STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I do on occasion. If you're trying it for the first time, I'd recommend starting light to get the feel and motion down, as it can be awkward and unorthodox.

From watching videos on youtube looks awkward trying to rack/unrack the weight. I usually just start with the bar whenever i try a new lift anyways. Would you say you get a better workout from it compared to incline?
Anyone have a set routine for getting back into the groove? Going for a lean look. Weigh about 205
Krispy Kreme >>>>> Dunkin' Donuts
both overrated af. if y'all ever in NJ, check out Glazed.

got hype beasts in jersey city lining up for them when they had a spot in paterson years ago, cats were afraid to go to the hood lol
From watching videos on youtube looks awkward trying to rack/unrack the weight. I usually just start with the bar whenever i try a new lift anyways. Would you say you get a better workout from it compared to incline?

I prefer barbell incline, but still incorporate reverse grip from time to time. From a liftoff / racking perspective, I found that it helps if you lie further back on the bench, or have someone assist with the liftoff.
Crushed chest and tris. Was doing cable crossovers and this old head was on one of the rowing machines to my right. Every row he and the machine kept sliding farther and farther away from the wall. I was dying man ended up in the middle of the gym and was lookin around like wtf how i end up out here. :lol:
I don't know if I'm on forever bulking but I've stayed at 185 forever now without trying and just eating whatever. I've got up to 195 but **** that. :lol: I'm 5'7" and that's just too heavy for me.
Has anyone ever taken the Hydroxycut gummies if there any good? I've got some stubborn fat that I'm trying to get rid off. 
After a LOOONG gym layoff, I officially started back up today with macro tracking and all. Started Kizen Training program by Bart Kwan, Omar Isuf, and Silent Milke. Anyone else heard of or used that program before?
After a LOOONG gym layoff, I officially started back up today with macro tracking and all. Started Kizen Training program by Bart Kwan, Omar Isuf, and Silent Milke. Anyone else heard of or used that program before?
heard of it as I'm a big JK films and Barbell Brigade fan. Good luck and train hard!!!
I haven't used an actual preworkout in so long. Ive always had a hot coffee before all my workouts.

But today was a different story. I used a 1 serving pouch of 1MR on an empty stomach because I just woke up and it got me GOING. I didnt think anything of it at first because I was so focused on getting to the gym. Once I got there it hit me like a ton of bricks. Made me feel so nauseous I only did squats and some tricep pulls downs then left. All within an hr. Anyone ever felt like this?
I don't know if I'm on forever bulking but I've stayed at 185 forever now without trying and just eating whatever. I've got up to 195 but **** that.
I'm 5'7" and that's just too heavy for me.
Try being 260 
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Anyone want to help ya boy out with some routines to get started with for the gym? I recently started keto myself and I'm on the 50-70 g of carbs a day as well. Just looking to get back to that lean look

God bless your souls. 50-70 a DAY.......I legit would hurt someone. How is that even posssssible?! haha not hating just shocked!

Went in for chest and tris today. Got so lost in chest didn't have time for anything else so I left, got some meals in and now gearing up to go back for tris, abs, cardio.

Anyone ever done that before? Split a workout into two?
I haven't used an actual preworkout in so long. Ive always had a hot coffee before all my workouts.

But today was a different story. I used a 1 serving pouch of 1MR on an empty stomach because I just woke up and it got me GOING. I didnt think anything of it at first because I was so focused on getting to the gym. Once I got there it hit me like a ton of bricks. Made me feel so nauseous I only did squats and some tricep pulls downs then left. All within an hr. Anyone ever felt like this?

I take 1MR on days I don't do coffee.....I actually took it today after a pot of coffee and got a decent rush lol. I had kinda this same feeling today, but you just push it down and power through. I took the orphan when it first came out and it was pretty good.

Cutting carbs that low really isn't bad. 30 grams is harder lol, but 50-70 seems ok. You can eat bacon, eggs, beef,'s awesome
I take 1MR on days I don't do coffee.....I actually took it today after a pot of coffee and got a decent rush lol. I had kinda this same feeling today, but you just push it down and power through. I took the orphan when it first came out and it was pretty good.

Cutting carbs that low really isn't bad. 30 grams is harder lol, but 50-70 seems ok. You can eat bacon, eggs, beef,'s awesome
yeah my main priority today was squats with a goal of 225x4x4 since I was on an empty stomach. I actually pulled through with that and added 2RM of 245. I wanted to hit chest afterwards but I couldn't push myself hard enough.
Hit a soundview on bench tonight. 295 for one rep. It went up mad easy so I got greedy and tried two but couldn't lock it out. Man I'm so weary about cutting I've been hitting mad soundviews since this bulk I don't wanna go backwards :lol:
Hit a soundview on bench tonight. 295 for one rep. It went up mad easy so I got greedy and tried two but couldn't lock it out. Man I'm so weary about cutting I've been hitting mad soundviews since this bulk I don't wanna go backwards :lol:

My man! :pimp:

All that milk :pimp:
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I haven't used an actual preworkout in so long. Ive always had a hot coffee before all my workouts.

But today was a different story. I used a 1 serving pouch of 1MR on an empty stomach because I just woke up and it got me GOING. I didnt think anything of it at first because I was so focused on getting to the gym. Once I got there it hit me like a ton of bricks. Made me feel so nauseous I only did squats and some tricep pulls downs then left. All within an hr. Anyone ever felt like this?

I've definitely had that feeling, especially with 1MR. I used to take 2 scoops a day easy, but they reformulated it a year or so ago and I couldn't do more than a half scoop without feeling sick (I'm on my second tub of The Curse now and love it). The worst is DLing/squatting on a overfull or empty stomach and you get that cracked out feeling. I've had to go into the bathroom and pull the trigger a few times between sets over the years because my stomach was in knots and I didn't want to puke on the power rack :lol:

As a rule for taking pre workout, I try to eat AT LEAST an hour before I take it and drink half 15-20 minutes before hitting the weights and finish it during the first half of my workout (mixed with a little creatine and occasionally BCAAs).

Speaking of soundviews, I hit 2 ATG squats at 315 the other day, first time ever trying that weight. Felt good so I rushed into 335 and got stuck at the bottom. I'm hitting squats/DLs again tomorrow but I'm thinking it'll be more of a volume day at 70-80% max.
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I don't know if I'm on forever bulking but I've stayed at 185 forever now without trying and just eating whatever. I've got up to 195 but **** that. :lol: I'm 5'7" and that's just too heavy for me.

Try being 260 :lol:

Man I thought I wanted to get to 200 and I didn't even like that. :lol: I just felt too heavy to be comfortable. I'm just gonna maintain this and max out my strength.

I also never weighed more than 140 in my life until I started lifting. Not used to it.
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One thing i dislike about the change in weight and body type is that certain clothes dont fit me anymore. I find stuff and be like oh **** i havent seen/worn this in a minute. I put it on and be like damn i dont remember it fitting this tight lol
I've lost 7 lbs since my injury and miserable. From 189 to 182lbs. I'm glad I'm back at the gym even though I'm just doing balancing exercises and light weight reps at a set position that doesn't irritate my spine.
Dude came up to me today and says hey are you cutting. Right in the gut.
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