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Today's breakfast

Scrambled egg beaters
Turkey bacon
Gluten free almond/flaxseed pancakes

Today's breakfast

Scrambled egg beaters
Turkey bacon
Gluten free almond/flaxseed pancakes

I don't know how you can eat those egg beaters 

I stick with egg whites and one real egg, can't mess with them beaters no more lol but the rest looks 
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I don't know how you can eat those egg beaters :x

I stick with egg whites and one real egg, can't mess with them beaters no more lol but the rest looks :nthat:

Hmm I might get some egg white beaters again and throw in 1 whole egg. I use to use only whites before all soggy n wet eggs.
Hmm I might get some egg white beaters again and throw in 1 whole egg. I use to use only whites before all soggy n wet eggs.
Yeah it makes them taste better in my opinion, throw some hot sauce on them and your set doggy 
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Man what? Haha..He's freaking running
I'm not sure if you guys are serious or not. Judging from his pace, it doesn't look like he runs all that often. Running 26 miles in four consecutive days is overdoing it if he isn't experienced.
I used one regular egg, not avoiding full eggs, I eat full wags all the time, egg beaters are just cheaper by the bulk :lol:
i  am currently 250 pounds looking to drop at least 40 pounds

i have limited my calorie intake to 1200 calories a day. I mainly eat tuna and lots of salmon. I hve not started running yet mainly i do 90 sit ups 90 leg ups 50 pushups and 90 jumping jacks. was wondering if running would make a huge difference. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated
261 today, still lost about 3 lbs by cutting my cardio in half.
I'm still fat as heck but I can see my quads hiding a little under the fat
i  am currently 250 pounds looking to drop at least 40 pounds

i have limited my calorie intake to 1200 calories a day. I mainly eat tuna and lots of salmon. I hve not started running yet mainly i do 90 sit ups 90 leg ups 50 pushups and 90 jumping jacks. was wondering if running would make a huge difference. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated

I started out running for 2 months last year before I even started going to the gym and even then I did nothing but cardio for a couple of months become I touched a single weight.
i  am currently 250 pounds looking to drop at least 40 pounds

i have limited my calorie intake to 1200 calories a day. I mainly eat tuna and lots of salmon. I hve not started running yet mainly i do 90 sit ups 90 leg ups 50 pushups and 90 jumping jacks. was wondering if running would make a huge difference. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated

1200 calories at 250lb? come on brah, thats way too little calories.

eat clean as hell and exercise but dont over do it. you will lose weight as long as your diet is in check! no need to starve yourself
i  am currently 250 pounds looking to drop at least 40 pounds

i have limited my calorie intake to 1200 calories a day. I mainly eat tuna and lots of salmon. I hve not started running yet mainly i do 90 sit ups 90 leg ups 50 pushups and 90 jumping jacks. was wondering if running would make a huge difference. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated
Up your calories bro, your just starving yourself, you will end up losing it too fast and plateau early and get frustrated. I would start at 2,000-2,500 cals and see if you lose weight and adjust accordingly from there. A beginning lifting program will help you also. Check out I would start doing light cardio, maybe 30 mins a day not too high paced and build from there. Just get your diet down, that will be the toughest thing. Good luck 
1200 calories at 250lb? come on brah, thats way too little calories.

eat clean as hell and exercise but dont over do it. you will lose weight as long as your diet is in check! no need to starve yourself

lol body cant even survive off that, I`m cutting at 1800 right now and getting 2-3lbs a week (sometimes more) depending on how crazy I go on my cheat meals, once I get close to 1500 calories as a cut goal Im gonna slow it down to lost a bout 1lb a week but that prob wont happen until I`m like 220 or lower.
3rd day not going to the gym. Just needed a break. mentally havent felt like it. still I havent been going, I've been extremely strict on my food intake. being at a caloric deficit, just being at rest, i was burning more calories, so i've probably lost a pound or two, or four in the last couple days.
i just want to lose 40 pounds fast i didnt know 1200 calorie intake was to low

Don't get impatient bro, don't rush your weight loss, you'll regret it, I've been down that road, the faster you lose it, the faster you gain it and also slow down your metabolism and that is seriously the worst thing you can do....back about 8 years ago I dropped from 200lbs to about 135lbs in 4 months, I looked, felt terrible tbh and worst was I hiked back up to 185lbs within two months once I tried to eat regularly again :x
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