STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

For you guys that take fish oils.. what exactly do they help with?
You can get the same thing + an added fiber resource if you take Milled Flaxseed. Without the mercury that comes along with the fish oil.

You can add it to shakes, smoothies, oatmeal, soups. Anything. You get your Omegas

You can eat good at chipoltle. You could also bring your food with you. Honestly though - nutrient timing doesn't really matter that much as long as you're getting in your macros for the day. You could also have a shake post gym
Groce. Learn to cook.
Please stop it with this! :lol:

You shouldn't be eating CHicken Sandwiches from McDonalds.
Super Sodium
White Bread
And the general idea of you don't know what exactly is in there. Control what you eat. And I would assume you would be doing this normally.

FInd a way, MAKE a way to take your own food.

And yall gotta stop with this Chipotle talk man.
No, I think people underthink it. I don't think there is a such things as overthinking that. Also, people really show how much they don't give a damn about overall health in here. It really bothers me man.
And I don't know about you guys.. but the amount of strippers & other random big booty girls that workout at my gym is crazy!

So much motivation just walking around on the daily lol

If any of y'all are in ATL.. I workout at the LA Fitness in Atlantic Station btw.
What do they do in there? Are they actually working out? Or just walking around looking cute?
About to eat a grapefruit early this morning to start things off.

Am currently making a roasted chicken. In the oven right now.
Seasoned with:
Black Pepper
Soy Sauce
Garlic Powder
Cayenne Pepper

Trying to get this Peruvian Charbroiled chicken taste.

I put some grapefruit slices in the pan as well to give it a little more flavor.
I woudnt mind using a pre-workout, I have a problem more with being mentality dependent on it. "Damn, im only gonna get a good workout if I use C4" etc. Then thats a problem.
Today is an ultimate, legendary & epic cheat day. No F's given. 

Back on the grizz tomorrow. 

Stay lean NT 
I'm thinking of adding P90 or Insanity to my routine...since they're already on my PC connected to the tele. Want to shed more of this BF off. Thoughts on how I can add it to my current lifting/cardio routine? I'd probably do it in the afternoons while maintaining my 5am gym least that's the plan.
DC good knowledge on the Flaxseed, my moms uses it regularly and i've been meaning to start using it myself.

I agree with you 100% on the fast food and not knowing what's in it.

Gonna hit back and bis today, trying to increase my pull up game a lot for dem latz.
I'm thinking of adding P90 or Insanity to my routine...since they're already on my PC connected to the tele. Want to shed more of this BF off. Thoughts on how I can add it to my current lifting/cardio routine? I'd probably do it in the afternoons while maintaining my 5am gym least that's the plan.
If your going to be working out 2x in one day, morning cardio is the way to go then weights late afternoon/night. 
I'm thinking of adding P90 or Insanity to my routine...since they're already on my PC connected to the tele. Want to shed more of this BF off. Thoughts on how I can add it to my current lifting/cardio routine? I'd probably do it in the afternoons while maintaining my 5am gym least that's the plan.

I would life earlier and do the insanity later. I would want you to be at full forcce when lifting. Not to say you can bs through the insanity but you are going to be burining regardless there.
Couldn't even tell you the last time I had McDonald's! At least a year! Back in the gym today after 2 days of rest. Chest and triceps here I come.
yall reccomend some good fitness channels similar to Physiques of Greatness and Hodgetwins, Matt Ogus is kind of wack on the entertainment side

You can get the same thing + an added fiber resource if you take Milled Flaxseed. Without the mercury that comes along with the fish oil.

You can add it to shakes, smoothies, oatmeal, soups. Anything. You get your Omegas

Flaxseed contains phytoestrogens though.

I'm thinking of adding P90 or Insanity to my routine...since they're already on my PC connected to the tele. Want to shed more of this BF off. Thoughts on how I can add it to my current lifting/cardio routine? I'd probably do it in the afternoons while maintaining my 5am gym least that's the plan.
Why not focus on diet? Spend the extra time on food prep.
got absolutely ripped at a club in NYC last night. but today is my day off. feels bat/good man
Flaxseed contains phytoestrogens though.
Damn no wonder my aerolas have been getting larger :smh:

Really though, didn't know that.

But I need to do my own research, but I am open to knowledge man. I am seeing 1 study done though
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Flaxseed contains phytoestrogens though.
Damn no wonder my aerolas have been getting larger :smh:

Really though, didn't know that.

But I need to do my own research, but I am open to knowledge man. I am seeing 1 study done though

Just looked it up.

"A phytoestrogen-rich diet can substantially reduce testosterone levels in male rats in laboratory studies, while possibly having protective benefits against prostate cancer."
post work out nutrient timing does matter though
To what extent though? I feel like the law of diminishing marginal returns applies here (and to a lot of other aspects of fitness and nutrition). That is to say that while timing your nutrition properly will have some positive effect in terms of gains, it's going to be pretty minimal compared to meeting other nutritional requirements i.e. total calories for a day, macros, etc....
Full disclosure, I'm not basing this on anything scientific, so if you have some real evidence, could you post it? I'm curious on this because I've been back and forth. Have there been any studies done quantifying the effects of delaying post work out food/protein intake that you could post?

It has a pretty large affect actually. The cortisol produced by the body during exercise breaks down tissues, and without some sort of post exercise nutrition the body stays in that catabolic state limiting protein and glycogen synthesis. Consuming the right foods/liquids stimulates the release of insulin, blocking cortisol release.

Im not saying that its the most important aspect of exercise/nutrition, but it certainly does have an effect on muscle growth and tissue repair. It plays a large role in recovery. From a macro perspective of nutrition, there are more important factors in terms of health status, weight loss/gain, etc. but it terms of exercise and nutrition, it is important.

The workout the next day wont be as good as it can be if post workout nutrition is delayed significantly. Im not saying that food/liquids need to be consumed immediately after the last set, but there definitely is a window where anything past that gives you actual diminishing returns.

Oh yeah, theres been a bunch of studies looking at the effects of post workout nutrition and exercise. Let me look through the studies ive got saved on my computer and see what Ive got.
Just looked it up.

"A phytoestrogen-rich diet can substantially reduce testosterone levels in male rats in laboratory studies, while possibly having protective benefits against prostate cancer."
Yea but I have also heard that Flax can help prevent it. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Thanks for bringing this to my attention Timalamb. :smh:
Yesterday was my birthday outing and dinner....let's just say "it's only 1 night." Was used against me a lot and enough to manipulate me to go soooop far off my diet and just do too much. Feeling like **** this morning. :/

Never listen to people who say "it's only 1 night."


It happens dude! Just gotta work a little bit harder to make up for it!
What do they do in there? Are they actually working out? Or just walking around looking cute?

A little of both. Sometimes they're in the gym actually going hard..
Sometimes they come in with a little makeup on & hair freshly curled looking for attention lol

It's like the red carpet in my gym sometimes smh
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