I get at least 60 grams of protein each time.
Good looking out Sneakerfan1 on those shoulder exercises.

Had a great workout today.

Dumbbell Presses
Lateral Raises + Front Raises
Upright Row
Standing Low-Pulley Deltoid Raise
Military Press

Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension
Triceps Pushdown
Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press
Bench Dips

Can't wait to feel the aftermath tomorrow morning.
Tell me if this is ignorant....from my nutritions and fitness class i'm learning that the people who know the MOST...tend to be the most out of shape...

too many times i see people swearing form, technique, names of exercises etc etc but spend so much time trying to be knowledgable they lack the actual DOING of what the learn...

again i'm sorry for being ignorant but it's an observation from lately.


'Those whom can't do, teach'
Tell me if this is ignorant....from my nutritions and fitness class i'm learning that the people who know the MOST...tend to be the most out of shape...

too many times i see people swearing form, technique, names of exercises etc etc but spend so much time trying to be knowledgable they lack the actual DOING of what the learn...

again i'm sorry for being ignorant but it's an observation from lately.


'Those whom can't do, teach'
they can do it, they just dont want to
how much do you guys use, for instance i eat four egg whites and two whole eggs, how much do i pour?
 I just measure it out according to the serving size, since I'm cutting it's more about the number of calories. But I make sure I get at least 60 grams of protein each time.
fasho, i usually dont like to go by serving sizes posted on the cartons because ive heard they can be off (usually under) but i guess i dont need to be so meticulous
I have legs tomorrow. I'd like to do plyometrics, lifting, and running on the treadmill.

In which order should I workout?
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Good looking out Sneakerfan1 on those shoulder exercises.

Had a great workout today.

Dumbbell Presses
Lateral Raises + Front Raises
Upright Row
Standing Low-Pulley Deltoid Raise
Military Press

Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension
Triceps Pushdown
Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press
Bench Dips

Can't wait to feel the aftermath tomorrow morning.
Nice!  Out of curiosity, did you finish off your shoulders with military presses?

Gotta motivate myself to attack this workout tonight.  Hopefully my energy levels are what they were yesterday.  Already breaking one of my few resolutions by not sleeping enough last night.  Ugh.
Tell me if this is ignorant....from my nutritions and fitness class i'm learning that the people who know the MOST...tend to be the most out of shape...
too many times i see people swearing form, technique, names of exercises etc etc but spend so much time trying to be knowledgable they lack the actual DOING of what the learn...
again i'm sorry for being ignorant but it's an observation from lately.

Well, there's a clear distinction between knowing what to do from a technical standpoint, but lacking the desire to actually execute.
Good looking out Sneakerfan1 on those shoulder exercises.

Had a great workout today.

Dumbbell Presses

Lateral Raises + Front Raises


Upright Row

Standing Low-Pulley Deltoid Raise

Military Press

Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension

Triceps Pushdown

Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press

Bench Dips

Can't wait to feel the aftermath tomorrow morning.

Nice!  Out of curiosity, did you finish off your shoulders with military presses?

I posted everything in the order they were done. This was my first time doing shoulders in weeks so the Lateral Raises + Front raises superset killed me. Almost didn't finish the Military but the guy waiting to use the machine offered to spot me.
bay area.
anyone tryna get nasty in the gym with me? :tongue:
BTW. my fitness channel kicks off 1/22! lemme know if you want involvement!
i was thinking yesterday, and i was surprised everyone in here is NATURAL. as far as i know.
lol that takes me back to the old thread when ICE and Al Audi used to go at it with each other about if ICE was juicing..cuz that guy was HUGE. i wonder what happen to that guy
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Just got a bodybugg and so far I love it. Seems to be pretty damn accurate given the charts/graphs I read when I upload my data.

I'm really strict with my regime when I'm trying to tone up, so it's a great tool when I'm trying to nail the specifics.
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