STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I've been upset lately folks. Took some pics last night on my webcam and they looked the same as pics from couple weeks back. And IF has leaned me the **** out which I feel took mass away. I see it most in my arm when held straight and my chest. My chest is flattening out and doesn't look too good. I kind of wanna switch to the high carb diet which is carbs in both meals opposed to just the second.

Cliffs: My strength is through the roof but my visual image is hurting my confidence/motivation at the moment...


Shouldn't you expect that with IF. Dont you eat one time a day, which would mean putting your body into starvation mode and that would cause you body to eat away at your muscles
Question bros...

After I took a shower today and was drying myself, I noticed that when I was drying my stomach and stretched my skin down, I can notice a lumpy texture under my skin....I've always had trouble getting rid of belly fat, but the crossfit and a better diet has me feeling like its going away...I just never noticed this lumpy texture :\ is this normal as you loose belly fat?...or should I set up funeral arrangements?..
Question bros...

After I took a shower today and was drying myself, I noticed that when I was drying my stomach and stretched my skin down, I can notice a lumpy texture under my skin....I've always had trouble getting rid of belly fat, but the crossfit and a better diet has me feeling like its going away...I just never noticed this lumpy texture :\ is this normal as you loose belly fat?...or should I set up funeral arrangements?..

Those are called abdominals, b.
Durden, do you recommend doing 'walk-outs' before going for a max?

You refering to the walk outs that are similar to the inchworms, but only use the upper body?

Max in what?

Sorry I wasn't clear,

I've been told that when one is getting ready to max on say squat/bench, it's best to unrack the weight, hold it for a second or two, then rerack it. After youve done this, wait momentarily, and then unrack the weight and do your rep (I hope that makes sense). I guess the rationale behind this is that it takes away the initial shock that is put on your nervous system when it feels the load for the first time and you can max out easier.
did the stretch and contract, holy crap i am sore, thanks brethren; i feel like i just wrestled club, and won
Wassup with this stretch and contract thing I keep reading about in here?

Yo illiest late pass but ya drake videos on youtube had me dying fam :rofl:

Btw, did you smang any of the broads who made a cameo :nerd:
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Wassup with this stretch and contract thing I keep reading about in here?
Basically just go through the movement slow so you can really feel the squeeze/push. And make sure you go through the entire range of motion.

Tried it today, felt good but its something you really have to get used to doing. Ankle didnt bother me too much but now it does.
Wassup with this stretch and contract thing I keep reading about in here?

Basically just go through the movement slow so you can really feel the squeeze/push. And make sure you go through the entire range of motion.

Tried it today, felt good but its something you really have to get used to doing. Ankle didnt bother me too much but now it does. :lol:

Nice. I think I need to do something like that. I recently was doing bench press and while doing it I was wondering to myself if I was maybe going to fast and not actually using all my muscles.
:\ damb bros ya too optimistic, is not like 6 big lumps :lol:

Is more like a bunch of little lumps....unless genetically I'm engineered to have more abs than the average human, in which case :pimp:
:\ damb bros ya too optimistic, is not like 6 big lumps :lol:

Is more like a bunch of little lumps....unless genetically I'm engineered to have more abs than the average human, in which case :pimp:

i dont know about seeing the little lumps... but I can relate to feeling little lumps/marble feeling when I lose fat. When you grab the fat it feels like a bunch of little lumps or marbles. That's just the fat cells shrinking. Because theyre not big firm fat cells no more and shrinking as you progressively lose weight/fat.. something i learned from
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i dont know about seeing the little lumps... but I can relate to feeling little lumps/marble feeling when I lose fat. When you grab the fat it feels like a bunch of little lumps or marbles. That's just the fat cells shrinking. Because theyre not big firm fat cells no more and shrinking as you progressively lose weight/fat.. something i learned from


:Cues in dog with FEELSGOOFACE gif:
Third week of the new year... third hike.

Did Hellman Park in Whittier, forth and back in 1:38. HRM told me I burned 938 cals during it, feeling great aside from eating **** on the last bit of trail before making our ways back to the parking lot :lol: :smh:

Went to the gym beforehand, what a damb ZOO with Downey being closed for remodeling...I **** ing hate their gym and their patrons, no **** 's given about re racking weights... anyway, went hard. Felt sore during the hike, but feeling great after a needed shower.

Have a great weekend folks!
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Durden, do you recommend doing 'walk-outs' before going for a max?

You refering to the walk outs that are similar to the inchworms, but only use the upper body?

Max in what?

Sorry I wasn't clear,

I've been told that when one is getting ready to max on say squat/bench, it's best to unrack the weight, hold it for a second or two, then rerack it. After youve done this, wait momentarily, and then unrack the weight and do your rep (I hope that makes sense). I guess the rationale behind this is that it takes away the initial shock that is put on your nervous system when it feels the load for the first time and you can max out easier.

oh yeah. its definitely a good idea. it helps "train" the neuromuscular system for the subsequent movement.

i do it pretty often even with non-1rm lifts. if im doing sets of 8-12, ill do a rep or two with the same weight, rerack the weight, rest for a few seconds then go into the set.
Question bros...

After I took a shower today and was drying myself, I noticed that when I was drying my stomach and stretched my skin down, I can notice a lumpy texture under my skin....I've always had trouble getting rid of belly fat, but the crossfit and a better diet has me feeling like its going away...I just never noticed this lumpy texture :\ is this normal as you loose belly fat?...or should I set up funeral arrangements?..
Feeels so good to be back on NT!

Hitting the gym tonight, shoulders and traps with some abdominal work, might get some cardio in (low intensity walk at an incline or some basketball if the courts are not too packed)
damb bros ya too optimistic, is not like 6 big lumps

Is more like a bunch of little lumps....unless genetically I'm engineered to have more abs than the average human, in which case
Everyone has different shapes and sizes when it comes to their abs, just like any other muscle, I wouldn't worry about it.

KILLED my chest today, ended with a little triceps work. FELT GREAT 
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