STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Was it intimidating? There's one near me but I feel like people may be like, "THIS MY ****, GET THE **** OUT THE WAY."

they were very welcoming and helpful, i was the only noobie and the coach made sure that EVERYONE came to me and inroduced was still intimidating being the new guy and the fact that alot of these dudes have been going there for months now, is like i was the new adopted kid of the family, they showed love but im not part of the family just

i enjoyed it though.
What's good bruh! You still training? That's cool your girl worksout, I'm trying to get my girl to start coming with me to the gym. :lol:
She's one of "those" :rofl:

Aye brah. I still train every week at the Mayweather Gym. And I seen dem pics of your girl, it don't look like she NEEDS to go to the gym... :lol:.
What's good bruh! You still training? That's cool your girl worksout, I'm trying to get my girl to start coming with me to the gym. :lol:
She's one of "those" :rofl:

Aye brah. I still train every week at the Mayweather Gym. And I seen dem pics of your girl, it don't look like she NEEDS to go to the gym... :lol:.

Ehhh... See that's the problem. I'm trying to explain to her that just because she has good DNA and metabolism... She should still pick the habit of doing exercises AT LEAST 30 minutes. Especially since she wants to start a family? Maannnnn I've seen girls blow UP! :lol:

You should check out House of Ryu if you get the chance! They have some good *** fighters training there.

Oh yeah....

Pics of your girls!!! :tongue:
they were very welcoming and helpful, i was the only noobie and the coach made sure that EVERYONE came to me and inroduced was still intimidating being the new guy and the fact that alot of these dudes have been going there for months now, is like i was the new adopted kid of the family, they showed love but im not part of the family just
i enjoyed it though.
Im very curious to try it, I might just look it up this weekend.

Pretty sure I just gave you your 1,000th rep too.
$200 for the month?!

No one day guess pass joint? :lol:

I feel like you need to be in decent shape to attempt crossfit, any truth to that? Id like to say im in decent shape, can run a mile in 830-9 minutes. Can lift a decent amount.

i have a strong heart, but thats about it, im not very strong, but is probably because i was a fatty up until my early 20's and got so used to cardio during my weightloss nd not so much lifting....trying to work on my strength this year....the crossfit seems like is design to do that, since is a group you kind of push each other and there is different ways to do the work outs depending on your strenght in order to push yourself for example today, the 6 minute drill was 25 (pushups, oly rings pushups, oly rings dips or regular dips) depending on which you could do, followed by 50 jumpropes, as many sets as you can within 6 minutes, i did 3+10 doing regular pushups....others were able to do the oly dips, which is the highest difficulty level for that do what you can.....eventually with the right nutrition im sure the stregth will increase.....gotta admit you guys were right, some of the dudes in there had TERRIBLE form, i kept thinking, one of these dudes is gonna snap something....:x

btw google them, i think on weekend mornings they do a free class for those interested in signing up, to get a feel for it.

You'll see rapid strength gains. After a few weeks I saw some decent gains. I'm looking forward to starting my regime again later this month. For now I just need to get back into working out. It seems like all of these gyms (be it the actual crossfit- or the other similar gyms) are like a community. Dudes jump in and try and help each other out, way more than any normal commercial gym. The only thing I can't stand is that I feel so far behind everyone else :lol:. I would definitely suggest that anyone who starts crossfit should have been working out already for a few months. I just try and apply my logic of "i'm only competing with myself", as long as I keep improving, I'm happy.
You'll see rapid strength gains. After a few weeks I saw some decent gains. I'm looking forward to starting my regime again later this month. For now I just need to get back into working out. It seems like all of these gyms (be it the actual crossfit- or the other similar gyms) are like a community. Dudes jump in and try and help each other out, way more than any normal commercial gym. The only thing I can't stand is that I feel so far behind everyone else :lol:. I would definitely suggest that anyone who starts crossfit should have been working out already for a few months. I just try and apply my logic of "i'm only competing with myself", as long as I keep improving, I'm happy.

thats pretty much my logic, back a year ago, i used to do alot of front squats, never anything heavy, at the most 10 reps of about 180lbs (dont judge me) thats probably when i was at my
since then ive stopped lifting....and just been keeping up my cardio, the other day i did 1.5 miles in about 11:30 with a 6:30/mile....felt great....anyhow, today we were doing front squats and since im the noobie, the coach paired me up with 3 girls, i got my form down pack, but we were not lifting heavy....i glance over to where the bros were and dudes were squatting 3x's what i was, i felt sooooo weak.....but ill get there.
:lol: @ "what are you partying for anyway? you ain't got nothin to celebrate"

but yeah, that was seriously corny...
Went to the gym yesterday.....did cardio for an hour and left. I was going to do shoulders and upper back a little but apparently its "2 week free trial" time. And good lord there were people everywhere. I don't know what the deal is but there were tons of high school / college kids all over the place. Rolling 5 deep. Not one open bench, not even standing room on the floor. I was like i will run a mile and see if it clears up.....2 miles see if it clears up.....3 miles.....4 miles...ok its not clearing up....stare master and dip set.

Going to go late tonight because that 5 oclock rush is nothing nice
sounds to me like your making excuses not to work out ask to work in w/ somebody or just do a diff body part

Why didnt u workout today? "The gym was busy" sounds really lazy
sounds to me like your making excuses not to work out ask to work in w/ somebody or just do a diff body part

Why didnt u workout today? "The gym was busy" sounds really lazy

Nah I know what he means. I've been to gym around peak hours and it can get ridiculous. I completely avoid the gym at peak hours. It's not even about lazy, sometimes it's just ridiculous full and you can't get in on any machines or weights cause people are already there with their friends in groups of 4 or 5.
"How many sets you got left?  Yeah ima work in with you."

That simple, lol.  No one is going to stop me from being able to get my workout in, don't care how packed the gym is.  I know it can be frustrating to have to deal with the crowd, but you have to be assertive and find a way to use the equipment.

On another note, my sleeping patterns are all screwed up.  Waking up feeling exhausted as hell.  Been like that for a few weeks now.  Been trying to take naps before hitting the gym so that I don't completely burn out.  Thinking about ordering up some ZMA and giving that a try.  May have to start drinking black coffee during the day even though caffeine gives me jitters like a mofo.
  Figure eventually my body will get used to it.
"How many sets you got left?  Yeah ima work in with you."

That simple, lol.  No one is going to stop me from being able to get my workout in, don't care how packed the gym is.  I know it can be frustrating to have to deal with the crowd, but you have to be assertive and find a way to use the equipment.

Yeah know what you saying, But not everyone got that kinda self confidence to go in and say that, especially in the gym, alot of attitudes and egos up in there
"How many sets you got left?  Yeah ima work in with you."

That simple, lol.  No one is going to stop me from being able to get my workout in, don't care how packed the gym is.  I know it can be frustrating to have to deal with the crowd, but you have to be assertive and find a way to use the equipment.

Yeah know what you saying, But not everyone got that kinda self confidence to go in and say that, especially in the gym, alot of attitudes and egos up in there

More power to you but there are 8-9 benches full (bar-less) every bar-bench is full (4 of them). Incline and decline bar are taken....4 people at smith, 3 people in the 2 squat even if i work in with some one it will take me 2 hours to get anything accomplished. Some of us have things to do. Not to mention getting told no is an option. But it was the first time ive seen dude laying on bench doing dumbell press, dude behind him standing doing shoulders and another person behind him right in front of the bar-bench. Like people were lined up for benches.

I am pretty good at adapting for the most part too lol. Ive grabbed dumbbells and walked my self to the basketball court and worked there just to get some free space and get some things done. But it was a different world in there yesterday....i guess i just wasn't up for it :smh:
"How many sets you got left?  Yeah ima work in with you."

That simple, lol.  No one is going to stop me from being able to get my workout in, don't care how packed the gym is.  I know it can be frustrating to have to deal with the crowd, but you have to be assertive and find a way to use the equipment.
Yeah know what you saying, But not everyone got that kinda self confidence to go in and say that, especially in the gym, alot of attitudes and egos up in there
I feel ya, but you're paying the same amount as they are.  It's moreso about principle.  They're not entitled to anything.  Trust me, I'm a calm, mellow dude more often than not, but given that most of us have hectic schedules, that window of time that we set aside to dedicate to our fitness has to be taken advantage of.  Worst thing that can happen is they say no and in that case I'm working in anyways.
  In all seriousness, just ask nicely to work in with them and I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem with it.
"How many sets you got left?  Yeah ima work in with you."

That simple, lol.  No one is going to stop me from being able to get my workout in, don't care how packed the gym is.  I know it can be frustrating to have to deal with the crowd, but you have to be assertive and find a way to use the equipment.
Yeah know what you saying, But not everyone got that kinda self confidence to go in and say that, especially in the gym, alot of attitudes and egos up in there
More power to you but there are 8-9 benches full (bar-less) every bar-bench is full (4 of them). Incline and decline bar are taken....4 people at smith, 3 people in the 2 squat even if i work in with some one it will take me 2 hours to get anything accomplished. Some of us have things to do. Not to mention getting told no is an option. But it was the first time ive seen dude laying on bench doing dumbell press, dude behind him standing doing shoulders and another person behind him right in front of the bar-bench. Like people were lined up for benches.

I am pretty good at adapting for the most part too lol. Ive grabbed dumbbells and walked my self to the basketball court and worked there just to get some free space and get some things done. But it was a different world in there yesterday....i guess i just wasn't up for it
Lol, yeah that's just extreme levels.  It's always nice to be able to adapt, but I guess to me it's all about principle.
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Pretty sure I broke my thumb playing ball last night 

Gonna take a day off then get right back in that Mfer and get back to work, just tape it up and go ham.

I hate that ONE dude at every gym that calls EVERY foul then gets mad when one gets called on him 
To the guy about to try the Hannibal workout.. stay with it for at least two months and your core will be stronger than you would have ever felt..

I did the workout like DC during the summer.. can't do the flag pole though.. what I learned from him the most is that FORM IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF LIFTING.. especially in calisthenics because your body weight and balance can off center if you do not use proper form.. stay with the dips.. push ups. Pull ups.. and when you reel your core is strong.. add muscle ups...
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is right off the Audi dealership on fleetwood bruh, cost me 200$ for the month, it was fun!....i loved it simply off the fact that i had people to work out with and everyone was so friendly, im going back manana :D

Steezy I know that joint, I live like a couple blocks from there, I see you cross fit guys running outside all the time, I'll give u a shout out if I see u (srs)
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Been putting in some solid work for the past month getting ready for spring. Unfortunately have to get my wisdom teeth out this Friday, which probably means a few days out of the gym and throwing my diet off track. Anyone else been through this?
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