$200 for the month?!
No one day guess pass joint?
I feel like you need to be in decent shape to attempt crossfit, any truth to that? Id like to say im in decent shape, can run a mile in 830-9 minutes. Can lift a decent amount.
i have a strong heart, but thats about it, im not very strong, but is probably because i was a fatty up until my early 20's and got so used to cardio during my weightloss nd not so much lifting....trying to work on my strength this year....the crossfit seems like is design to do that, since is a group you kind of push each other and there is different ways to do the work outs depending on your strenght in order to push yourself for example today, the 6 minute drill was 25 (pushups, oly rings pushups, oly rings dips or regular dips) depending on which you could do, followed by 50 jumpropes, as many sets as you can within 6 minutes, i did 3+10 doing regular pushups....others were able to do the oly dips, which is the highest difficulty level for that drill....you do what you can.....eventually with the right nutrition im sure the stregth will increase.....gotta admit you guys were right, some of the dudes in there had TERRIBLE form, i kept thinking, one of these dudes is gonna snap something....:x
btw google them, i think on weekend mornings they do a free class for those interested in signing up, to get a feel for it.