STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

You can get the same thing + an added fiber resource if you take Milled Flaxseed. Without the mercury that comes along with the fish oil.

You can add it to shakes, smoothies, oatmeal, soups. Anything. You get your Omegas
Flax seeds omega-3's are not the same as fish-oil.  Our bodies don't utilize them the same way.  You still need fish oil.  The link below has all the details.

I still love flax seeds, and are better than flax seed oil.  They are a staple in my diet.
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Dinner from last night.

All made on the Foreman grill
Went hard with legs and a 1 mile swim yesterday, but then went a little over on my macros with crispy Fried Rice with chicken, shrimp and mushrooms.. Rest day today - just gonna go for an easy swim and sauna session. Stay Fit, NT!
Finally getting back in the weightroom today..first time since Wednesday. Just needed to mentally recoup, just wasn't in the mood plus I had other more fun stuff to do lol. I watched a bunch of bb videos and motivation joints to get my mind back in the game. So I'm about to hit up chest. Beat the hell out of that and just do what needs to be done.

Artist was telling me sweat is gonna cause more scabs and whatnot. When im done using Aquaphor I should be good to go (2-3 days).

Artist was telling me sweat is gonna cause more scabs and whatnot. When im done using Aquaphor I should be good to go (2-3 days).

ehhh. my artist said you can workout same day, after you've waited that time and taken off the bandage and cleaned it. Far as the sweat causing scabbing...broscience.
I'd put this in a spoiler but idk how.

I def woudnt workout the same day. Thats an open wound you would have, could get infected easily. Not to mention how sore that area might be, I cant even make my arm straight right now since my elbow is so swollen.

Artist was telling me sweat is gonna cause more scabs and whatnot. When im done using Aquaphor I should be good to go (2-3 days).

Had two artist (both respectable) tell me two different things.

Is it small or big?

Mine wasn't that big when the dude told me to just cover it.

The other one however was about two palms put together.
A tattoo is one of my motivations for this. I want a canvas for my sleeve. People tell me you can get tatted up and then beef up and you would just need a touch up at most. I dont buy it. Muscles dont grow at the same rate. No way it wont be distorted.
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