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For Amino Acids: I only use Braggs Amino Acids. Liquid form

For my shakes

Steel Cut Oats
Almond Milk (unsweetened)
Banana (I freeze them. Cut 1 banana into 3 pieces, freeze. But a bunch in a zip lock bag and into freezer. Keep a lot in there)
Peanut Butter
Milled Flaxseed (Omegas
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For Amino Acids: I only use Braggs Amino Acids. Liquid form

For my shakes

Steel Cut Oats
Almond Milk (unsweetened)
Banana (I freeze them. Cut 1 banana into 3 pieces, freeze. But a bunch in a zip lock bag and into freezer. Keep a lot in there)
Peanut Butter
Milled Flaxseed (Omegas

I looked it up and thought I had the wrong product. I'm curious, how is the taste? Or do you not taste it because of the fruits, milk, etc
Hmm...may try this out. Theres a lot more complicated ideas in there, well not really complex but low carb/high carb day. Maybe ill adjust it to my liking. One big meal a day, 3 protein shakes. Gonna be in the bathroom a lot.

Hmm...may try this out. Theres a lot more complicated ideas in there, well not really complex but low carb/high carb day. Maybe ill adjust it to my liking. One big meal a day, 3 protein shakes. Gonna be in the bathroom a lot. :lol:

This diet looks pretty good... add this plus some heavy creatine and tons of water and the gains might be pretty solid :smokin
Can I work 4 days straight on 3 days off?

My free days are Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I'm trying to work on a 4 day split but don't know if working out 4 days straight is a bad idea. :nerd:
Can I work 4 days straight on 3 days off?

My free days are Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I'm trying to work on a 4 day split but don't know if working out 4 days straight is a bad idea. :nerd:

workout how ever you want, as long as you heal. I`m thinking about going from a 3 day to a 5 day. ith Tue and Thur being leg and Ab day with me doing Dumbbell squats, Leg press, calf raises and ab stuff then cardio , I might just stick to what I`m doing because when I start grad school I planned on scheduling all my classes on Tue and thur since those were my cardio only days.
This diet looks pretty good... add this plus some heavy creatine and tons of water and the gains might be pretty solid
The diet in the IF article or my one meal/3 shakes?

I know the basics of creatine, water in your muscles, makes them look bigger but you arent really stronger right? So its like "fake" gains?
The diet in the IF article or my one meal/3 shakes?

I know the basics of creatine, water in your muscles, makes them look bigger but you arent really stronger right? So its like "fake" gains?

when you first get on creatine and your muscles get saturated it does add strength, not like 50 lbs or something but it givs a nice bump.

and you dont need more than 5g of creatine a day and no need for creatine loading.
This diet looks pretty good... add this plus some heavy creatine and tons of water and the gains might be pretty solid :smokin

The diet in the IF article or my one meal/3 shakes?

I know the basics of creatine, water in your muscles, makes them look bigger but you arent really stronger right? So its like "fake" gains?

water in your muscles yes, but of course you get stronger... the only "fake" gain I can think of would be a surgical implant (true life: I want calves lol)
Anyone use a Fitbit? What do you all use to count calories burned that doesnt cost a bunch ( fuel)

I got the bodybugg v3. Bought it for $80 came with 6 month subscription last year. It's pretty accurate for me. I'm using it again to lose this holiday weight gain.

They have a new version out that costs more but there's still the older ones on ebay.

Bodymedia Fit is the same thing as bodybugg too.
Bodybugg is just owned by 24 hour fitness.

either one of em probably could find less than $100 on ebay

if there's no free 6 month subscription that comes with it its like $8-6 a month.
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fuel band is a nifty watch. at best, it motivates you to do some exercise to get more points. for me, it was worthless cause most of my exercise comes from lifting weights or doing something in the ocean. you don't really get any points from benching or doing squats. can't wear it in the water. kept it for 1 week and sold it.
NT trainers I need you.

I want to add 15 lbs by summer.

1. Is this possible?

2. Is it possible to do in a healthy way, so that I am not gaining in a sloppy fashion?

3. I work full time and go to school full time. I think I want to try a protein shake (No Whey), and a Creatine supplement. Should I do both individually, or find a combination mix?

4. Any suggestions as far as name brands?

Thanks in advance for any advice :smokin

1. 15 lbs of muscle ain't gonna happen in that time my man, if you're looking to just bulk up with fat yea it's possible :lol: or solid muscle if you're on the juice

General rule is 1lb per month with fat so pure muscle mass depends on how how hard you work out/ eating habits

2. Eating at a calorie surplus will make you gain fat period, eating cleanly will definitely help minimize fat gain but I believe it all boils down to personal preference/body type making sure you keep it 250-500 cals over your matinence cals adjusting accordingly

3. If you are new to weights just stick with protein, you'll see gains regardless and when they diminish, after bout a year start creatine which you can take together

4. Any brand will do the job, isolates ain't worth it IMHO concentrates n isolates have around the same biological values and ain't worth the extra $$

I've been rockin that 15 tub from Walmart for a while now :lol: hope this helped
NT trainers I need you.

I want to add 15 lbs by summer.

1. Is this possible?

2. Is it possible to do in a healthy way, so that I am not gaining in a sloppy fashion?

3. I work full time and go to school full time. I think I want to try a protein shake (No Whey), and a Creatine supplement. Should I do both individually, or find a combination mix?

4. Any suggestions as far as name brands?

Thanks in advance for any advice :smokin

1. 15 lbs of muscle ain't gonna happen in that time my man, if you're looking to just bulk up with fat yea it's possible :lol: or solid muscle if you're on the juice

General rule is 1lb per month with fat so pure muscle mass depends on how how hard you work out/ eating habits

2. Eating at a calorie surplus will make you gain fat period, eating cleanly will definitely help minimize fat gain but I believe it all boils down to personal preference/body type making sure you keep it 250-500 cals over your matinence cals adjusting accordingly

3. If you are new to weights just stick with protein, you'll see gains regardless and when they diminish, after bout a year start creatine which you can take together

4. Any brand will do the job, isolates ain't worth it IMHO concentrates n isolates have around the same biological values and ain't worth the extra $$

I've been rockin that 15 tub from Walmart for a while now :lol: hope this helped

Cosign this.

When it comes to bulking, quantity of protein > quality of protein
Legs 305 done for 2 reps. Lowered to 275 and did 2 sets at 6 reps. After i did a cool 40 rep warm up getting up to that weight. My legs feel ok today...its always day two where i start to walk funny and complain about climbing up the steps.

I also just buy Body Fortress at walmart. Its $15 and honestly isn't that bad compared to the more expensive brands.

I also had some food questions for you guys since i am trying to eat better this year get a little more definition all around. I put on 3lbs in 2012 and id like to put on 5lbs in 2013 get me around 185-190 range.

Skim milk? or 1-2%?
What do you snack on? I bring my lunch to work everyday and bring a turkey sandwich lite mayo whole wheat bread. But i need a side. Right now i use a banana and a granola bar but I want a snack....i used to to pretzels or chips but i want to replace that with something healthier any suggestions? and any granola bar suggestions?

I am not a fan of supplements but i might look into a pre work out supplement for weekends when i have time to be at the gym for 2 hours. Are JACK3D and C4 really the best or are there alternatives? I hear good things about Muscle Marinade too
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If you're serious about IF I'd take a look at Martin Berkhan's work on Lean Gains: . It's more in depth and provides some scientific justification for the diet.

Can I work 4 days straight on 3 days off?

My free days are Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I'm trying to work on a 4 day split but don't know if working out 4 days straight is a bad idea. :nerd:
Not ideal, but you should be fine. Make sure your nutrition and sleep is up to par on those days - may be more difficult due to it being the weekend.

The diet in the IF article or my one meal/3 shakes?

I know the basics of creatine, water in your muscles, makes them look bigger but you arent really stronger right? So its like "fake" gains?
Fake gains? Nope. Creatine also increases ATP provision to muscles thus giving them more energy. It doesn't just bloat you up - you'll actually get stronger while taking it. Those gains won't just go away when you cycle off.

Legs 305 done for 2 reps. Lowered to 275 and did 2 sets at 6 reps. After i did a cool 40 rep warm up getting up to that weight. My legs feel ok today...its always day two where i start to walk funny and complain about climbing up the steps.

I also just buy Body Fortress at walmart. Its $15 and honestly isn't that bad compared to the more expensive brands.

I also had some food questions for you guys since i am trying to eat better this year get a little more definition all around. I put on 3lbs in 2012 and id like to put on 5lbs in 2013 get me around 185-190 range.

Skim milk? or 1-2%?
What do you snack on? I bring my lunch to work everyday and bring a turkey sandwich lite mayo whole wheat bread. But i need a side. Right now i use a banana and a granola bar but I want a snack....i used to to pretzels or chips but i want to replace that with something healthier any suggestions? and any granola bar suggestions?

I am not a fan of supplements but i might look into a pre work out supplement for weekends when i have time to be at the gym for 2 hours. Are JACK3D and C4 really the best or are there alternatives? I hear good things about Muscle Marinade too
If you're serious about putting on weight and eating healthy. I'd suggest cooking real food - not just a sandwich. It's more cost-efficient, healthier, and easier to meet macro goals. Obviously, the downside is it is less time efficient.
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