STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Sorry I wasn't clear,

I've been told that when one is getting ready to max on say squat/bench, it's best to unrack the weight, hold it for a second or two, then rerack it. After youve done this, wait momentarily, and then unrack the weight and do your rep (I hope that makes sense). I guess the rationale behind this is that it takes away the initial shock that is put on your nervous system when it feels the load for the first time and you can max out easier.
I've heard of people doing that. Not sure I really believe the science part. I can see it helping though. I feel like it's one of those things that works for some people but doesn't work for everyone. Try it out and see how it works for you.

Quick breakdown on the 5/3/1 for those of you who were wondering. Basically, the program is Jim Wendler's baby: If you're really interested cop the e-book - there's a lot of inspirational information in there.
The biggest appeal of the program is its simplicity. There's 4 days a week - each day consists of a major compound lift plus whatever assistance work you want to do. For reference, the compounds we're talking about are bench press, squat, standing overhead press (barbell), and deadlifts.

The program works in cycles consisting of 3 or 4 weeks depending on if you want to use the last week as a deload week or not.
The first week your work sets are as follows: 5 reps at 65% of your training max, 5 reps at 75%, and 5+ at 85%.
Second week, you do 3 reps at 70%, 3 reps at 80%, and 3+ at 90%. Final week you do 5 reps at 75%, 3 reps at 85%, and 1+ reps at 95%.
Then assuming you get your reps that week, you bump up your training max by 5 or 10 lbs.
Your training max is 90% of your real max (either an actual 1RM or a calculated 1RM), so the max weight you'll hit in training is around 85% of your "real" max. By training light, you'll be able to keep making progress rather than stalling out every other week. Furthermore, although you are training light, the AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) sets allow you to push yourself at the end of each workout.

The other component of the program is your assistance work, which should theoretically consist of exercises intended to support the main lift you're doing that day. This is where you can work in bodybuilding/hypertrophy work if you like.
I've been using the "Boring But Big" template for this where you do 5 sets of 10 of the same lift at 50-60% of your training max. Then I also throw in some upright rows on bench days, pullups on OHP, and some other stuff.

Definitely take a look at some of the stuff Wendler writing.

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^ Man go to Sam's Club.COstco and buy some chicken breast and some spinich and stop wasting your $$$$ on that basic meal :lol:
did cardio only on Tue and Thur instead of my lift days too. Gonna see Sat how much a diff it makes when i do my weigh in.
Btw today

10 snatches + (5pullups, 10puahups, 15 squats) x 5

Repeat 3 times

12 minutes.

This is pretty much
good to see you sticking with it man. i doubt i could do very well with crossfit. probably last 6 mins.
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good to see you sticking with it man. i doubt i could do very well with crossfit. probably last 6 mins.

I don't know how all the other boxes do it, but mines we have 2 instructors and they pair you up according to your limit, so far I've been paired up with girls :lol: last week I was doing snatches with a 24lbs training bar, today he handed me an actual bar and had two 10lbs plates, the dude is like a drill Sargent but doesn't throw you into the wolves, you start at your own pace and he focuses ALOT on form, which honestly I needed that so bad, surprised I haven't hurt my back really bad in the past even doing DL's...also I'm actually squating the proper way, my dudes I've never felt such pain trying to sit on the toilet to take a ***** :lol:

More than anything is the idea of working out in a group, that's most motivating and fun.
Btw today

10 snatches + (5pullups, 10puahups, 15 squats) x 5

Repeat 3 times

12 minutes.

This is pretty much
I must be ******ed.

10 snatches and all that stuff x 5? So 50 snatches, and you repeat that 3x for 150 snatches?
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I'am going food shopping tomorrow what store has the best deals between the 2  Walmart or sams club?'
For chicken breasts:

Well first I soak it in cold water in the fridge to add to the potential moisture.

Black pepper ALWAYS
Garlic Powder
Sriracha for some Spice (Or Cayenne Pepper)

I really keep it simple man. I always have some sort of capsaicin on there and black pepper.
I Use Garlic Salt, Paprika, Adobo, and Lemon Pepper Ms.Dash
All together?

If so, please stop.

That is a lot of salt with Adobo, Garlic Salt, AND Lemon Pepper (most have salt in them).

Then you use Mrs Dash? Which the point of using that is a Salt free substitute.
I am simply saying that if you are going to use Mrs. Dash and turn around and use another seasoning that has salt is counter productive.
My best friend when it comes to cooking chicken.......

So sore from leg day bros, hurts to walk......FEELS GREAT
Gonna enter a physique competition that's roughly 2 months from now. It's a short time to prepare but I just want to experience it. I got a long way to go over the next 10 weeks. Pic from today

If anyone is interested ill update my progress.
I see no problem with using salt on chicken man. If you drink a lot of water that you should and workout, your just gonna sweat it out
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