STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

3rd day not going to the gym. Just needed a break. mentally havent felt like it. still I havent been going, I've been extremely strict on my food intake. being at a caloric deficit, just being at rest, i was burning more calories, so i've probably lost a pound or two, or four in the last couple days.

same here bro.

i was going to go yesterday. i got ready and ate my meals and everything... i walked out the door and said you knwo what im gonna go tomorrow wher i feel 100% and **** everything up. I just felt i wasnt 100.. didnt feel good.. but in my mind i wanted to bad..

i feel guilty.. but mine was a 2 day break.

today im gonna go in..
i just want to lose 40 pounds fast i didnt know 1200 calorie intake was to low

only way it will happen fast is if you starve yourself and in losing 40lbs you will cause other harm to your body. Its not smart.

just eat clean and exercise and you will lose weight. DIET IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!
Losing weight fast = No good.

Once you start eating normal your body will pack on weight faster for all the time you deprived it. And you will have a nasty case of Loose Skin AND you`ll sill be fat because your body burned up your muscle.
My diet its out the window this weekend.I'm eating anything. Today is my Born Day so I think I have a good reason :pimp:
What's good Team Fit!

Been a hectic week.

Took Thursday off and got some much needed rest.

Did a light leg day (even though I said I wouldn't touch weights all week, I can't pass up leg day).

Deep squats, lunges, SLDLs, leg curls, calve raises, etc.  The basics.

Going to just rest on up this weekend and enjoy quality time with the family.

Keep making progress fellas
Optimum Nutrition or Iso-100.... best proteins imo. Iso-100 is better though as from what i heard.
Did Shoulders/Traps on the DTP this morning. By far the hardest of the workouts yet. My arms were trembling while trying to put up my last set of Arnold press and I only had 20 pound dumbbells (40 reps). I love it :pimp:
I have pretty much dumped the weights to focus on cardio and sauna

My goal is to hit 190 and then add 5-10 lbs of muscle.

I have lost 8lbs since jan 1 and that with three workouts the first two weeks and four this week.

I'm going to try oxy elite pro next week while working harder on my diet and intensifying my workouts. I feel good so far. I don't see a difference, but I feel one.

Any other suggestions?
Fish Oil and Mutli are for over all general health, everyone should take em regardless of goals.

I was told it helps your joints from being sore. And helps your brain.

Fat loss
Cardio vascular health
Good for your skin also

Any brands you guys recommend for both fish oils & multivitamins?

i recommend Naturemade,

i dont trust any of these Bodybuilding brands with fish oils IMO
Whenever I don't go the gym for a couple days, I try to avoid this thread haha. It's like avoiding your parents as a kid when your teacher called home about you getting in trouble
Btw for my soccer players, what legs exercise do you guys do? I feel like I'm much stronger upper body wise than most players because most just run but don't lift, but my lower body isn't has strong as most. Backwards right? Haha

I need a sick leg workout now that my knee is healed and I can go ham
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