STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Here's what I'm looking to do. Let me know what you think pap.
Morning: Coffee
Throughout day: Water
2PM: Chicken, Eggs, Cottage Cheese, Veggies, Shake
Gym 6PM or 8PM? Shake
If 6PM
Chicken, Oats, Pasta, Shake
If 8PM
10PM: Chicken, Oats, Pasta, Shake
How's that look. That's following the Cruise Control Template on that link and the fat loss program.

Dude, don't want to burst your bubble, but if you're really trying to shed body fat, IF is good, but you're going to need to count calories. If you're eating over your daily caloric maintenance, you're not going to lose weight. The benefit of IF (as Stuntman Mike mentioned above) is that it allows you to eat to satiety during your feeding period.
without knowing your maintenance cals, my advice would be to weigh yourself first thing in the morn, do that diet for a week, then weigh yourself in the morn. see how much weight you've lost and see if you've lost any strength (unlikely after just 1 week) and make adjustments from there. as far as the food you listed, seems ok - kinda reliant on the shakes but whatever. maybe see if you can get more variety in there so you won't get burnt out lol.
i tell you though, it feels really good to pound that much food and still lose weight. the first week is tough in the mornings though. i'm sure you'll do just fine though.
I understand the caloric deficit. The staple he posted and said each one focused on was
I'll try it out and keep ya'll posted. Seems fun and better than worrying about catching my meals and eating alllll day like yesteday.

Ya that principle for centering your eating should work. The listed foods should be around 210 grams of protein, so without knowing your body weight that should be good in terms of protein. Your eating plan doesn't seem to have any fat sources listed, any reason for that? I'd consider adding in some fats instead of carbs.
My point on the caloric deficit is that if all you consider is the types of foods, there is still a chance you overeat - though perhaps this isn't likely to occur if you stick to the food types and feeding window.
back day today, i used to do deadlifts every week but now im going to start to do them every other week....
do everyone here do them on a weekly basis?
Exactly what Matt53 said. I deadlift at the beginning of every week and squat towards the end of the week.

Today is deadlift day. f yeah. :smokin
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Have any of you guys watch Kai Greene videos? If so, what your views on his methods?

Background info:  Kai is a pro bodybuilder.  So in this video, the guy is trying to lift heavier and it's killing his form. Kai goes to explains that muscles needs to do two things: STRETCH and CONTRACT.  So he lift weights like this guy but with 20lbs and his muscles fail.  A huge mofo 265lb bodybuilder arms are failing off 20 lbs because he allowed the muscle to stretch and contract.

Stretch and Squeeze. The primary goal is not to lift weights.  Bodybuilders is concerned with contracting muscles.  Weightlifters are concerned with moving weight.  Basically, over time the weight will increase.  Once you feel like you can control the weight throughout from stretch to contraction with perfect form then you can move up.

Another good video to watch is Elliot Hulse.

I did this today. I loved it. I usually do about 275-300 on the flat bench, but my maximum weight I repped with today was 225.

It is crazy because I actually feel like I worked out with more weight.
Didnt get to hit my legs today because both leg press were taken :frown:

I`m gonna eat so many lemon pepper wings Sunday during the Falcons game. IDC IDC IDC
i just cant give up my bad food habit, I'm far from fat but have no definition at all. :smh: Its too much work finding the right food to eat in between school, work and the gym. Any suggestions?
Just completed a 24 hour fast :pimp:
Whats crazy is the fact that i got alot of energy!
Intermittent Fasting FTW

prepare to get **** tons of people saying what you did was very unhealthy blah blah blah blah

I've done it before. You also feel "clean"... I don't know how else to describe it
Just completed a 24 hour fast :pimp:
Whats crazy is the fact that i got alot of energy!
Intermittent Fasting FTW

I did a 48hr one and I did upper body and had major energy.

IF is all in your head, after doing it for a while you are going to prove to your body that it doesnt need food everyday

You just have to convince your mind,I have not won the mind battle :smh:
lol dudes is really not eating? I feed my body when its hungry, which is usually hours within when I`m done working out, I wrk out in the evening so IF is good for me. When I use to eat lunch at work, I wouldnt even be hungry, I would just eat because its lunch time.
IF is good or isn't good? because i work out in the evenings as well but people who do IF usually workout before their first meal.

IF in all honestly has no to special effect that makes it better than something its all about what works for you. If dudes are going 24 hrs with out eating they are losing extra weight not because of IF but because they pretty much just missed out on a day of 2000 calories which creates greater weekly deficits.

Ive been doing IF my whole life almost before I even knew what IF was. I usually eat one time a day, my problem before is I didnt know about the whole calorie intake thing, so I use to get off work eat like 3k worth of calories from Checkers or KFC or some crap and not workout, . Me personally I dont like eating before working out because I feel sick, I am more energized when Im on an empty stomach.

"They Say" training fasted has no extra fat burning qualities but some people swear other wise.

IF is really about ease of mind, and it makes it easy to be sane when you start cutting undr 1800 calories. Instead of tryna spread out some wack meals into 18000 you can have fewer more filling meals and be stuffed.

When you are sleeping you are on an 8 hour fast so that is technically IF.
any tips on helping the body recover? not from lifting but from basketball if it matters
Idk but when Im doing IF I sweat like crazy when I work out, but when im not I cant break a sweat.( its hard for me to sweat)

Im not saying their is extra fat burning power while fasting but I would not be shocked if it was true
So what do your days look like?

work from about 8/9(when ever I feel like coming in)-4
Gym at 5 done with my workout at 7/730
have my post workout shake and some vitamins and fishoil at 7/730

I eat 1 nice size meal an hour later

I usually go to bed by 12-12:30 but I have my shake around 11:30.

My window is essentially from 6pm-12am.

Depending on if I have groceries and what not I may eat some almonds or a banana in between after my dinner or with my shake before bed, but Im usually not that hungry.

My shake before bed is primarily to hit my protein goal.

I know dudes are against supplements in here and crap but when you work majority of the day you dnt have time to eat 6 meals or some junk and on a cut 6 meals to = 1900 calories (what Im cutting at right now) are just gonna leave me wanting more, so I rather eat a nice 8-1200 calorie meal.

Meal timing means nothing.
HAHAHAHA. thanks homie. I'll check it out.
And damn lucky. So you fast Muslim hours each

lol I guess, a dude that played football with me use to look so sick during Ramadan, it takes crazy will power to do that.
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