STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


You need to sit back and keep a neutral spine.


Also, it seems like you have a slight jerk in your movement before pulling the weight. That's wasting energy.
Anyone care to critique my DL form? my prior max was 245 and i could never get higher because my grip kept slipping. well finally tried a mixed grip and worked up to 335 x 2.

Also heres a clip of me on the flat bench last night. has nothing on some of the numbers i see put up in this thread but theres nothing more satisfying than seeing yourself progress. just a few weeks ago i struggled to get 225 up 2 times.

Hit 245 for 3 reps after this too, thats my new sound view.

Drop your hips a little more and keep your shoulders back bro. Note how when you go to pull you go from no weight to all that pull at once. Try to get tension on the pull prior to lifting, keep your shoulders back, then pull. How tall are you btw?
I saw it and it's cringeworthy as usual. Feel bad but at the same time shows them quarter rep ppl
Dude must have been in shock because he didn't make any noise. I would have been screaming bloody murder
Shoulders/legs. Tried out front squats today. Felt ok. Recorded the last 2 sets gonna upload them a lil later so yall can give me some feedback. Completely forgot to try that "strip the rack" ohp variation @suavament3 posted until the very end. Did 3 sets at the end.


Tried a lil narrower grip on the last and decided to record it to see how my form looked...tell me why as soon as im like 2 reps in this old guy decides to go in the corner where my phone is set up and workout right infront of the camera :smh:

Front squats

Db shoulder press 70x10x3
Sir charles raises- 15x8x4
Db lateral- 25x10x3
Db front raises- 22.5x10x3
Face pulls- 55x10x4
Leg press- 500x12x3
Calf raises- 500x25x4
Leg extension- 140x10x3
Hamstring curl-150x10x3
"Strip the rack"- barx10 95x5 135x5x2
Anyone care to critique my DL form? my prior max was 245 and i could never get higher because my grip kept slipping. well finally tried a mixed grip and worked up to 335 x 2.

Also heres a clip of me on the flat bench last night. has nothing on some of the numbers i see put up in this thread but theres nothing more satisfying than seeing yourself progress. just a few weeks ago i struggled to get 225 up 2 times.
Def need to keep your back straight start off lighter until you get that form down. once you get it down though it'll be easy money from there.
Did a workout today involving isometrics and then did arms to finish up.

So I'm doing my thing and see these 2 kids walk over to the power rack that I've never seen before. Looked like 15 at the oldest. I'm like damn no supervision I hope they don't hurt themselves.

They set the bar up for back squats. Just the bar.... form was good...hmmm not bad

...Excellent form

225 for 2 sets...

He then does some DLs all the way up to 315 CLEAN

I had to go up and ask how old he was. He said 17. One of those 17 year olds that look alot younger vs them that look older. I told lil dude his form is 10x better than most ppl in this gym and to keep up the good work 
ahat ahat those look good bro.

Just hit a 50 pound pr on my dl. :lol: wtf and broke into the 1k club total is 1035 now.

455x1 (soundview)
475x1 (super soundview)

Then did 5x5 185 into 175 pounds of bands.

Did other back stuff like croc rows and what not and tried the elbow fix calibeebee calibeebee mentioned.
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Oh yeah, I'm 20 pounds away now. I'm gonna go for 500 in a few weeks once I'm smoking 455 I'll give er hell.

Those bands work wonders on locking weight out you'd normally not get. That momentum is half the battle.
When soundview gets soundviewed smh. I'm at about 475 too.

ahat ahat those look good bro.

Just hit a 50 pound pr on my dl. :lol: wtf and broke into the 1k club total is 1035 now.

455x1 (soundview)
475x1 (super soundview)

Then did 5x5 185 into 175 pounds of bands.

Did other back stuff like croc rows and what not and tried the elbow fix calibeebee calibeebee mentioned.

when soundview gets soundviewed
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I've been getting elbow pain lately and in my forearm too from what I think is deadlifting. Once it got heavy I notice it the day after.

Y'all got any suggestions besides straps?

Most likely has to do with forearm, either strain or overuse. Your grip might have slipped ever so slightly during deads and that caused some damage to the area. I recommend doing some self myofascial rehab with a lacrosse ball on forearm as well as bicep/tricep region.
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Anyone care to critique my DL form? my prior max was 245 and i could never get higher because my grip kept slipping. well finally tried a mixed grip and worked up to 335 x 2.
I would definitely drop your hips a little and pick your chest up. Keep your core braced. If you watch your video, your torso is almost parallel to the ground and your T-spine is in a state of flexion at the same time. That drastically increases the amount of load your lumbar spine takes coupled with the flexion that endangers your vertebral discs. You don't want to turn it into a squat, but you also want your glutes and hams to take the brunt. Keeping your chin tucked is safer on the cervical spine also (aka don't look up).

For reference:

With less arch:

Youtube Mark Rippletoe teaching the deadlift for a great demonstration.
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ahat ahat :pimp: :pimp:

Had a good chest day today. Slowly Getting my strength back up on this spring break. It's my bday today so I'm sure I'm gonna be crushing some dank food tonight. Hopefully it's #gain friendly hahaha
ahat ahat :pimp: :pimp:

Had a good chest day today. Slowly Getting my strength back up on this spring break. It's my bday today so I'm sure I'm gonna be crushing some dank food tonight. Hopefully it's #gain friendly hahaha

Thanks fam. Happy bday! :pimp: :pimp:

Had the opposite of you today lol. ****** chest day. Everything felt heavy and moved slow. Was planning on working up to 265x3 and do 5sets of 3 but couldnt do either of em :smh:.


Close grip

Db bench 70x10x3
Db incline 70x10x3
Skull crushers 95x10x3
Weighted dips 35x10 45x10 45x6
Cable cross overs 35x10x3
Cable crossover (low to high) 30x10x3
Rope pulldown 75x10x3

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